Calories and BMI?

I am having a lot of trouble losing weight. I am 49, 4' 11", and 115 lbs, and small frame. I am trying to get back down to 100 lbs like I was after having my boys. The weight is just not coming off except for a couple lbs. per month. MFP has set my calories at 1200 for a .5 pound lost and my BMI is 1050. Should I lower my calories to what my BMI is since I am so small? Really want to lose this 15 pounds. What should I do to move it?

OOPS: Sorry, I meant BMR not BMI.


  • RainbowPearl
    RainbowPearl Posts: 42 Member
    No one knows what I should do??
  • Hi,

    Do not lower your caloric intake. You are going to a dangerous level. If I may say so, 115 isn't bad at all. It's healthy. Is your BMR at a sedentary level?

    FYI, I am originally from MOntreal and I can speak French if you prefer.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    You are losing 2lbs a month and that is the rate you have it set at so you are being perfectly successful. also, with only 15lb to lose you are doing this in the best way, slowly. I say just keep on with what you are doing. :-)
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    You really need to take your age into account as well. You are losing a couple of pounds a month. I would just keep at it and not get in a rush. But I will say this if you are feeling hungry all the time to lose the weight then you aren't eating enough.

    I would try the weightloss calculator on they have great calculators there that take your activity level etc into account. I've found their numbers to work better for me than the ones MFP sets. THey seem to be very generic.
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    0.5 lbs a week IS 2lbs a month, therefore you are succeeding! Don't reduce calorie intake, but 250 calories extra exercise a day is another 0.5 lb a week if you can do it...
  • mickn
    mickn Posts: 15
    .5lb per week is about 2lb per month so you are achieving exactly what you set out to achieve.. I don't see a problem with what you are doing... slow and steady weight loss is ideal, keep doing the same.
  • RainbowPearl
    RainbowPearl Posts: 42 Member
    I guess I'll just keep plugging away. Just wish it would move faster. I know, we would all like that.:laugh: Thanks for helping. I'll be patient and keep doing what I am. The stories on here are so inspiring, I am kinda hook on here. Love to read about evryones successes. Thanks for the words of reason.:flowerforyou:
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I am having a lot of trouble losing weight. I am 49, 4' 11", and 115 lbs, and small frame. I am trying to get back down to 100 lbs like I was after having my boys. The weight is just not coming off except for a couple lbs. per month. MFP has set my calories at 1200 for a .5 pound lost and my BMI is 1050. Should I lower my calories to what my BMI is since I am so small? Really want to lose this 15 pounds. What should I do to move it?

    OOPS: Sorry, I meant BMR not BMI.

    Where did you get the BMR of 1050 from?

    BMR is the amount of calories to sustain you if you were in a coma, you then need to apply a multiplier depending on whether you are sedentary, active etc to work out your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Ependiture)

    have a look here -
  • Dipping below 1200 calories per day is unhealthy. The body will often go into famine mode and store most of your calories as fat since it isn't getting enough nourishment. Losing 1 to 2 pounds per week is a very realistic goal and very obtainable. You want to set yourself up for success not failure. Biting off more than you can chew will lead to discouragement then finally giving up for total failure. So... take the little consistent successes and allow the good to accumulate. As you get closer to your goal weight it will become harder to lose the weight. You'll need to up your exercise. Do not decrease your caloric intake. Going for walks in addition to your daily work lifestyle is a safe and easy way to burn a couple of hundred calories. Good Luck
  • Making the Cut by Jillian Michaels is all about those last 10-20 pounds... She says you have to do things differently from fatties like me that have 75 to lose... Maybe go browse it at the book store before you buy...
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Take photos with a self timer, especially in a bikini or underwear and compare those every few weeks or once a month rather than going by the scale.