5 lbs a month give or take, is this good amount to lose?

So i have been at this since the beginning of November 2011. I've only lost 17 lbs so far and I feel like i'm not doing very good. I try to stay with my 1600 calorie goal and when i get a chance to exercise, if im hungry, will eat back to exercise calories. I have gone way over on more than one occassion and probably will as this journey continues. I just feel like maybe with this amount of time that has passed i should have lost more maybe? I don't really know whats a good amount to be losing per month? I work at a daycare with 3 year olds and 4 year old so i am constantly on the move. I usually walk a good hour to 2 hrs a day if not more but i usually never log more than 2 hours of walking. I try to do zumba but most nights i get off work and i don't even want to think about exercise b/c i'm so tired from work. So basically i don't do much exercising. Please if anyone has input please share. What is a good amount of weight to lose per week with basically not much exercise?!


  • Mnata
    Mnata Posts: 35 Member
    I've always heard one pound a week is a good weight loss goal to aim for. It's not the quickest, but it lends itself towards setting up a healthy lifestyle and not just a quick fix that may rebound once you stop. If you are in the obese weight range, you may be up to two pounds a week, but the longer you lose weight, the slower it gets to take it off. It's frustrating sometimes, but the way our bodies work.
  • swilk627
    swilk627 Posts: 245 Member
    The less you have to lose, the slower the weight will likely come off. I lost 5 pounds in January and I consider that great success because I only have 25 to lose.
  • iwisheyes
    Five pounds a month is a great amount to lose, no matter your goal. When I was younger (and more impatient) I tried a number of weight loss programs that started with a bang... lost 25+ lbs in 2-4 weeks. Yeah. NO. I should never have done it, and will never recommend it. Not healthy, and the weight came back, and brought friends. The best way to lose is gradually. 4-5 lbs per month is a safe, sane, and manageable goal.
  • pigwidgeon82
    pigwidgeon82 Posts: 79 Member
    you have done FANTASTIC so far and are losing at really healthy pace. GREAT JOB and don't get discouraged!!
  • princessjarvis
    Fab number to lose!!!

    Ive lost 8lbs in a month...im aiming for 2lb a week and a gradual healthy weight loss x
  • jcharlotte
    jcharlotte Posts: 24 Member
    5Lbs a month is awesome, you worked so hard for it! Way to go, you'll want to keep it off that much more..I'm new here, but have been down this road before..when I hit a target like a 5 LB mark I reward myself..maybe a new lipstick, nail polish, or even a healthy green smoothy..it keeps me motivated:)
  • leighjade87
    leighjade87 Posts: 7 Member
    If you lose it to quickly your more likely to put it back on quicker so don't worry 5lbs a month is fab and a steady weight loss......I pick up lots of advice working in a gym :) x
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    5 lbs is excellent :)