New here & Looking for friends

Hello. My name is Shelly. I am 30yrs old. From St. Louis, MO. I am here to make some friends that will inspire me and help me on my weightloss journey. I am not the best at this app yet. So you'd have to bare with me. I would like too lose at least 15-20lbs. I just want to be healthy & in shape. My fiance is going to boot camp for the Air Force this summer and I want to stay in shape with him. That is my goal anyway. :) Thank you for reading!


  • Well done, I wish you the best of luck!! My name is Haley and I've been try to lose so weight for a long time and now I want to lose 15kg more and then will have reached my goal weight!! Motivation is really hard when your by your self so good job for jumping on here. There are heaps of people that will help you. I wish you all the best :)
  • kyle2119
    kyle2119 Posts: 8 Member
    good luck. Thank you to your fiance for his service.
  • @halmcr1-Haley- Thank you so much! I wish you the best of luck also. I hope you make it to your goal! Yes, motivation is really hard when you're alone. I hope to keep going even when he is not here. I have lots of support all around me. :)

    @kyle2119- Thanks. He says you are welcome Sir. :)
  • No one else? This girl needs as much motivation and support as possible. I am a nice person and don't judge others.
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Would be happy to support you.
  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm new on here. I literally just signed up 5 mins ago!! I am super excited! I really like this so far. I made mine public so knowing I'm entering stuff and other people can see it, will make me want to eat better. Starting now bc this mornin was a bust!! I have a whole lot to lose. I'm in it for the long haul! I like that this calculates everything for you! I hate calculating stuff. That's why weight watchers and the like have just failed. I like this bc it will keep me on track, I've made it public so everyone can see if I am doing something wrong, and I don't have to calculate! Good luck!!
  • Hi! I'm Staci. I just joined this site last night. I was on a different one and I liked all the great supportive people on it, but the website itself messes up so much, I went looking for something better, so here I am! My goal is to lose a total of 31 lbs by July, and I'm down 8 since the beginning of the year :) I decided to finally get serious about losing weight because I was feeling really unhappy with my body. I even posted before pics on FB for my friends to see, to help keep me accountable. Nice to meet you guys.
  • Hi, I am Adeline, I am looking to loose around 15 more pounds(I started at 20). I am super excited that I have gotten so far already, just by eating healthier and excersizing, I am in my first year of college(18). I started at 105 pounds, which may not seem like a lot but I am only 5'1. My goal is 80 pounds.
  • Hey, happy to be of some support. I'm Lisa and I'm from Auckland, New Zealand. I've lost 4 kilos (9 pounds) and would like to lose another >5 kilos, but it won't happen before my wedding on March 2, dammit!
  • Welcome all! This app is really nice to have and keep track of what you do. I have heard so much sucess with this. I had lost 8 lbs using it before. I ended up stopping for a while bc I got really sick. Took me months to get back on track again. Now, that my fiance is going to boot camp...I need something to distract me while he is gone this summer. I hope I can keep focused. Good Luck to you! :)