just recently got started AGAIN.

I used myfitnesspal a few months ago. and it left me down 27 lbs. then i got off track quit using mfp. i currently have about 120 lbs to lose. and I need friends for motivation/support. my husband is not as supportive of me losing as id like him to be but thats life i guess. so far i have started 30 day shred and have been eating more whole grains and veggies and fruits. i dont have a scale but i hope to get one soon. i have a dr appt on the 28th so hopefully i will know a weight then :)

a little bit of background about me:

i am almost 21 a mother to a beautiful almost 1 year old little girl named emberlynn renea and a wife to an amazing man and the father of my daughter. i realized it was time to get healthier for my daughters sake so i am eating healthier than i ever have been so i can get her to understand how important eating a balance diet is. I struggled with an eating disorder back in high school i was on the verge of becoming anorexic. ( my biggest problem was going from working 2 jobs being on my feet 18-20 hours a day to being a stay at home mom and not being on my feet as much) and of course with my pregnancy i gained about 100 lbs. (YIKES!) I do not want to turn back to the ways i had before because i want my daughter to know it is OK to eat just to eat the RIGHT things i do not want her to beleive taking laxatives and diuretics are ok if you are trying to lose weight. this is the hardest thing i have ever done but i am trying to lose the weight in a healthy way. even if it is 100x harder.


  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me,, I'm on every day!
  • chameleon73
    chameleon73 Posts: 119 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I'm here every day as well. Congrats on getting started again!!
  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member
    Feel free to add me as well :) I'm here every single day :)
  • jblubird
    jblubird Posts: 16 Member
    Definitely add me too!! Great job on deciding to start again and good luck, girl!
  • twittington
    You're more than welcome to add me :) I'm here every day x
  • nmj1988
    nmj1988 Posts: 65 Member
    Welsome back! you need to have the support all around you, feel free to add me :)
  • jpatter21
    jpatter21 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm just getting started AGAIN as well!! Feel free to add me, I need more friends...and anyone else reading this that needs more friends, add me too! :)
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Under my picture you will seen I joined in June 2010. Well, my first attempt failed. It took until April of 2011, when I gained even more weight and reached 209lbs, for me to get serious about logging every day. Since then I have logged over 300 days in a row, lost 43lbs, 23 inches, and I can run for 2 miles outside without stopping. If I can do it so can you. Remember to keep pushing. We all have bad days, weeks, months, but success is all about picking yourself back up and trying your hardest to reach your goal. Good luck to you. :smile: