weight loss help

bmorenga Posts: 1
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone i'm new to this site. I haven't been able to post a pic yet but will get to that later today. My question is if i'm 5ft 11in weighing in at 245, 25 male, will I lose weight eating average of about 1200 - 1400 calories a day. I don't have a gym membership so my workout consists of push ups, sit ups, squats and dumbell curls. I try to run but my anlke wont allow me. I dislocated my big toe a month ago and for some reason now when I try to run it hurts my ankle. But i did just get a bike and I will start riding tomorrow morning and every morning after that for cardio. I was just wandering since i'm so big but eat so little will I still lose weight or will my body go into starvation mode and start burning more calories and store more fat. I use to eat about once a day sometimes twice but I was eating the wrong things, and snacking throughout the day. Now I'm eating three healthy meals a day and healthy snacks in between meals. According to the info i received online, a person of my weight height and age has an average bmr of 2900 - 3100 and if i intake half or less than half of that my body will go into starvation mode, but i just dont be hungry and when I try to force myself to eat more, I feel bad because im trying to loose weight and i'm eating when i'm not hungry. Thanx for the help in advance

Oh, I also use to drink alot, about two 24oz cans of beer a day and hard liquor whenever available but i know drink in moderation, about 2 - 3 240z cans of beer a week.


  • chickylet
    chickylet Posts: 76
    I'm just learning about this myself but you need to eat if you are going to be working out. You will find that if you start logging what you are eating, you will see results because you are more aware of what you are putting in your mouth. Beer is just empty calories. Drink lots of water, at least 8 glasses a day. I am 36 yrs old and 5 ft 7in and weigh 141 lbs. I am doing an intense workout, P90X and my calories allowed for one day is over 2000. If you lose weight by eating so few calories, you will just gain the weight back. I wish you luck, and guys usually have an easier time losing weight than we do. Keep us posted on how it goes.:smile:
  • clumsypam
    clumsypam Posts: 3 Member
    I'm pretty new at this too. When I got an exercise bike and starting using it everyday, I felt really tired and grumpy because I wasn't eating enough and then adding exercise on top of that. Once I started eating more, I felt a lot better, especially since I started eating more fruits and vegetables. When you start using your bike, it's probably going to be rough and make you feel really tired at first (I was even getting bad headaches) - you should definitely eat more and let your body get used to the exercise. I've been using my bike for three weeks and eating better. I feel so much better and have more energy because of it. I wish you luck in all that you do. You can do it. :)
  • chickylet
    chickylet Posts: 76
    I'm pretty new at this too. When I got an exercise bike and starting using it everyday, I felt really tired and grumpy because I wasn't eating enough and then adding exercise on top of that. Once I started eating more, I felt a lot better, especially since I started eating more fruits and vegetables. When you start using your bike, it's probably going to be rough and make you feel really tired at first (I was even getting bad headaches) - you should definitely eat more and let your body get used to the exercise. I've been using my bike for three weeks and eating better. I feel so much better and have more energy because of it. I wish you luck in all that you do. You can do it. :)

    The headaches were probably because you weren't drinking enough water. Water is very important. If you are going to be working out hard, you should also have a recovery drink. It will help you to feel better and also help your muscles repair themselves. I also wanted to mention that you should also get a heart monitor, one with a chest strap. It will help you know how many calories you have burned.
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