Yummy Doritos

I love Doritos and I'm having a daily struggle with them! I end up eating way to much! I just had a huge craving for them and I ate 9 pistachios (all I had left) and a light string cheese and it worked! Craving cured! Anyone else have healthy quick fixes for their bad cravings?


  • eventermal
    I just had a craving for Doritos and...I ate Doritos. HA! It was only a 100 calorie bag, so I dont feel too guilty.
  • VCanadapt
    VCanadapt Posts: 142 Member
    I had a craving for Doritos yesterday and I grabbed the baked (snack size). Same taste to me 90 calories:love:
  • LaurenMichelle004
    LaurenMichelle004 Posts: 80 Member
    Yeah, depends what it is... not that this is good, but I crave something sweet every night after dinner, so I let myself have some ice cream, etc. but I make sure to measure it and only take 1 serving (well, most of the time). Otherwise, I would be headed for trouble (a.k.a. binge!) if I didn't do that.

    Maybe you can pre-portion them when you get home from the store into 1-serving bags? Certain things I either have to do that or no possible way I could have in the house (honey mustard and onion pretzel pieces... I can polish off an entire bag sooo easily!)
  • lemonjune
    lemonjune Posts: 37 Member
    If I'm craving something really, REALLY badly, I'll try and find 100 calorie packs of that food or something similar. I also always keep a huge stash of gum around the house in various flavours so I can mix it up, this is big if I'm craving foods but I'm not actually hungry. If I am hungry, I'll try and eat something similar. If I'm craving salty foods I'll have a few crackers. If I'm craving sweet foods, I'll have some fruit or a fruit to go bar. And, if I've been REALLY good, or I've worked out a lot that day/week, or even just I truly feel like I deserve it, I might just indulge and let myself have what I want. :3
  • Pifflesmom
    Pifflesmom Posts: 134 Member
    Doritos are the bain of my existence...it's daily struggle to avoid their cheesy temptation! I've been trying different 'healthier version type snacks' and for the most part, they've been doing the trick, but I have to admit that every once in awhile, I break down and buy a bag. I eat what I want and the rest immediately goes into the garbage. Then I get back on track!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    i dont i just eat my bad cravings...according to serving size