help needed

my husband thinks i have a problem because i want to get to 120lbs am now 145lbs, i workout everyday (missed last week) and eat healthy i eat 1200 calories a day, somedays i dont get hungry and i eat less (which i know i shouldnt )
my friends dont think i am 10 stone they think i weigh less and people tell m,e all the time i am skinny but i cant see it has i have a jlo bum and i hate it (picked on at school for it)
i have got a lot of spots on my face now and at 25 its annoying but my husband reckons its down to my obbsession with been skinny i try and eat all the food groups and take multi vitamins
i look in the mirror and i see a fat girl still but people who see me sometimes strangers say there is nowt on me
how many calories should i eat and how much exercise should i do daily at the minute am buring 600- 700 calories at the gym daily and i cant loose weight

sorry to ramble on xx x


  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    You need to NET at least 1200 calories, preferably your BMR, it sounds like you may be eating too few calories. I also would suggest watching your sodium. Question: How tall are you? 120 may be reasonable, or may be too small, depending on how tall you are.
  • bextoye
    am 5,4
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    am 5,4

    120 lbs seems perfectly reasonable for a woman who is 5'4"

    Two Things:

    1. Even though your friends and family are probably meaning well and have nothing but good intentions, what other people think I should do is not a part of my weight loss. Self-love and self-acceptance are, however. I had to decide if I was doing this for me because I wanted to look my absolute best or out of some sort of self-hatred, insecurity, and/or low-self esteem. If it's the latter for you, then you may need to consider seeing a therapist or councilor. It just sounds like a lot of what you're worried about is based on what others think/say and not about what you truly want for yourself.

    2. You do not seem to be eating enough, which is probably why your family is concerned (it concerns me, too). Your family may suspect you have an eating disorder (and maybe you do), and that's why they are telling you to stop losing weight and eat more. However, if you truly want to lose weight for the positive reasons I mentioned before, you'll probably need to eat more than you already are (this is what I had to do in order to have successful weight loss and show the people around me that I was treating my body with the love it deserves). I haven't calculated it exactly for you, but anything less than 1200 calories is not healthy. To slowly boost your metabolism back up to top speed (as it has probably slowed down some), reintroduce more calories starting with fruits and vegetables. You may gain a few pounds, but no one will notice and in a couple weeks or so, you'll lose them and then start losing more weight more quickly. You'll have more energy and you'll be more clear headed. Your workouts will be more productive and the issues with your skin, hair, and nails that you're probably having will start to get better (drinking more water will also help). It may be a good idea to see a nutritionist.

    Good luck!
  • bextoye
    thanks for your opinon gonna start doing that thanks xx