A Challenge!



  • cynlee63
    Hi girls. Not a good week for me. I gained 3 lbs. I think the sodium hit me. Have to really keep an eye on it.

    S.W.- 213.8
    C.W.- 216
    G.W.- 175
  • xoSundaydrive
    Only one more day till our weigh in! LAST MINUTE WORKOUTS NEED TO HAPPEN! :) Everyone keep up the good work, and good luck!
  • taylor0911
    Hi everyone. So this week:

    SW: 131.3 lbs
    CW 128.5 lbs
    Loss of 2.8 lbs

    Really happy this week! I set a challenge for myself to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day this week, and I stuck too it! I really think that that made an impact on my weight loss as I very rarely am able to lose more than 1-2 pounds a week. From now on I am going to keep up with the water drinking, it's no longer a challenge, it just is!! My challenge for this week is to get back to into the 57's kilo range. That means a loss of at least 1.1 lbs.

    Hope you all had a good week, keep it up everyone!
  • cynlee63
    Hi girls. I lost 4 lbs this week of my weight gain from last week. Was 216 last week and am back down to 212 now. I feel like I have my groove back so hopefully I will have another good week. I really watched my sodium this week so am going to watch that again this week. Still working on the water thing. Love my diet dew. lol Do good with water at work but suck with it at home. Hope you girls had a good week !! ttyl, thia
  • mixtapemusings
    mixtapemusings Posts: 36 Member
    I haven't weighed yet...totally forgot this morning. I am hoping I didn't gain. Last week I injured my back and didn't work out at all...add to that a dash of PMS and you have a bad storm brewing. This week I've worked out every day except today (my body was sore!) and ate on point. I'll weigh first thing in the morning and let you know how I did!
  • xoSundaydrive
    Last week was a good week for us! I hope the same for this week! :) Send me messages, and let's talk about goals for this week! I hope to hear from you all.
  • samantha196
    I'm in. I have 50 pounds left to lose. I figure the more support the better. I weigh in on Mondays though.

    GW in July would be 155
    Actual GW is 140
  • cynlee63
    Hi girls. Lost 2 lbs. this week. I injured my back at work last friday so no work outs for me all week but I stuck with healthy eating and my water so did okay. Hoping to get back into work outs this weekend.

    s.w.- 217.8
    c.w.- 210
    G.W.- 175
  • xoSundaydrive
    Only two people weighed in this week. I hope everyone is still up for the challenge. And I need all the support I can get. Having a tough time!
  • bethyrun
    I am up for the challenge!! This past weigh in was not very good, so I am going to try harder this week!!
  • xoSundaydrive
    Even if it's a bad week, check in! We can do this! :)
  • aiv87
    aiv87 Posts: 6
    I would like to join... Please add me... I need help to lose weight.. I want to loss it before my 25th birthday in June.

    SW: 175
    CW: 166
    GW: 140
  • xoSundaydrive
    Tomorrow is weigh in! Don't forget to send me a message with your stats & your goals for the week! Good luck!
  • xoSundaydrive
    People keep dropping out of the challenge, if you are seriously interested please message me!