C25k panic!!

I've just done week five run two and it was tough-really don't feel ready for run three-the twenty min run seems huuuge!!!!Anyone doing/done this and got any tips or advice-I'm thinking of repeating this weeks run once more before I move onto the big one!!any thoughts?thanks!!x


  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    If you really feel you need to repeat a run to gain more confidence to move on, by all means, do it. Thing is, you can and WILL surprise yourself doing the 20 min run. Only you know how you REALLY felt during your last run.
  • emmalouise1980
    emmalouise1980 Posts: 14 Member
    If you really feel you need to repeat a run to gain more confidence to move on, by all means, do it. Thing is, you can and WILL surprise yourself doing the 20 min run. Only you know how you REALLY felt during your last run.
  • BostonBee
    I finished c25k last October, and W5D3 is definitely the biggest jump in the program. I really made sure to pace myself and ran a lot slower than I usually did. I think it took 2 or 3 tries, but I was able to get through it at that slow pace. Then I did it again, knowing I could run for 20 minutes straight, at my normal pace before moving on to Week 6. Just make sure you go into it with a positive attitude. If you think you can't do it, then you won't. Put on a good play list, don't think about it, and keep moving your legs. Good luck!
  • emmalouise1980
    emmalouise1980 Posts: 14 Member
    Think I just messed up my reply- note to self,typing on iPod not good!thanks,the annoying thing is it's my legs that want me to stop not the rest of me!!!so frustrating!but like you say,it's surprising-I've gone from a literal couch potato to being able (just!!) to run for 8 mins!!
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    Your instinct is correct. When I was doing a similar program I repeated weeks three separate times, and I found a HUGE improvement in my ability in the second week.

    It's not a race. Well, not till you actually enter a 5k, it isn't! :D The goal is to keep you comfortable with your running so that you don't start avoiding it, while at the same time continuing to build your stamina.

    Repeat the week. You'll be astonished at how much easier it is this week than last, and you'll be ready for next week.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    C25k is just a guideline to help you get there. I have only gotten to week 2, in 5 weeks of trying. I just can't proceed any faster than that. You can always repeat weeks, or days to get you to the point you can do it! My running friends said that it's a great program as long as you do it at YOUR speed!
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with repeating the same week over until you feel comfortable moving on! In fact, I highly recommend it.
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    Also, I know what you mean about the body being willing but the legs lagging behind.

    Your legs are still building the muscle they need. That's why I say take the extra week. I had the EXACT same thing--I felt, cardio-wise, that I could keep going, but my legs were just getting rubbery-er and rubbery-er as I went along.

    So! Give yourself and your legs the extra week to build up and adjust.

    My humble opinion.
  • emmalouise1980
    emmalouise1980 Posts: 14 Member
    Also, I know what you mean about the body being willing but the legs lagging behind.

    Your legs are still building the muscle they need. That's why I say take the extra week. I had the EXACT same thing--I felt, cardio-wise, that I could keep going, but my legs were just getting rubbery-er and rubbery-er as I went along.

    So! Give yourself and your legs the extra week to build up and adjust.

    My humble opinion.
  • emmalouise1980
    emmalouise1980 Posts: 14 Member
    Very valuable opinion,thank you!x
  • christinekojack
    christinekojack Posts: 96 Member
    I have just started to C25K,, i'm on W2D1,,, and like you i find that my mind and body are willing but my legs let me down!! Like someone just said,, it's gonna take time for my legs to build up the strangth required to complete this programme,,, but i fully intend to repeat weeks if i feel the need!! Can i ask,, do you run every day,, i have been so far and am wondering if i'm pushing myself too hard?? I am really enjoying it though!!!
  • ingies2011
    ingies2011 Posts: 127 Member
    I have finished c25k about 2 weeks ago and was also very scared off the dreaded 20 minute run/jog. I had never run in my life, never as a child, would always get stitch and feel winded really quick. I have always been fairly fit though, I go hiking and walk up really steep hills here in New Zealand and had also completed the 30 DS, and have a crosstrainer I used to work out on.
    Anyway, my 1st attempt at w5d3 I didn't complete it and it turned out to be 2 lots of 10 min runs, the next time I tried it though I went slower then I usually would and did it, I was so proud of myself I kept telling everyone I saw all day, lol.

    You will be suprised when you actually do it, just go slow, all the work you have already done has prepared you for this.

    I have timed myself on a 5k and did it in 26min and 15sec, am doing an official one this Tues, everytime I go out and run I still feel like it is a big effort though, it hasn't gotten easy, my next try is a long run to build up endurance, most I have done so far is 36 min, and that as 6.5km.

    Just keep going, you can do it.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    the 20 min run is not so bad. Put yourself on a treadmill on 4 mph and it will be a breeze
  • onawhymm
    onawhymm Posts: 469 Member
    I completed the program but soooooo remember dreading that first 20 minute run. Fact is - it's a psych-out - head game and you can totally do it you just have to wrap your head around it. But if you feel you are not ready - do run 5/1 a couple of times until you want to go out and GRAB it!!! Trust me - you CAN do it and you will feel awesome afterwards - it's a mind F.... Good luck!!!!
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    My mantra when I do anything challenging is, 'I can doing anything for X amount of minutes'.......Keep it slow, pay attention to your breathing and your form. You'll be surprised at what you can do when you approach it with a positive mindset. I'm running for 45 minutes at a time now and I just finished the c25k a few weeks ago, and I had never ran in my life before I started the program. I'm preparing to run my first race March 10th!! I'm so excited.....You can do anything you tell yourself you can do....go for it! :flowerforyou:
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    I completed C25K last year and have continued to run three days a week 3-4 miles each time. I was commenting to my b/f last week about how it seemed like just yesterday I was dreading the 20 minute run telling myself that I would NEVER be able to do that. Now I am running for 45-50 minutes straight!
    Yes, it was daunting at first. Yes I too had to repeat that dreaded week (and a couple of the runs in the follow weeks also) but the feeling I got the first time I completed the 3.1 miles was something I had never experienced before. It is sooooo worth it!
    I was having trouble with my body responding to my mind too until I realized that I was probably dehydrated and running on empty!
    I started eating a tablespoon of peanut butter and a glass of water 10 minute before I headed out the door and BAM! What a difference that made!
    Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • jmaffett
    I've done the C25K and yes, that run is a killer but as others said, you can absolutely repeat weeks multiple times until you are there.

    BUT I want to throw in another option here. I quit running after doing the C25K and am now getting back into it. I am now running with a women's group and there are trainers/coaches that run with us. This week was week 2 of my program and I have NOT RUN in FOUR YEARS ... but I ran for a total of 20 minutes out of 30 minutes. But I ran REALLY slow ... like 4.3 mph. When I did the C25K I did most of it on a treadmill and I ran 5 mph because I thought that was easier. But slower is definitely easier.:happy:

    So my lesson (for me and for whoever else) is to give a much slower run a chance and maybe that will help you through Day 3.

    Good luck and you CAN do this!
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    dont be scared, you will surprise yourself!! youll be fine if you stuck to the schedule so far!
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I honestly wasn't sure if I could do that long run in week 5 until I did it and I actually surprised myself.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    When I did C25k I repeated week 5 also...and then never got to finish the program because I had to take a hiatus from running due to constant headaches. That said, I never got to the 20 minutes. I am ready to take on running again when the weather gets warmer! Right now I am doing other cardio endurance stuff indoors as well as strength training which I think will REALLY help!