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For those with 75/100 to lose/lost? professional help?

Here is my bio: I have 100 total to lose. Since 6/10, I have lost a total of 32 pounds. But I have only lost 16 of that since August 1. The scale is at the lowest I have seen it in 10 years. Prior to this, I never dieted more than 3 weeks since I gave up. I have used Herbalife Protein shakes 2x/day for one month as a test to see if I would lose (I didn't lose any more), but otherwise my diet is primarily unprocessed clean foods - no added sugars, no white flours, lots of organic fruits, vegetables, dairy and then meats. My calories are varied from 1200-1800 a day, I zigzag and don't strive for a number but a range... My BodyMedia Fit shows I burn 2500-2900 calories a day. I can go weeks without a loss. I exercise at Curves 3x a week, then fit in 1-2x a week of kickboxing/cardio kickboxing. I am trying really hard....too hard I think. I am obsessive compulsive about this to an extreme. Oh and I drink half my body weight in water at least 5 days a week.
I am very healthy, take no prescription medication (no longer need cholesterol medication I took for 2 years).

In September I saw a nutritionist recommended by my Primary doctors practice. 2 visits one month apart. Because I ate right in that month and lost nothing between visits, she said I must be lying and cheating. Yes, I paid this lady $125 for each visit for her to tell my doctor I was lying about what I ate because I didn't lose.

A couple weeks ago after listening to all of the past year of Jillian Michaels podcasts, I saw a doctor at my primary practice. I asked to see an endocrinologist. She and the attending asked me questions and said I didn't need to see one because I have no factors that would lead that to be affecting my weight loss. They ran normal blood tests that came back normal. And reminded me how healthy I am and that therefore I shouldn't stress about the number on the scale. Or the fact that I have lost 30 pounds and barely lost one size (I am wearing the same clothes I wore in summer).

I totally don't expect to lose it overnight, but I seriously can not even count on a pound a week. I feel like I am trying way too hard for the results I am getting. I lost 2 pounds over the past 4 weeks, and before that it was 2 pounds in 5 weeks. Its getting ridiculous. I am so afraid to stop doing what I am doing only to gain it back.

So IF you have lost 75/100 pounds or more than 1/2 way to that goal, did you seek professional help? What worked/What didn't work? I am thinking therapy with someone who specializes in eating disorders/obesity, endocrinologist, personal trainer with experience with severely overweight women, some other type of professional?? I was even looking at medical schools in the area that do weight loss research and seeing one of their clinicians. Am I on a crazy wild goose chase? Yes, I probably am. BUT this is currently the most important thing in the world to me. Saving my life while I am healthy. I am currently 226 pounds - 5'2". I am morbidly obese. I am scared of dying because of my weight or complications from it.


  • Raihaanah
    Raihaanah Posts: 121 Member
    i think you should keep doing what ur doing and stop looking at it as a DIET, look at it as a way of life. Something you want to and continue doing for the rest of your life. when you log, make sure you log everything, not just for us to see or not to see, meaning if and when and how you season your foods, put in that seasoning, because some do have calories, but not much, but, do have sodium and maybe sugars or carbs.even if u have something you may think you shouldn't of had, still log it, REMEMBER,it says Tricias food diary, not the everyone else's, im not saying ur not loogging everything, but just some tips with those extra sneaky calories we may not know that's there.even the gum and candy.Oh, and learn that Bodymedia, cause im still learning mines. i really go by the time i have set to when i wake till midnight,because as u see the show from 12a-12a.This will let you know, meaning wake up to sleep time what ur really burning while up and about.Me personally, i listen to my BMF, but i still go along with MFP, but put in my correst calorie burn per BMF when i work out.Take your time one day and really look at EVERYTHING!! and compare, what i did for myself, i made a spreadsheet so i can see what worked for me and what didnt,cuz i do weigh in EVERYDAY, something i do to know so i can know how many net calories made me lose,maintained, or gained. I hoped this helped, I know it is lengthy, but thought I'd share my little 2cents.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I lost over a hundred pounds before my disability- what kept me losing was lifting weights- not light weights either. BIG weights- free weights worked best for me. I was doing cardio which is great- but my body had to have the extra push that only weights can give.

    Have you tried lifting weights? If so- how long did you try, did you do HIIT and did you get someone to show you how to do the exercises properly?

    I know how frustrated I was at that long plateu I had- I hope weights can be the answer for you too. Can't hurt to give it a go :) Cheaper than specialists lol
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    I started at 336 Aug of 2010 and today I am at 250. I still have at least 50 lbs to go.

    No drugs, surgeries, trainers, or nutritionists.

    Just consistent exercise, cleaner eating, reading, learning, trial and error, and perseverance.

    There were hiccups and stalls as life interfered and I got distracted for about a 4 month period. Some months I lost 10 lbs, others 2.

    I feel better and more fit. That is the bottom line and I am sticking with it.
  • Raihaanah
    Raihaanah Posts: 121 Member
    AND DITTO TO EVERYONE ELSE ABOVE:blushing: ..I should have put that in there too, cuz i had to o the same when it happened to me/ mix it up and strength training is very important , u build muscle and lose fat...Ive been doing Tae Bo with Billy Blanks workouts and love it:smooched: , everything is in these workouts. I think im starting to show some guns here..lol:laugh:
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    I have just started working with a personal trainer. It is expensive, but if you can find someone you like working with, you would not be alone in trying to puzzle out what is impacting your weight loss. Mine provides nutrition advice as well as advice on supplements. She is very supportive of my current MFP obsession and even joined so she could track my food diary here. When i struggled a month ago with only a pound loss in a month, we talked through it together, she reinforced my motivation, added in measurements (since the scale is far from the only measure of fitness!), we talked about eating, drinking (red wine - a blessing and a curse) and some ideas to improve my results while keeping me motivated. I also have serious knee problems and working with her, she is always monitoring so i avoid further injury while still maximizing workouts.

    Personally, i think for me it is nice not to be in it alone.
  • AmandaCaswell1982
    AmandaCaswell1982 Posts: 170 Member
    I agree- LIFT! I lost about 30 lbs before I started working with weights. After I did my whole body RESHAPED. I was in the same clothes until I started circuit training. Building muscle helps you to burn more calories while at rest- so why not?? I've lost a total of 60 lbs, but still have about 23 to go. I'm eating 2000-2200 cals a day, but working out 1-2 hrs most days. Cardio/weights. Love it. Hang in there and realize it will take time. Don't get discouraged and be proud of the progress you have already made. Be motivated by your own strength and willpower- you CAN do this.
  • I started on January 2 weighing 290lb, I'm currently weigh 265lb. The key has been to use myfitnesspal to monitor my food intake and keep it under 1600 calories and Fitbit to monitor my steps and calories burned. I eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks in between meal. By changing my eating habits to more lean meats, vegetables and fruits and with the support of my wife to walk each day has really made the different. I have reduced my insulin intake by 200 units a day down to less than 5 a day. I'm really excited and look forward to reaching my goal of 165lb. Well hope my post helps, if you believe it and make small changes it will happen.
  • Wow! We are pretty close with our weight loss goals! I am 5'2" and started at 230 lbs. My goal is 130 lbs. I got the best advice from my coworkers at work. They told me to CHEAT! It works wonders to just have a cheat day every few weeks. After I have cheat day, I will end up losing twice as much as usual in the next week.

    I also try to set reasonable goals. This is tough because I WANT to lose 2 lbs a week. My reasonable goal is about 4 lbs a month or about 48 lbs a year. This means my 100 lbs goal will take 2 years. I hate that idea, but this helps keep things in perspective for me. I'm not upset if I don't lose any for a few weeks.

    I also ask my doctor for what I call my "weight loss blood panel" every 6 months or so. I make sure that they check my thyroid function, cortisol level, lipids, liver function, renal function and HgbA1c. You have to specifically ask for some of those labs. Cortisol is very interesting because it's the "stress hormone." If you have high cortisone (caused by stress or Cushings syndrome) it can make it very hard to lose weight due to your body thinking it needs to store reserves because it thinks you are in distress. I would make sure that your physician checked an early morning or midnight cortisol level on you and in addition to the other labs that were checked. Good luck! I hope this helps some :smile:
  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    I am new to this but I would suggest you look into the spike diet. Heres a link http://spikediet.blogspot.com

    Basically from what ive read and learned from people is your body will get used to any normal calorie deficit diet and will adjust so that you will plateau and or make it very hard to lose weight. Your body is very good at adjusting because it does not want to lose weight. So I am no expert on this I just started the diet this week, but there is a spike group here on MFP, check em out if you like. There people that have lost hundreds of lbs using this diet. The best part of it is one day a week you can eat just about whatever you like, hence the spiking. Good luck

  • Have you tried lifting weights? If so- how long did you try, did you do HIIT and did you get someone to show you how to do the exercises properly?

    What is HIIT ? And no, I haven't had someone show me.
  • I have just started working with a personal trainer. It is expensive, but if you can find someone you like working with, you would not be alone in trying to puzzle out what is impacting your weight loss.

    I have been looking for one for two weeks. Its seems lots of people say "Yes I am a trainer" and "I charge $75/100/whatever an hour" but I haven't found one that has worked with a female that needed to lose such big numbers. Thats a huge amount of money for me and I want someone who has experience with my situation.
  • I started on January 2 weighing 290lb, I'm currently weigh 265lb.

    Congrats on your own success BUT I am doing it right and it's NOT working so your post makes me feel like ****. But your a guy, too and that makes me feel a little less like ****.
  • I also ask my doctor for what I call my "weight loss blood panel" every 6 months or so. I make sure that they check my thyroid function, cortisol level, lipids, liver function, renal function and HgbA1c. You have to specifically ask for some of those labs. Cortisol is very interesting because it's the "stress hormone." If you have high cortisone (caused by stress or Cushings syndrome) it can make it very hard to lose weight due to your body thinking it needs to store reserves because it thinks you are in distress. I would make sure that your physician checked an early morning or midnight cortisol level on you and in addition to the other labs that were checked. Good luck! I hope this helps some :smile:

    EXACTLY!!! This is why I wanted to go to an endocrinologist and get all that special testing that my normal doctor won't do!!!
    (I am hugely stressed. My husband travels a lot. I have two teens. I work full-time plus a lot of overtime. I barely get 5 hours of sleep a night).
  • Bumping this up so it gets some fresh views and fresh advice :-)