
this is my 2nd post ever- and no one responded on another board so i figured i'd try some opinions hee!

i hate not knowing exactly how many calories im eating! ive been going out to eat a lot less- which is good, and i weigh everything i eat or pack each day- so i know exactly how much im ingesting.

when i do go out to eat, i do as much research as possible- but for the places without nutrition info listed, i always fear that im over/underestimating things. i hate guessing!

im having sushi tonight- and i know which rolls are the healthiest. this new place im trying has such awesome sounding rolls- so im alloting for more calories than usual- but its still just a guess! for example, im having an 8-pc "King Kong Roll"- King crab meat, eel, cucumber, shrimp tempura, & sushi rice wrapped in soy paper. Im estimating an 8pc- shrimp tempura roll, since thats the worst it could be(this roll will obvious have less shrimp tempura than a normal shrimp temura roll)- but again- its all just a guess!

what do u all do about "guesstimating"?


  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I look at a lot of different entries of the same (or as close as I can get) food and tend to use the number that comes up repeatedly. If there are drastic differences in calorie estimations, I tend to choose a higher one because that seems safer than underestimating how many calories I am consuming. I also try to add in some extra cardio on days that I do some serious guesstimating to make up for any hidden calories. Hope this helps!
  • KateB1982
    KateB1982 Posts: 107 Member
    For the most part, I try and come on here and search the food (or a similar item) in the food database so that I have a good idea of the caloric value. Otherwise, I search ingredients separately and add them up. BUT, there are times when I simply have to guess, for instance, if we go out for dinner...but I find if I plan ahead and make most of my food, so that I know exactly what is in it, the job is MUCH easier.

    EDIT: Sorry if this is vague and not much help! :)
  • beccab76
    A tip: A friend showed me this just a few minutes ago (I'm new to myfitnesspal). Go to Recipes and then click on Add a Recipe. You can add all the ingredients of your sushi there and it will pull up how many calories are in each item. Then you can save it and next time you log your food in the diary, you can click on the recipes tap and your sushi will be listed. Just checkmark the box and click "add checked" and it will be logged. I would stray away from guesstimating because it might go against you instead of for you! Good luck!
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    I try to overestimate if I'm eating something I won't be able to find the nutritional value on. Otherwise, like becca mentioned above, I look up each ingredient of what I'm eating and add up the cals that way.