What do you think is the best work out video , with out a me

I am wanting to invest in a workout video however not a menu! I am totally fine with working out and understand I must eat healthy. I am all for that but, the whole point of Mfp was so I can eat what healthy foods I want and loose the weight. I have lost almost 8lbs so it is working:). I have been doing exercise such as the elliptical and walking but now want to incorporate an exercise video. What is the best workout video to do that is good for a beginner? I am pumped to go buy one that focuses on working out not menus. I am looking for something fairly priced however if it is something that works to help me loose weight ,I don't mind paying the extra money for it. I would appreciate Any ideas ,suggestions or advice.I love the people on this site and love the views and helpful guidance.


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    My first stop would be the local library and check out a couple exercise videos to get an idea of what you like

    I do have some Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels videos that we got new for $12-$15 so not that big of a hit BUT they DO vary in intensity... the Bob Harper "beginners" workout I have is NOT for someone going from an inactive lifestyle to working out daily, holy intense...
  • thogston
    thogston Posts: 23 Member
    Good feedback thanks, I have actually been working out everyday for 30 minutes doing either the elliptical or walking. I would not say I have been inactive but I see what you mean by starting out slowly and building up. I have hear Jillian Michael's is good I will have to read up on Bob Harper. Thanks for the response :)
  • thogston
    thogston Posts: 23 Member
    p.s good job on the 16lbs lost!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    30 day shred. it's start with a low weight, but it will be great to build your endurance and give you a basic idea of how to lift weights once you graduate and want to go heavier (and you should go heavier - it will make you stronger, and build muscle that will burn fat FOR you even while your body is at rest). i also like no more trouble zones since it hits all the trouble areas girls usually are self-conscious about. it's a great all over body work out, great calorie burn, and again, good basic weight moves to get you started.
  • trixirn
    trixirn Posts: 130 Member
    Neither Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper are big on including menus with their workouts (except her new body revolution which has them). I agree. I can't really eat the P90X menu! I usually just disregard them.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    I haven't really done any workout videos. I'm ending my second week of Insanity though! I'M IN LOVE. I think after this I'll head over to p90x. I'm at the point where I want to tone up and shed a little bit of weight. I think it all really depends on what your weight loss goals are. I see a lot of people into the 30DS, and I've seen amazing results weight loss wise!
  • rayleansout
    Jari Love - Lean and ripped - weights and cardio, google it - its a very amazing and effective workout!!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Oh I wasn't meaning to imply you were "new" to exercising, I am though besides the daily chores with a garden and livestock to take care of :) With beginner on the label I assumed it'd be "an easy place to start" and I couldn't keep up with half of it.
  • sullyboo
    sullyboo Posts: 256 Member
    30 day shred by Jillian Micheals... About 25 mins ish including warm up and cool down. I've started doing two levels back to back and added heavier weights for more of a challenge.If you look in YouTube there are some sample workouts. Well done on your loss so far :smile:
  • thogston
    thogston Posts: 23 Member
    ol Pandorian all good no worries:happy: I appreciate the respectful reply:) @ everyone else as well, great Ideas and great responses.? on the 30day shred, what kind of weights (size) does it start with so, I can get everything at once. LoL Nothing worse then opening the video and then not having the proper stuff to go along with it. @ the other suggestions I will definitely Google them and check out everything before making a final decision. Once again thank yu all for your support and comments. I appreciate all the help very much.:wink:
  • lbarton12
    Try to check out collagevideo.com. I have ordered several from there before. I like using that site b/c you can see a 90 second clip from each video plus its free shipping with $25 orders. My favorite videos I've ordered include: Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (great for a quick workout), and anything The Firm (all you usually need are some weights 3, 5, 8#). I think its a great approach you are taking! Best of luck to you!
  • sullyboo
    sullyboo Posts: 256 Member
    You can start with food cans if you like or water bottles. I have 1.5kg hand weights but just moved up to 3.5kg . You'll need a may as well if you're on a hard floor.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    Try them out and see what works for you. I see threads about the 30 day shred all the time, and personally, none of Jillian's or The Biggest Loser workouts really did it for me.

    What worked for me is Power 90. I don't even remember how I found the workout, but I'm glad I did. I wish this was introduced to me in HS instead of Taebo (didn't really work for me either). Not sure about P90X, since I haven't done it.
  • thogston
    thogston Posts: 23 Member
    Once again, I would like to thank all of you for your responses ,I appreciate it all!
  • janegalt37
    janegalt37 Posts: 270 Member
    30 Day Shred is fabulous. Jillian is kind of annoying, but the results I saw after 5 sessions made my jaw hit the floor, so I don't complain too much about her. :wink:

    I use3#, 5# and 7# weights, depending on the movement.

    I'm doing 30DS to get strong enough to handle P90, then P90X. They both come with nutrition plans, but I'll totally ignore them and do my own thing based on research and my experience so far. You could do the same. As long as you eat loads of protein and be sure to get enough complex carbs on days you're doing more cardio, you can follow whichever nutrition plan you like, no matter what workout you're doing.

    Good luck!