What to eat ..... Help

Help ... Here is it , well it's been about a week now that I have been eating better and I feel I am hitting a wall. I mean how much Yoplait light can you eat. And I am sick of Chicken Vegetable Soup, and baked Chicken.... Ugh...
What are you eating. I need to have recipes and a pre made plan.
So here I am turning to all of you that have been here for a while and have had success. I want to keep going and not do what I always do .... Fizzle Out!


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I hear ya! Gotta keep mixing things up, or else you're never going to make it!

    Try marinating your chicken for more variety of flavors. Do pork chops, they are another lean white meat. They do well in marinade too. Look for lower sugar marinades, but there are bunches of flavors out there. Experiment to find the ones you like. Open your eating horizons, try a new vegetable each week! You never know what you may like in the long run. Google recipes.
    Salads! You can do many great things with salads. We often do a salad with fruit on it, with some simple baked chicken. I'm partial to putting on mandarin oranges, pineapple, dried cranberries, walnuts and any fresh berries I can find with the chicken.. Chicken salad salad, as in make up a chicken salad (light on the mayo and light mayo!) and throw it on a salad. We do taco salad frequently. We found a great, all natural salsa. Make up taco meat with a flavor packet and use ground turkey breast. Add everything you like on a taco to the salad. We even top it off with FF sour cream and guacamole. Stir-fry is great too. Buy one of the frozen vegetable stir-fry packages and add your own meat.
    Hope this helps!
  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    I eat a VERY varied diet, my hubby revolts if i feed him the same thing all the time! there's a spinach artichoke chiken at readyseteat.com (they are awesome, they have the full nutrition info for EVERY recipe), i like to add red pepper flakes and garlic to most of the recipes i try from anywhere because i like tons of flavor without adding calories. I still eat red meat too, i just do small portions and keep to lean cuts like sirloin. So far this week i've had French Dips, Beef and Broccoli stir fry, Pizza and Burgers (tonight we're doing oven "fried" chicken breasts) the key is portion control and exercise, i usually take my calorie goal from 1420 to around 1900-2000 with exercise so i have more food options. I LOVE taking chicken breasts and broiling them and putting them with 1 cup or so of stir fried veggies and 1/4-1/2 cup brown rice with 2Tbsp. Teriyaki sauce, i can eat a big bowl for around 400 calories! (FYI.. i have averaged 1.5 lbs lost per week doing this, which is right on for my goals!) feel free to check out my diary (this week wasn't as good as usual, so check back further for more ideas) and feel free to ask for any of the recipes!
  • Have you tried any of the meal planners out there to help you out? They can be really helpful and some of them will even give you the shopping list to go with it! Send me a message if you want some extra help!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Check out the thread that had people here post pics of their food....you'd be amazed at the creative and delicious things folks are making!
  • I eat 5 to 6 times a day,I have any kind of protein with every meal or snack,u dont have to just eat chicken,eat fish,beans,steak,ground turkey,tuna,egg whites,lean pork,its all protein and it all burns fat,just make sure u only eat 2 to 4 ounces at a time. its works for me,the last time i did this I lost 30 lbs in 6 weeks. good luck
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Help ... Here is it , well it's been about a week now that I have been eating better and I feel I am hitting a wall. I mean how much Yoplait light can you eat. And I am sick of Chicken Vegetable Soup, and baked Chicken.... Ugh...
    What are you eating. I need to have recipes and a pre made plan.
    So here I am turning to all of you that have been here for a while and have had success. I want to keep going and not do what I always do .... Fizzle Out!

    The only way to fail at dieting is to start. You can still eat everything you love just eat in smaller moderation. Eat whole natural foods and stay away from processed foods. Other than that just eat less and more often
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I eat eggs for breakfast, along with yogurt and fruit, peanut butter on toast is great also. Lunch is usually a protein shake and fruit or a pb sandwich, snack on almonds. Dinner I try to mix it up every night for the man: usually consists of chicken, salmon or ground turkey, different vegetables and rice/potatoes (but I usually only eat a bite or two of starchy carbs). I'm only 23, and SO used to eating my mother's cooking so I have made it a fun to search and try out new recipes.

    The piece of advice I give to you is stick with it. As a psychology nerd, I learned in one of my classes that it takes 2 weeks for a body to get used to eating certain types of foods. If you eat fried and processed foods all the time, that is what your body will crave. But IF YOU STICK WITH IT, soon your body will start to crave these healthy foods and will find the other ones gross.

    Overall, I don't let myself be deprived. I let myself have a bad meal or two on the weekends. Sometimes I'll have a handful of candy. I think the little things like that help me stay focused and eat healthy most of the time. I'm trying to make it a healthy lifestyle change, not just a "diet."
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I'm only counting calories so I eat hot italian sausage with olive oil noodles, pork loin with sweet potatoes (1 tbls of cinnamon sugar butter and a Tbls of honey, pork sirloin with sweet potatoes, ribeyes with mashed potatoes (veggies of course with all meals), pokchops wiht parmesan noodles (Hmmm maye a bit too much pork there) Frozen dinners (swedish meatballs, lean cuisine etc) Hamburger helper strogonoff, beef stew, spaghetti and meatsauce, Linguini with shrimp and scallops, sheppards pie and then on some nights I splurge with pizza, burgers, or eat at a resturaunt. So far in a month (I know, I'm still a noobie novice) I haven't repeated the menu too much. Lunch is where I skimp, but only sometimes. Slimfast, yoplait etc, on other days I have a sub sandwich or regular homemade sandwiches, soup etc. There is still a ton of stuff out there...at least for me....and I haven't even started on Chicken yet! What kind of calories are you looking at that Yoplait is a staple of your daily food intake?
  • aiyana1228
    aiyana1228 Posts: 100 Member
    I love the taco thing. I mix black beans in with the meat when I am adding in the seasoning. That way you get a larger amount then you would with just meat. Tortillas are rediculusly high in calories so the kid gets soft tacos and I get taco salad. (I am bad and use ground chuck-I think I will try turkey next time and see if she notices)

    I make soup every week. I use the weight watcher getting started recipe that you can google. Its really just a basic vegitable soup. I modify it to my liking with different stuff. Sometimes I add in a couple of ounces of meat or a couple of ounces of brown rice or both.

    Try to stay away from stuff in boxes. Its boring, not very filling and full of sodium and chemicals. I was never a cook but have learned to make quick meals that are bulky but low in calories.

    Hummas and veggie strips.

    Add fresh fruit, dried fruit and nuts to things to change the flavor. Chicken with grapes and walnuts and a bit of mayo makes a wonderful chicken salad.

    If you like salsa it can change lots of stuff too. Have in the chicken, add it to salads or eggs.

    Use spices. Try new veggies and spices.

    Don't eat all "diet" crap. Low fat is not always better for you and usually tastes like crap. You cannot sustain a diet if you are not enjoying food. If we weren't meant to enjoy food God would not ave given us tastebuds!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    What do you WANT to eat? Open up your food diary for tomorrow and start filling it in. Look how all the numbers add up. If you're over on calories, make adjustments. If your macros are too far off, make adjustments. When it's all set and done, you have you meal plan for tomorrow. Don't forget to factor in exercise.

    Do this every day for a while until you get into a routine.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Check out skinnytaste.com for lots of low cal ideas.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I don't think I eat any of your foods.
    Breakfast: I rotate smoothies, eggs on the weekend, and yogurt with fruit. Once in a while cereal makes the rotation. Or Oatmeal.
    Lunch: Dinner leftovers generally. Or a salad
    Dinner: leaner meats: chicken, fish, beef (yup!). I don't make pork at home often out of cost and laziness.

    1. Stock your spice cabinet. Baked chicken can taste really different if you use soy sauce, italian seasoning, lemon pepper or cajun seasoning
    2. Stir-fry is awesome: pick 3 different veggies, your favorite meat, your favorite sauce or spices and your favorite starts:
    a. pasta primavera with chicken, veggies, italian seasoning, parmesan cheese, whole grain pasta
    b. chicken, same veggies, soy sauce, ginger, garlic, honey, sesame oil + rice
    c. Greek style: chicken, veggies, oregano, feta cheese and quinoa or bulgur or couscous
    3. Switch up your salad: mix in fruits. I personally like sweet tart ones: apples, cherries, citrus fruit, mangos. Add beans. Add different protein: chicken, beef and fish are all great in a salad. Mix up the greens. Instead of spring mix try spinach or cabbage! Add cooked ingredients. I love roasted veggies in the winter on a salad with balsamic vinaigrette. Have you ever had the wilted spinach and bacon salad? Cook some bacon. Chop it into small pieces. Take one teaspoon of the hot oil and add it to your spinach so it wilts some. Then save another teaspoon or 2 of the bacon drippings, cook and onion in it, add some vinegar and some dijon mustard for the dressing. Maybe a bit of chicken stock to thin it out. Use this for the spinach. Feel free to add some chicken and the crumbled bacon. (and maybe a tomato or bell pepper. The spinach will cook a tiny bit, and this salad is pretty hearty. Recipes aboud so check out food network.
    4. Cook your veggies in new ways: roasted, stir-fried, steamed, braised. Try them all!

    Personally, I might have repeats in a single week with leftovers, but rarely make the same dish more than once in a month, once those ingredients are out.

    Good luck.

    The best thing about "dieting" is you have an awesome excuse to try new foods.
  • beckys19
    beckys19 Posts: 119 Member
    As part of lunch I usually have a veggie stir fry with a Benihana-like ginger sauce:
    1/2 cup low sodium soy sauce
    1/4 cup rice vinegar (apple cider vinegar works nicely too)
    2.5 oz onion
    .5 to 1 oz ginger, sliced
    1.5 to 2 oz lemon juice
    4 oz carrot (optional, I added it to up the veggie content. It's not part of the original copycat recipe)
    I use 1/3 cup per serving, stats are: 37 cal, 0 fat, 6 carbs, 1 protein, 1 fiber. I switch up what veggies I use depending what is on sale, etc.

    Also, I make pizza from a slice of whole wheat/whole grain bread (some of those 9+ grain breads are VERY yummy!), a dab of sauce, 5 or so turkey peperoni, onion/pepper, and part skim mozerella. I did try a veggie peperoni once (I was pregnant and wanted to avoid nitrates) but whatever brand it was (not sure, but got it at Whole Foods), it did not even taste like it had the right spices for peperoni.

    Also, whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce is nice, and unless you're really cutting back, every now and then a pesto is nice too.

    I know it's more chicken, but a chicken-apple stir fry is pretty good, too. Just use cooking spray to cook up the chicken, when it is mostly done add apples and cook until they are the consistency you want (semi-tarts are nice, and ones good for baking usually don't get too mushy). Toss in some cinnamon, nutmeg, clove and a touch of ginger, or just use "apple pie" or "pumpkin pie" spice blends when it is cooking. Serve over brown rice. Some dried cherries tossed in to that adds another nice touch.