Mini Goals

I feel that mini goals are where it's at! I have around 150lbs to lose, and the thought of that can be daunting and defeating, so I have decided to set up mini goals for myself.

My mini goal right now is to get into the 280's by Valentine's Day! I'm in the low 290's now, so it's do-able.

What's your mini goal for Valentine's day?


  • michaelgilstrap
    michaelgilstrap Posts: 74 Member
    One of my many goals was to under 400lbs, which I barely did Wednesday, so I need to set my next one.
  • nhughes1864
    nhughes1864 Posts: 102 Member
    My mini goal was to fit into this smokin red dress that I was able to wear years ago but have since outgrown. I think I may be there! I'll post pics if I make it :)
  • cafel3
    cafel3 Posts: 89
    To weight below 250 (new decade!). We'll see. Weigh-in day is Monday!
  • sailorgrad
    I'd like to say that I get to 40 pounds total lost by Valentine's day (only 1 pound to go). But I'm all about the NSV's these days. So maybe, with the help of my new fitbit, my Valentine's day goal will be to walk 10000 steps/day every day between now and then. That, and hopefully get to 40 pounds.:wink:
  • cdusanka
    WOW!!!! Those are some great mini goals! :happy:

    Thanks for sharing guys!

    LET"S DO THIS!!!!!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    My mini goal was the first 10 pounds...

    and I weighed in today WHOOHOO I did it!
  • ClareB13
    ClareB13 Posts: 202 Member
    I completely agree that mini goals are the way forward. I started a thread this morning ( with a whole pile of goals I have lined up. I've achieved the first one and would love to hit the second (20lb loss) by Valentine's Day if possible!