Need Help and input

Hi, I am fairly new here, used mfp for a bit in the summer. I really need some support, motivation and feedback on food logs. I am so hungry and desperately don't want to screw up. I have a lot of weight to lose, like 300lbs. I have never ever wanted this so bad. I am desperate to have a life before it is over. Any help, motivation, pointers would be greatly appreciated.


  • myopus
    myopus Posts: 321 Member
    You are in the RIGHT place. Please read this post from TheGoblinRoad last week:

    "You CAN do this

    Just wanted to say to all of you here on MFP:

    I bet that a lot of you, like me, have attempted to get healthy many times before. We've succeeded and failed, succeeded and failed, sometimes wanting to give up, but we never have. If you're here on MFP, you haven't given up.

    If you are wondering "Can this time around be the time I succeed?" then you're in good company.

    I think the answer very clearly is: it can.

    I hope for all of you, regardless of your goal, that this particular attempt for you right now is the time you succeed, for good. I hope it's the time I succeed, too. I have a hundred pounds more to go, and many days it seems impossible, but I know it's not. A lot of you have already reached your goal and inspire us. A lot of you are right now progressing on your goals and inspiring us.

    And there are people in your lives right now who are inspired by you, though you don't even know it.

    Thanks, all of you who make up this community, for being here."

    You CAN do this and you WILL. Log every single thing faithfully, use the Success Stories and all forum categories when you need motivation! You're not alone :heart:
  • myopus
    myopus Posts: 321 Member
    Bumping for more input (added: & support) for original poster; MerryLow in a rough place. thanks.
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    Bump. Definitely would like to see others chime in with support.

    Merrylow, welcome back to MFP. I find that being here helps me immensely. Though there are plenty of times I plateau, I know that if I just don't give up, I'll succeed.

    Everything we are in life is defined by the majority of the habits we practice on a daily basis. If one of your new habits is signing on MFP for support, that's a good one to practice.

    Start practicing little by little all the things you want to practice when you're 300 lbs less, within reason and physical ability, and eventually your body will catch up.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • myopus
    myopus Posts: 321 Member
    MerryLow, please try this group:
    If you join, you should find much individual support there and be surrounded by people who can relate and will support you when you're down on yourself.
  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    You can do this! I would suggest not trying to change everything at once. Start small and work your way to the big changes. Every week make one more small change to your diet or what you are doing, and eventually you will have changed everything!

    My first step was to just get used to logging everything I ate - it showed me how I was using my "bank" of calories (and not always wisely). Start there and work your way towards the changes you can do!

    And don't forget that there will be bad days, but it's all a part of the journey to become the healthier you!
  • myopus
    myopus Posts: 321 Member
    MerryLow... I hope you are still there. I hope you're still working on your goals and still holding faith. I hope you can take a look at this MFP member's before-and-after, and - most especially - reading her description of the freedom that is meant to be yours too.

    (from MFP thread
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    You can do it!!! If you want some serious motivation add me. I will help!!
  • Inacay
    Inacay Posts: 47 Member
    Weight loss is a BIG life style change. So, be KIND to yourself MOST OF ALL. It's like getting married. Your schedule changes, someone is sharing your time, resources, and energy. Someone needs you to listen, try, and care. The difference is, this is not about another person integrating their life into yours, it is about YOU suddenly LIVING your life. All these years, working out, reducing stress, losing weight, has not been a priority and NOW it is. NOW it's all about YOU. It is easier to care for others, than it is to CARE for ourselves. If you haven't had support, than it is harder. So first of all LOVE yourself because this journey took courage on your part. This journey has not been easy. It sounds like you have been through a lot and feel very much alone when you need support most. You looking for support, shows your courage and readiness to incorporate positive change in your life. Most of all, it took COURAGE to be honest and authentic about your struggle. So good for you for taking that step. Your progress starts with KNOWING yourself really well. KNOW and Be. Before you can BE you need to KNOW. In order to KNOW, you need some tools. In order to make your health priority, here are some tools to help you. The first one is a BASIC PRIORITY list. This will help you prioritize your time. YOUR work out and planning your meals should be a daily priority. So dedicate to this. Writing it down on a list will help. IN addition, I am sending you an article about time management to help you with a shift in your life goals. A big part of this life change is time management so here are some tools to help.
    ime Management article:
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    MerryLow I am just starting here too, but being here helps keep me on track. I think the initial few months are going to be the hardest for me. Two little kids, very busy, lots of excuses to not keep going. But also many reason to keep going and a lot of people here to help motivate. You can add me as a friend if you'd like.