
Yep wanna be healthy...I smoke...I have quit for all my children and even quit for the hell of it for another 6 months....the weight I gain when I dont smoke is stupid....I replace smoking by eating...I love puzzles, I love facebook, I love many distractions, but eating is not one i can kill.......i kill it by smoking.....I am so a tredmill lover....i exercise, I can do it all, except smoking makes me drop do i replace that crap habit and not gain weight!!!


  • jenndymond
    jenndymond Posts: 117 Member
    I found, even now, that I had to take sure to stop eating while i wasdoing anything but sitting down at the dinner table. Never while im on FB, or crossword and espically Tv. Not sure if thats your problem too but might help!
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member

    Clove cigs...This is what I quit and only when I over drink booze I get a craving for the sweet flavor of the evil clove smokes.. >:)

    I feel way better and healthy. I can taste food better and breathe so much easier.. They are just not worth it no matter what brand they are and every single one you smoke is just making things a little worse for your self in the long run. Good luck and if you put you mind and heart into quitting then you can do it.
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    is it the nicotine that you crave or just the habit of having something in your hand and in your mouth? if it's the nicotine, try the nicotine gum. it'll at least calm the nerves down. if it's the habit, try removing yourself from that situation (which I know is really tough! but really necessary) also, can you replace the food with something else like tea, hot water, lemon water(worked for me!), etc? I've heard of someone using carrot sticks but it wouldn't have worked for me. I also read about a scientific study with people sucking on ice cubes...apparently the cold stimulates the brain, like nicotine, and calms cravings! anything is worth a try;)

    best of luck to you. I quit almost 7 years ago and haven't looked back! it was tough but absolutely doable. and if you do gain a bit of weight, just know that it's still so much healthier than keeping up with the smoking!!
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    Maybe try exercising when you have a craving? Or chewing gum? Or eating so long as it is healthy things, like fruit or veg, fat free yoghurt, etc? good luck!
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Don't do it for it for your children. It is not enough to quit while you are pregnant, you are their roll model, they look up to you and want to be like you. This is the only way I was able to quit. I can do anything for my boys.......anything! I did not want them to grow up with a smoker. I did not want them to learn in school how bad/harmful etc cigs are and then come home to me puffin away. I also didn't want them to become a smoker, cause seriously what can you say if you are one yourself! Its not enough to be healthy with food and exercise yet contaminate your lungs with all those carcinogens-whole body, soul and mind!
  • Munchi8175
    Munchi8175 Posts: 73 Member
    I had a lot of success with an electronic cigarette and not much weight gain. I have not had a cigarette sine 8/23/11. Even now, I only use my electronic cigarette once every 3 or 4 days now...
  • Bysshe
    Bysshe Posts: 428 Member
    Electronic cigarette. I love mine! It's been a lifesaver for me. I haven't had a cigarette in 3 weeks. I wouldn't go back. I breathe better, my workouts are a little easier, I even sleep better. It replaces the motion and I get that hit of nicotine without blackening my lungs. I have already weaned from high to medium. Next low, then NO nicotine. ^__^
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I can not seem to break my 1 cig a day habit. Not 1 pack, just 1 cig. And it is at night after the kids go to bed. I dont crave one during the day, only at night. I know, I know, why even smoke at all if it is only one a day? I dunno, I just have to have it. I quit for 4 days about 3 weeks ago then started again then quit earlier in the week then broke down and bought a pack. Gonna try to kick it for good. I think that is what is causing my headaches in the mornings. I use to be a "full time" smoker then when I found out I was preggers the first time (my daughter is 8 1/2) I quit cold turkey and did good till about 6 months ago.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    It only takes 3 days to quit smoking. To break the nicotine addiction. It takes 30 days to develop a habit. So buckle down, do what you gotta and get through the 3 days. On the 4th day, when you feel the need to compensate for the smoking hand something else. It is only as hard as you make it. Just don;t be around smokers for that month and it is easy.

    I know this because I have quit this same way 3 times. One time for each pregnancy and most recently about 6 months ago. The urges end after the month.

    You can do it. And honestly, gaining 5-10 lbs to quit smoking that you can lose a month later is totally worth it. It is so freeing to never have to worry about that stupid habit ever again.

    As an ex-smoker, I can say that. You will be fine. Believe in yourself and make it through those 3 days. then go week by week to freedom. BTW... the 3rd day is the worst. Don't be afraid to stay in bed all day to make it easier on yourself.
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    Don't do it for it for your children...

    IMO this is the reason people fall back on the wagon... They HAVE to do it for themselves. If they do it for others, it won't last regardless of who the others are. They themselves have to decide it's time, they have to know it and not consider it a concession for someone else or other reason.
  • ladyshills
    Today is 10 weeks of being a non-smoker for me & I have gained about 6 pounds! Today is also my first day back to MFP & my diet & exercise program (I lost 30 pounds last year)... My key to quitting was the patch for the first 3 days. After 3 days I was fine (still occasionally want to smoke but not enough to pick one up). Water also helps while quitting. Everytime I had a craving I would drink water. Each craving only lasts about 2 minutes...if you get through the craving you won't have another one until the next time you would have smoked!!
  • Whodatgirl77
    Whodatgirl77 Posts: 238 Member
    I will also add that I recommend Allen Carr's book. After a half dozen attempts to quit, this has been the greatest help I've found so far...dealing with our thoughts about smoking...since that is usually what prevents us from being successful non-smokers. It doesn't have to be as hard as we make it for ourselves. Good luck!