I am NOT cute at the gym



  • I couldn't agree more gyms are for sweating your *kitten* off, if I don't look like a wreck when i leave then I don't feel like I put the work in. You look like a mess at the gym so you can look great on the weekends!

  • Get some white spandex and rub a chocolate bar down the outside buttcrack area...make sure the stain sets in...then wash it off..

    Nobody will bother you, then.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Great attitude!
    Maybe they'll get the message that you, unlike many there pretending to workout, are trying to actually accomplish something .
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    My outfit may be cute, but that's about it. I'm not afraid to sweat! Last week I watched a gal put on some makeup in the bathroom, thinking she must be done working out, but no, she was getting ready to go workout. She looked quite dainty on the treadmill.

    Having my Ipod is not only awesome for motivational music, but to tune everything and everyone out :) This is MY time!
  • tinamatteson
    tinamatteson Posts: 125 Member
    Someone asked how do you fart on cue... Ha ha ha, in my experience (I have a husband AND a son) men can do this at will! Icky but funny.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I do NOT go to gyms unless I HAVE to. I set a gym up in my basement and I have only ME to impress! I use to lead fitness classes and give lifting instructions at a local wellness center so when it was MY time people still stopped me and asked questions and it really took the drive out of my push (if you know what I mean!) so that is why my gym got installed. A man interupted me one day to ask "what are you training for?" I was irritated and just said "LIFE" and went on lifting! He probably thought "what a bi+ch!" but at the moment I did not care! So in MY gym, to heck with earphones I can ROCK to blaring ACDC etc; (and LIFT) in my OWN world!!!
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    being cute has gone 46 years ago for me... I don't know what it is like to be hot (other than the middle of summer in the Aussie sun).

    nup ... there for me. Me, Me, Me.

    My areas where I hang out are full of some beautiful women, but I am doing this for me and my beautiful wife at home and my cute, awesome children.

    I am in it for LOVE, not LUST.

    Truly sorry for some of you have problems like that. Yes, you might need signs !
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    So am I weird for being kinda turned on when my wife's working out and all sweaty?
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    I go in looking semi cute and come out looking like a nasty hot mess as well. I go hard at the gym and could care less what I look like in the process. I live in a small town and there are only two gyms so everyone knows everyone. I had a friend of mine text me after my workout was over saying "I was going to stop and say hi, but you looked too intense and didn't want to iterrupt." I thanked him a million times for not ruining my momentum and it made me so happy that I put off that sort of "don't bother me or i may attack you" attitude.
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    First...WHY OH WHY AM I NOT OBJECTIFIED AT THE GYM **hangs head and cries** What I would do to be objectified or hit on or even looked at...damn, some people get all the luck....over a year at the gym 4 - 5 times a week and nothin **cries harder**....However in saying that, I always go to the boys section of the gym to lift (aka...free weights) and I have gotten to know some of the guys who are all really nice but it was from them approaching me and saying things like ...."damn girl you are making us work harder cause your making us look bad" or some other workout comment...it made me feel like a bad *kitten* but also opened the door so when we see each other we can say hi and smile and it makes the gym a more enjoyable experiance...but still no flirting or getting hit on...damn..UGH

    But then I am a wreck and sweaty and gross when I get done.
  • tinamatteson
    tinamatteson Posts: 125 Member
    I go in looking semi cute and come out looking like a nasty hot mess as well. I go hard at the gym and could care less what I look like in the process. I live in a small town and there are only two gyms so everyone knows everyone. I had a friend of mine text me after my workout was over saying "I was going to stop and say hi, but you looked too intense and didn't want to iterrupt." I thanked him a million times for not ruining my momentum and it made me so happy that I put off that sort of "don't bother me or i may attack you" attitude.

    I don't expect anyone to look at me anyway, but I basically roll out of bed and go to the gym as early as possible in the morning so I get the place mostly to myself! I also live in a small town with only two gyms, but apparently no one I know goes at 5:30 am. :happy:
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I think I look sweaty and gross enough that no one even things about coming near me, except for the enormously tall (I'm 5'10" so it takes a lot for me to feel like a shrimp, but he was probably close to 7' tall) man in the weight area the other day that was watching me between his own sets. It wasn't creepy, though - I think he just was making sure I was using proper form since he clearly knew what he was doing and I was the only girl over there at the time.

    ETA: I'm sorry I killed the thread. :(
  • this is why my bf is so great. :p my mom has a treadmill an a glider thing my bf has a treadmill elipcial and a punching bag and his dad has his own home gym (that for some reason he doesnt use and pays money to go to the gym) and he has a pool... ^.^ no public nessary...WOO
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    good thing I dont goto the gym, so I dont have to deal with this horsesh*t.
  • I know girl, lmao.

    This is why I studied in the library with my earphones on music blasting, writing my papers. I am not here for you I'm here to get my higher learning on! Sittin here, gettin my nerd on and all you do is walk by and stare...
  • lilyflor
    lilyflor Posts: 123 Member
    that is the same thing I say girl! I hate those stupid guys staring at you or saying hello like I care! it annoys me so much, I consider any approach as official harassment, the other day some old ugly dude came to use the ark machine next to me (there where like 10 empty ones next to either side of me, he kept on looking at me I kept on doing my thing, everytime he tried to say something I would just ignore him, so creepy! that's when I wish there was an all girls gym close to me... oh well... we have to suffer a few bugs if we ever want to be butterflies ;)
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I sooooooooooooo agree
  • me n my friend had issues with that last night... we were at a coffee shop in a room alone (yay we can do what we want) and her internet wouldnt start so we had to ask this middle eastren/indian/asian guy (he was one of the 3) to fix it... he got it though making us feel dumb
    I know girl, lmao.

    This is why I studied in the library with my earphones on music blasting, writing my papers. I am not here for you I'm here to get my higher learning on! Sittin here, gettin my nerd on and all you do is walk by and stare...
  • GoldenGirl1979
    GoldenGirl1979 Posts: 716 Member
    I don't go to the gym, I workout at home... But I LIKE looking put together when I workout... By the end of it, im a sweaty mess... but I like to start out cute :laugh:
  • i tried that...i wound up half naked and stripped to my bra and yoga pants :/