Finally getting that baby weight off!

Hello! A few years ago I reached my goal weight of 138 lbs and was in great shape and then I got pregnant! I unfortunately ate all the wrong foods and after I had my daughter I was 175 lbs. She is one and a half now and I am down to 154 but seem to be stuck because I always go back to eating unhealthy after a week or so, especially during the holidays! I figure with some support and determination, I can hopefully STICK WITH IT this time! I am sick of making weight loss goals and never achieving them. Exercise isn't always an option with working, helping my husband with our business and being a mommy so eating healthy is crucial for me. If anyone is on the same page as I am or needs support in any other way, I would love to hear your story so we can motivate each other! Good luck to all of you in your personal journeys :)


  • Hi there! I too am trying to get the baby weight off. I have a 14 month old and I cant believe I am at the weight I was when I gave birth. I hit up to 168 and then lost 12 pounds by the time i left the hospital. Bf helped me lose a few more pounds but then i stopped at 2.5 months due to my son having a milk allergy and slowly the weight creeped back up on me and now more than a year later i weight about 166. Anyways, I need the contant motivation so feel free to add me :)
  • Hello all!
    I'm a mother of 4 now! Wow!

    I have an 11 year old, twin 7 year olds and a 4 month old. At my heaviest (40weeks along with twins) I clocked in right at 210 and I'm about 5'5. I've always been a little 'chunky-er' in my opinion for the last 10 years. Even after the babies were born the scale would stay put at 180-190 never really fluctuating with my exercise or diet, so I gave up easily.

    With baby #4 born 4 months ago, I only tipped the scale at 199 just before delivery. I had a hard time gaining weight this past pregnancy and breastfeeding has been good to me helping me shed the baby weight and then some without trying hard. We are having no more babies, so I am planning on keeping it off this time and getting my body healthy. I've been sitting at 168 for over a month and the scale hasn't moved. So now I need to work on exercising more. Now I am at my healthiest weight in over 10 years:love: and I want to loose 18 more lbs to be at my all time goal of 150. All though my ideal weight for a healthy BMI is 130.

    I am not as active as I should be, but mommy gets little time to herself with 4 kids and working outside the home and from home. It's a challenge and I'm ready! Feel free to add me as well. :wink:
  • ts1122
    ts1122 Posts: 99 Member
    I am also getting the baby weight off! I am a full time student, full time employee and mother of 2. My hubby is a paramedic student so he is gone for 2 nights of class and three 24 hour shifts a week in a city over an hour away. Exercise is tough for me but I found the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and it only takes 20 min a day which is exactly what I needed. I eat healthy and exercise as best I can to change my lifestyle. Feel free to add me! Good luck on your journey!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    It's hard to find time to exercise with kids. Some nights, I exercise after bedtime at 10:30pm. Yeah I am tired, but I make myself do it. Good luck.
  • cerelac
    cerelac Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm also finally shedding the massive 22kg I gained during my first pregnancy. Baby is 9 months old now but I cant diet properly as breastfeeding. It's slow at 1kg/week, but they say it's 9months up, 9 months down (from when you actually start). This calorie counting thing really works! Add me ESP if you have similar goals will be fun!
  • I gained 63 pounds with my daughter who is almost 3 and between having her and getting pregnant with my son I only lost 43 of those pounds. So still carrying 20 pounds of baby weight I got pregnant and gained 50 pounds with my son. Mid march of last year when my son was born my weight peaked at 251 pounds. In the last 10 and a half months I not only lost the 50 pounds I gained with my son, I also lost the 20 pounds I never got rid of from my first pregnancy! It has been a long haul and I'm still trying to lose another 38 pounds to get to my ultimate goal but for all of you ladies trying to shed that baby weight, YOU CAN DO IT! Good luck to all of you!
  • ibshell
    ibshell Posts: 22 Member
    When I read the post from evita6983, I seriously could have copied and pasted it and used it for my own, right down to the number on the scale! I am in the same boat. Although, I had my 7th child going on two this year and am stuck. I know that with a little more motivation and encouragement teaming up with someone else, I could get the last little bit of weight off that I need to. Always stuck at the "just 10lbs. more" mark, I'm just determined to get rid of it once and for all. Once I reach my goal, I have no doubts whether I can maintain it! WE CAN DO IT!!
  • dunkt10
    dunkt10 Posts: 35 Member
    Before I got preggo with my first daughter I was just losing the freshman 15 that I had gained from college. Then I gained 19lbs while pregnant with her which put me at 198. After having her and breastfeeding, I got down to about 168lbs but then started to take "the shot". It blew me up to 235lbs. Yikes! I was determined to get the weight off. I got down to about 192lbs. Weight loss had kind of taken a back seat to my busy life. Then next thing you know I found out I was preggo with twins. At that time I was 201. When I gave birth to them I was 231 at 35wks. They are now 3 months and I am still breastfeeding. Even though I have been losing weight, I still find it tricky to stay within a certain amount of calories because when I start to limit my caloric intake my milk supply decreases. Then babies start to get upset which means mommy's upset. So I generally try to stay within 300-700 extra calories from what MFP tells me.It is very hard to work out at home because I stay on the second floor and don't want to disturb my neighbors too much. We have a fitness center but finding the time to go is the biggest issue. As of this morning, I was 201.4lbs but I usually weight myself on sundays so I'll just wait until tomorrow to be official. Good luck everyone!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    hello and welcome! i managed to lose the last of my babyweight through mfp! the community is great and if you log everyday and everything and get active then you will soon get there :)
  • evita6983
    evita6983 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for responding everyone! It's great hearing everybody's stories and to know we are all in this together. It's such a struggle for so many women and having a community to go to is so helpful and motivating. I think I also need a chocoholics support group but one step at a time :) I want to add you all as friends but am not sure how to do it. I'm sure it's easy but if someone could clue me in that would be great. Thanks again and stay strong!
  • evita6983
    evita6983 Posts: 25 Member
    Nevermind figured out the friend thing...!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I'm working on getting the baby weight off too---my "baby" just turned 3 though. :) Feel free to add me. I also have an 8yo and a 6yo.