University sudents

I just feel so frustrated right now because sometimes I can't come back home to have a healty food because I need to go to the hospital (i'm a med student), or I need to stay awake at night and i just CRAAAAAVE sugar like at 2 am... besides, I don't have all the time I'd like to excercise, currently I just go running 5 days a week for one hour or so... pfff I think I just needed to let it out!


  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    I just feel so frustrated right now because sometimes I can't come back home to have a healty food because I need to go to the hospital (i'm a med student), or I need to stay awake at night and i just CRAAAAAVE sugar like at 2 am... besides, I don't have all the time I'd like to excercise, currently I just go running 5 days a week for one hour or so... pfff I think I just needed to let it out!

    It's hard to keep the healthy eating going when you work weird schedules and things. Only solution I've found is to pack some food and always have something with me. My laptop bag always has a couple Zone bars or somethign similar. And I usualy have a cooler bag in my car with at least some yogurt or some veggies or fruit.
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    Yup, I agree! Always have something on you so that you can eat it when you get hungry...(nuts or granola bars..) I've found that it helps control sugar cravings..! :)
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    I'm a uni student with weird hours too...

    What I try to do is one day per week cook up like a big batch of healthy chilli or something... or soup - and then freeze it in portions and take it with me on the run!

  • btzisabel
    btzisabel Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you all, I loved the cooler bag tip, sounds effective (:
  • chuckles217
    chuckles217 Posts: 123 Member
    I am a medical student too. What year are you?

    Protein shakes come in handy, just pre fill a bottle with powder and mix it with water when you get hungry. Other than surgery rotation, I've found time to eat a meal I've packed and haven't had to eat the hospital food.

    Working out isn't too bad. You don't have to study near as much in evenings so you should have time then depending on the rotation. I still prefer mornings so I get up and work out first thing.
  • btzisabel
    btzisabel Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in 3rd year, I don't do rotations yet, what bothers me is my classes schedule, but i cant do nothing about them... what Im trying to do is pack a salad or someting so It comes handy when hunger attacks
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    College + Diet & Exercise = a challenge.
  • soymilkcoffee
    I'm in college too. It's hard to find time to cook healthy meals and exercise in between classes, studying and work. I either: work out really early in the morning, or right after I come home from work so I don't have time to plop down and take a nap. I know it's hard sometimes, but just schedule in work out times and cook in bulk! :)
  • Katie41907
    I make it a point to eat something very filling for breakfast. Usually Oatmeal. Then for lunch I take mixed berries or an apple.On Monday I usually cut up a big bowl of strawberries and mix it with blackberries and blueberries so I can divided it up through the week. Then for dinner I always eat with the family. You may not feel like you have time but it's such a stress relieving break to be able to sit down and enjoy your time rather than worrying about school....or a diet for that matter.
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    For me it's all about having stuff at the ready that I can grab and go. Things that work well include ready to go leftovers (beans and rice is currently my favorite for no good reason other than it's delicious and filling), and having serving sizes of chips and salsa, raisins, fruit, yogurt, whatever, all rationed out so that I can stick it in my backpack and eat between classes if I have to. Having stuff already with me helps a lot. As for sugar cravings, I am the WORST. Before I started losing weight I would have easy mac at 1 or 2 almost every night; those calories add up. Now I'd suggest trying to go for some tea sweetened with stevia or some fruit, but it's a hard craving to beat. Good luck to you!
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    I know your pain. I'm a PhD student and am self-funding, so work (sometimes two jobs when I can get the work), do the PhD, do loads of volunteering and the worst part is that I don't live near my Uni and it takes me two hours to commute in and commute home, so even going in and out of Uni becomes a challenge. I just try to make sure I plan out my days in advance a little. Like if I know I'm not finishing at Uni til 5.30, then I know I'll be starving by the time I get home at 7.30, so I take dinner with me. Even if it is just fruit and nuts and cold meat or something like that, I figure that it is better than eating rubbish.