
What are your opinions on P90X?


  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    I found it incredibly boring, but you're a guy so you'd probably like it. Its mainly lifting.
  • captaincharisma24
    I like diversity so to me that does sound boring. I always see these video craze commericals with some guy promoting the next best thing.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
  • adhillman01
    I found it incredibly boring, but you're a guy so you'd probably like it. Its mainly lifting.

    Girls can enjoy lifting too! I do find it a little repetitive. I just started the third phase and was really disappointed to discover that it's just workouts from the first and second phase repeated. Also, you do the same leg, cardio and yoga videos through the entire thing. I have really increased my strength, though and I enjoy the challenge it provides. Even though you're doing some of the same routines, it still kicks my butt every time! I'm starting P90X2 when I finish this round.
  • sexytrackr
    I love it! I just ordered his new one.....
  • haleycreations
    haleycreations Posts: 89 Member
    I have done the program three times now and I have also done the Insanity program as well. I have lost 55 lbs doing the programs and have went from a size 42 1/2" inch waist and now I am a size 34" inch waist. I love the challenge that they provide with the DVD's, you just have to shut out your mind and give it a true try and you will be suprised on what you can accomplish.
  • lookslikeyoda
    lookslikeyoda Posts: 161 Member
    I quite like it, I'm just at the end of my first recovery phase and I have to admit this week has been boring but the intense weeks are awesome. I'm not expecting amazing results but I just got it so that I have some order and schedule in my workouts rather than trying to do it from my imagination. My fitness has improved so much thanks to p90x tho.
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    Loved it! i love lifting etc BUT the workouts were so long and i just couldnt get the housespace for that long (2 small children)
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I hate all the touting of Shakeology and what not. It's overpriced, but it was given to me so I decided to give it a try last year. I did the lean version along with training for a half-marathon. Admittedly, I wasn't working at the time so I found it easy to fit in that amount of working out. I have to say, even with the all the talk of other P90X products you should buy, I really enjoyed it. I ended up with a nice, lean body and could do about 15,000 push-ups. :wink:

    I should say, though, that I NEVER, I repeat NEVER FRICKING EVER enjoyed that horrible yoga. 1 1/2 hours of yoga only ever managed to stress me out. Also, I never used any of their supplements, followed the nutrition plan or bought any of the products. Still, if you like structure and don't get bored too easily, it will do good things for your body. Plus, Tony acts pretty silly while he tortures you, which is kind of nice. It's like someone punching you in the face and then telling you a joke.
  • aeverton
    aeverton Posts: 359
    Plain and simple.... I loved it.

  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    YogaX sucks *kitten*!!!

    The rest of it was okay- I preferred the strength days over the cardio actually.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    YogaX sucks *kitten*!!!

    The rest of it was okay- I preferred the strength days over the cardio actually.
    ^^True this. I loved the strength days...really tried to focus on lifting as heavy as I could. Cardio...meh! It's a great program to get you started with weight training, and then I would suggest you move on to a more specific weight training program.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I love/hate it lol. You can do all the exercises on the DVDs at a gym as well. For me, I didn't know how to lift weights and so had no idea how to make a routine of weight lifting. I didn't want to pay a personal trainer, so I bought P90X instead. It is repetitive, but honestly, lifting weights in a gym would be repetative as well. I too DESPISE the yoga, and usually don't do the whole DVD, but it does help with your flexibility and stretches/works a lot of the muscles we all tend to neglect. This isn't my first time with P90X. I did 60 days last year and the results were amazing! I highly recommend it to people who don't have the time for a gym, don't have the money for a trainer to help you build a solid routine, or just want to workout at home. P90X does work! And if you stick to it you will see some great results!
  • stephelan
    I love it! There are so many different DVDs so it doesn't feel too repetitive to me (especially considering things like the 30DS is the same thing every day) and I use stupid things Tony says as landmarks for where I am. I replace the yoga with a different DVD though because I despise yoga.

    I would definitely recommend it!
  • luvmypwds
    I loved it. Even the yoga. Highly recommend it.
  • Boingo1
    Boingo1 Posts: 205 Member
    I think it's all personal preference, so just by hearing reviews here, you won't know if you'll like it or not.

    I've been working out with weight lifting, different forms of it, for 10 years. All at home videos. Heavy weights, high reps, circuit weights, etc. Cathe Friedrich (Love her!), Jillian (meh), Bob (love him!), Brazillian Butt Lift, Turbo Fire (LOVE!), Kelley Coffey Meyer, Michelle Dozios Peak Fit (excellent system!), Physique 57. Let's just say I'm a bit of a workout addict!! LOL.

    I really didn't have high hopes for P90X, but decided to start it the first of this year. First of all, I LOVE Tony! I know some don't. So , again, it's all personal preference. I just adore his goofiness and the way he pushes. I do think there is a bit of repitition over the 90 days, but I have subbed in other workouts (cardio and yoga) to break it up some weeks. Not hard to do , if you get bored.

    With any workout system, eating is key. I have dropped a few pounds and have gotten toner (I'm in the middle of Phase 2). But if my eating goes off, I do not lose. But I can feel the muscle growth, if that makes sense.

    Oh, and I may be in the minority, but I really don't mind YogaX. It is long, but you can do a shorter version, and if you get through to the end, it's an excellent yoga workout with great strength and stretching moves.
  • HeikkiLaukkanen
    HeikkiLaukkanen Posts: 123 Member
    I love/hate it. I dread putting the in the dvd's and getting started and associated suffering. But it works! Plus I travel for a living so I can do them in my hotel room (well minus the pullup bars). It will get you in great shape.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Well, I'm only at the end of my first week but so far I'm liking it except for the yoga which is way, way too long and was dreadfully boring for me.
  • lookslikeyoda
    lookslikeyoda Posts: 161 Member
    I quite like the yoga?
  • californiacookie
    I am in week 4. Like it so far. Slight injury in week one - overdoing it on plyometrics (which is my least favorite). Sent my hip flexor or psoas into spasm and I couldn't stand or lay straight for a couple of days. Ouch. I think it is easy to overdo it in the beginning and have had to get better about easing up a bit until I am confident that I can do a move all the way through with getting an over-use injury. I have lost 8 pounds the past 4 weeks by following the eating plan and workout plan. Didn't actually expect results that fast.

    My husband is doing the program too and we have found that we need different things. He is already lean and doesn't have much fat to burn (unlike me), so while I am staying on phase one of the nutrition plan a week or two longer, he had to jump into phase two a couple of weeks earlier to get some carbs in his system.

    Oh, and call me crazy, but I like the yoga.