No More excuses.....

New here....thought if I spent more time on this site, I will get motivated and inspired to get off my A** to Workout and not so much on Facebook and Pinterest. :tongue: Lets hope this works....tired of being FAT!! Hope to find some good stuff on here!! :happy:


  • iwisheyes
    Welcome! I'm new too. Been reading and learning a lot here the past few days. Have also lost almost 3 lbs since 2/8 just by holding myself accountable for what I eat... We can do this!
  • crystalcook87
    I just joined the community today, I am tired of being fat, and seeing people who weigh the same and being like "ew thats what I look like" I want to look cute in shorts, not be self concious in a bathing suit !
  • jcnewme11
    Thanks Ladies.....What we I eat is def. a factor in my weight gain....I can look at bread and gain 5 lbs. I am the same way....I look at other people and always ask my daughter "Do I look like that?"....I wanna be happy, I have a loooong way to go but I will get there! We all will!!!! :):)
  • ashtonalayna
    Hi, welcome to MFP! Good Luck with your weight loss....YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!
  • jcnewme11
    I CAN DO THIS, I CAN DO THIS, I CAN DO THIS!!!! Thank you!!! Good Luck to you too!!!

    p.s.....Cute Kiddos!! :)
  • Charmblossom
    Charmblossom Posts: 5 Member
    I started this nearly 7 months ago and I love it!! I've lost 40 lbs as of the other day. :) Keep it up everyone!! :)
  • IndianCat3
    IndianCat3 Posts: 158 Member
    You can do this..only accept ppl on ur friend list who are dead serious, not the ppl that jus wanna socialize..I'm one of the serious ones ;) feel free to add me...
  • jcnewme11
    I hope to keep this website as motivation and stay on it! 40lbs.....AWESOME!!! I dont mind the socializing.....but I def. need serious!!! :) Thanks I sent a request!! :):)
  • MrsPodaski
    Hi I'm Suzie.
    I've been doing MFP since Sept 15,2011 and have lost 42 pounds. I am new to the message boards, however, I would love someone to share recipes and meal ideas with and support when needed . I swim 2 or 3 times a week , and have an active job in the medical field. I've always been a" foodie". I love to eat, cook, bake and entertain in general, I also want to lose weight, so I can be more active and live a and keep up better with my active kids. (young adults). I am the only overweight person in my family which is not easy .I can't blame my genes, I've just have had a lot of trouble controlling the on/off switch once I start eating. I generally make good food choices, just eat too much.. I find drinking the water really helps but am having more trouble doing that lately in this cold winter weather. My goal is to lose 50 pounds by early April , so far I am on track to meet that goal. My goal was 30 pound loss by Christmas,and 40 by Valentines day. I really find it helps to set small goals as you go along especially if you have a lot to lose. Good Luck to all of you who are just beginning,
  • jcnewme11
    Hi Suzie.....42 lbs AWESOME...I can only hope! I need low sodium/fat easy recipes....I have a 7 yr old and in college so we are always on the go. I try to eat healthy but it seems like Im not getting the right nutrition? IDK! I have cut back my portions and counting my calories...which I hope doesn't get out of control like it did years ago....I know better now. It is scary though. I want to lose about 65 lbs. and will be HAPPY!!! Im short so it shows everywhere! Good Luck to you and hope we can motivate and share lots of good info!! :)
  • runningoncinshine
    runningoncinshine Posts: 21 Member
    I just signed up on myfitnesspal today. I also have a facebook page called: A Better You in 2012. It's a page where "fitness friends" can encourage and motivate each other. I post encouragement, health tips, fit foods, mid day motivation, etc. on my page as well. Feel free to check it out, and I'd welcome all of you to be my friend on here, too! Take care, ~Cindy Lou :smile:
  • jcnewme11
    Awesome Cindy Lou....I will have to check out you FB page!! Thank you! :)
  • runningoncinshine
    runningoncinshine Posts: 21 Member
    You are very welcome!