Looking for new friends to weight with :)

Hi! I started the mission to change last Monday, and I've signed up for MyFitnessPal a few days ago. :smile: I'm 21, 5'3" and I weigh 170 lbs at the moment. I would like to lose 45-60 lbs (I'm not sure where I'd stop because I've never been thin before!)

I would just like to have some new friends to do this with since I find it quite hard to find weight loss buddies in real life.


  • jenniferlynn2477
    jenniferlynn2477 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Maika, I'm 34 and weigh 255 right now. I've been using this for almost a month now and love it. I've lost about 15 pounds and it is almost shocking to see how easy it is by watching what you eat (counting calories) and exercising. :happy:
  • MaikaShen
    Hey Jennifer. :) It's been a great help to me, too. I found myself trying to really stick with my goals even though temptations are everywhere :happy:
  • kangakev
    kangakev Posts: 2,430 Member
    Yeah,temptations everywhere. My worst are chocolate and hamburgers. Trying to lose weight for myself and because my newphews and neices are worried about their fat uncle. Good luck to you on your weight losing adventure
  • ladyskillit
    HI Maika, I am in the same boat, started this program earlier this week. I am 32, 5"2 and weigh 150. I am trying to lose 25lbs.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    Hi Maika. I am 5' 3 and 158 and trying to loose 20. Fiend request coming.
  • jorowling
    jorowling Posts: 54 Member
    Hi would love to be your weight loss buddy. I am looking for more myself. Started last week at 94kg...207 pounds. Now 89.6kgs....197 pounds, just by cutting out all the junk I was eating and walking to school. Would love to get to 140pounds (64kgs). Feel free to add me as a friend. :)