Lookibg for immediate results but I got offended..



  • kapspecial
    kapspecial Posts: 67 Member
    As a recovering emotional eater, I'll start by saying I'm sorry that happened to you. But that guy doesn't know you from a can of paint. Probably thought he was being thoughtful. So this is not about that guy. You should focus on you and your reaction to something a stranger said to you. You know you're starting this journey, you know you didn't get to where you are overnight and you won't get to where you want to be overnight. You did wonderful today and and even with this set back, you're still in the fight. So dust yourself off and get back on track. And the next time you have an urge to do something that is against your weight-loss commitment stop and deal with the real issue. Eating is rarely the answer to our issues.

    You can do this! Thanks for being honest and sharing!

    (Throws down mic and gets off soapbox.)
  • I just came back from a walk! Thank you all for the motivation...