when will people notice?

memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I have lost 24lbs and so far no one has noticed, or if they have, they haven't said anything. I still can't tell a difference except for the fact that I can get into some clothes that have been in the back of the closet for a very long time. When will the difference show in my face? I am so tired of having the jowles of a bull mastiff!!!! I hate the way I look in pictures and especially my side view!!! When will it change?



  • People are probably noticing especially if you can fit into your old clothes again (that's awesome!). Sometimes people are too embarrased to say anything incase they're wrong but every pound you lose is one step closer to your goal and that is definitely a good thing!!! Do it for you girl!
  • BigAnn
    BigAnn Posts: 38
    I felt the same way. We have a weight loss incentive at work and I hear comments about how good other people look and how much weight they've lost but nothing is said to me. Finally, it just decided that I'm doing it for me and not for the comments (but the $5 per pound is a nice incentive.)
  • bodibykelli
    bodibykelli Posts: 135
    UGH~I remember feeling EXACTLY the same way! Hang in there....it will definately happen~just try not to let this discourage you!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Yeah lady, nobody said a word to me until I hit 200 lbs (35 lbs less). Don't feel bad, YOU know you are doing it, anything else said is just gravy.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    It took people awhile to notice my weight loss-30 pounds to be exact. The weird thing for me was that while I was doing all the hard work no one noticed. People will still ask me if I lost weight and I will say, "Yes, a year ago?!" Talk about a delayed reaction. I also think it depends on how much weight you need to lose. My sister in law was 5'3" and 300 pounds. She lost 50 pounds and no one even noticed! On someone that's a smaller size a 50 pound weight loss would be more noticeable. But remember you are doing this for you and compliments are just icing on the cake. Best wishes to you.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I'm just starting to hear from people now. Most of them comment on my husband's weight loss. He has lost 59 but all from his belly. Mine is an all over kind of fat!
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Thanks guys. It's just really frustrating when I hear other people being asked and they haven't even lost anything. Then no one asks me. I can't wait until my face starts looking slimmer! I guess I am just having a pitty party today, no big deal. It's just a Monday.

  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I have lost 43lbs now and some people have noticed, but few said anything to me directly until I had lost more than 30. A lot of people don't want to say anything in case they are wrong or don't want to insult you.

    I still have a somewhat distorted image of what I look like though. I don't see the changes that others say they see. My mom was telling me how my face is slimmer and legs and arms particulary, but I have trouble seeing it for myself. With the amount I have gone down I guess I was expecting a more dramatic change in my appearance, but when you have as much to lose as I do it is harder to notice. It will come.

    It is great you are able to reclaim clothes from the back of your closet. Focus on that and the positive changes you are accomplishing. You are doing great! :flowerforyou:
  • nguill6
    nguill6 Posts: 133
    Now that you mention it, I think you're looking great! Keep up the good work! Also go for the digital camera and take some "progress" pics just for you. Others will notice eventually, but even if they didn't this is for you
  • Wojo
    Wojo Posts: 4 Member
    Yeah 30 lbs seems to be the magical number. Family, co-workers, and neighbors. It was discouraging till it finally happened. Keep with it, it will happen.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Well, then 6 more pounds and people should start noticing.
    I was just looking at my profile on here and I couldn't believe it, instead of it saying "85 lbs left to go, it says "61 lbs left to go!". That just hit me!! I am not only out of the 80's but the 70's as well!! I feel much better now. Thanks everyone for all the support!!!

  • Jessimicab
    Jessimicab Posts: 21
    it's all about the % of weight lost to the amount needed to be lost to be within your BMI. if you're 300lbs over your BMI (just for example) 25 lbs wont be noticeable, however on the other hand if you only need to lose 50 lbs, and you lose 40 people will notice.

    25 lbs is a great milestone! and you should be proud of yourself. but I see you want to lose 85 lbs, it might take a while but it'll be worth it, and it's not about what people say at all... it's about how YOU feel about yourself, if you feel like crap you'll look like crap, if you feel like a star, you'll look like a star.

    I'm not sure if you watch the office or not... but look at Angela, normally she looks like a bitter old hag, but when she smiles, she's pretty and cute. Im not saying it's 100% how you feel or show yourself, but it's a good portion!!
  • nmaganas
    nmaganas Posts: 3
    :happy: Sounds like you are on you way, don't get discouraged! I am finding that this is a very slow process. Great job! Here is a quote from someone else my trainer gave me, it's one of my favorites and hangs on my computer screen at work so I read it 100x a day for inspiration.

    "Time and Consistency equals Motivation and Results!"

    Hang in there and keep up the workouts!
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    :happy: Sounds like you are on you way, don't get discouraged! I am finding that this is a very slow process. Great job! Here is a quote from someone else my trainer gave me, it's one of my favorites and hangs on my computer screen at work so I read it 100x a day for inspiration.

    "Time and Consistency equals Motivation and Results!"

    Hang in there and keep up the workouts!
    I like that one! Thanks for the encouraging words!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Another issue is,,, many guys are very careful what they (we) say to ladies.

    "Have you lost weight?" can quite easily be taken as "You need to lose some weight" or even "My - you're looking slightly less obese than usual".

    As you know, men and women often speak very different languages, and a lot of what we fellers say is not taken the way we meant it. It happens a lot, and we pay dearly when it does - and we can pay VERY dearly if it happens at work and it's perceived as any kind of harassment.

    Another pitfall is - What if she hasn't lost weight - but she's been trying or wanting to, and she's a little sensitive about it? Then "Have you lost,,," is a reminder of something unpleasant. Just a bad deal.

    Lots of us fellers have learned some lessons and just prefer to remain quiet and be thought a fool. It's safer.

    Don't worry, it's noticed. G-d knows we are constantly observing/admiring/<discretely leering at> the women around us. If you broach the subject the observant fellow will probably say "I thought something was going on. I noticed that,,,".

    Sometimes If I'm pretty sure I'm seeing changes and I know a woman well and get along with her well (and I know she has a sense of humor) I will playfully ask "Hey - is there a little less Becky than there used to be?".

    ((Another rule from the guyz rulebook - "Never ask a woman if she's pregnant unless you can actually see parts of another human being protruding from her")).
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Another issue is,,, many guys are very careful what they (we) say to ladies.

    "Have you lost weight?" can quite easily be taken as "You need to lose some weight" or even "My - you're looking slightly less obese than usual".

    As you know, men and women often speak very different languages, and a lot of what we fellers say is not taken the way we meant it. It happens a lot, and we pay dearly when it does - and we can pay VERY dearly if it happens at work and it's perceived as any kind of harassment.

    Another pitfall is - What if she hasn't lost weight - but she's been trying or wanting to, and she's a little sensitive about it? Then "Have you lost,,," is a reminder of something unpleasant. Just a bad deal.

    Lots of us fellers have learned some lessons and just prefer to remain quiet and be thought a fool. It's safer.

    Don't worry, it's noticed. G-d knows we are constantly observing/admiring/<discretely leering at> the women around us. If you broach the subject the observant fellow will probably say "I thought something was going on. I noticed that,,,".

    Sometimes If I'm pretty sure I'm seeing changes and I know a woman well and get along with her well (and I know she has a sense of humor) I will playfully ask "Hey - is there a little less Becky than there used to be?".

    ((Another rule from the guyz rulebook - "Never ask a woman if she's pregnant unless you can actually see parts of another human being protruding from her")).
    Too funny! I will keep that in mind!! Thanks Casper!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Casper's right, it is often a no-win situation for men to comment on a woman's appearance. I've lost 23 lbs, but it was after the first 15 that I got the most comments, every single one of them from women I work with.
    Now, they don't say anything at all, even though I'm still losing. I'm not sure why, but maybe they're just used to the fact that I'm on this lifestyle change course.

    You probably feel ever so much better physically and mentally, having lost so much weight so far, and that is an awesome reward in and of itself! :flowerforyou:
  • Sparklene
    Sparklene Posts: 38 Member
    I've lost only 16 pounds (for us old people, it is SO sloooowww!) since September. I started MFP the first of June and have lost 2-3 pounds at the most. And only this past week several people have told me I was getting skinny. So it may take a while, so hang in there. It's a great feeling when someone does notice. You'll get there.
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I've lost only 16 pounds (for us old people, it is SO sloooowww!) since September. I started MFP the first of June and have lost 2-3 pounds at the most. And only this past week several people have told me I was getting skinny. So it may take a while, so hang in there. It's a great feeling when someone does notice. You'll get there.
    Very slow, it has taken me since Jan to lose 24lbs!! Ugggggggggg
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