Wii delema

CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
I have a delema with the wii, I got on it this afternoon and did the weigh in and I was down 11 lbs from the last time i got on it which was 24 days ago, yes I have been lazy, but 11 lbs down from 24 days is pretty good. okay I was excited, then I exercised for 15mins with the wii and decided to weigh myself again to see if I lost anything and it said I gained it ALL back all 11 lbs. What the crap happened? How can i exercise and gain, it must be the muscle mass. Does anyone have the same problem or do the samething that I did, weighing again after exercise???


  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    I don't weigh after exercise. The only time I weigh is first thing in the morning after the morning "business" is done. I've heard weighing after exercise is not a good thing, not sure why though. I know my feet and hands have a tendency to swell when I'm working out. Could be something retention related.
  • Jessimicab
    Jessimicab Posts: 21
    sounds liek something is off!! (likely the wii) I would suggest getting a proper scale :) i got the "health-o-meter" for breastcancer awareness at WalMart for 15 dollars. and it's pretty good, i can jump on it over and over and it gives accurate readings - and what a price !!
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Thank you for your input, i won't weigh after exercise anymore
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    okay I might do that instead, is it digital?
  • khoolette
    khoolette Posts: 73
    I was told at Curves not to weigh after a workout, since the blood has been flowing and "pumping up your muscles" :0)
  • Jessimicab
    Jessimicab Posts: 21
    yes it's digital and accurate to 0.2 lbs, which I really like because you can see a difference faster :P hehe
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Thank you for that info, now i know not to weigh after working out
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    okay, I think I will get one tomorrow
  • firepixie
    firepixie Posts: 65
    I also "lost" 10lbs on the wii, but it was because I weighed myself on the carpet. You need a firm surface. If you weighed yourself in the same place both times, then I have no idea how that is possible! Maybe the wii is a little off?
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    okay I will look into it
  • frankborelli
    frankborelli Posts: 218 Member

    I have the opposite experience. I can get on the Wii, weigh in, work out and be down five pounds. It just doesn't happen like that so I wonder what's up?

    Here's what I'm thinking (and I may be completely off):

    My family room - where I do anything on my Wii - is carpeted. The more stable the platform is for the balance board the more accurate it is. SO, as I work out and the carpet gets compressed underneath it (you can see the foot impressions when I'm done almost an hour later) the more stable the balance board is, the more accurate its readings are?

    I'm just guessing.... But it sounds like - if you took off a week and didn't do much - the chances of losing 11 pounds are slim (but I don't know your situation). Maintaining a steady weight is more likely - and it sounds like that's what the Wii reported at the end of your work out.

    SO... working out on carpet? or hard floor? Just curious as to whether or not my assumption is valid...
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I will look into that and see what I come up with, I do the wii on carpet, so maybe its a little off. who knows
  • irapunzel
    irapunzel Posts: 6
    my wii (on the carpet) weighs me pretty consistently about 6-7 pounds lighter than my digital scale on the hard floor. Now of course, the hotel scales in the workout rooms (I travel a lot for my job) usually hit somewhere in between. So I think the key is to find one scale, one surface and one time of day and use that as your base line. Hopefully your wii will eventually show a trend in the same direction as the regular scale.
  • frankborelli
    frankborelli Posts: 218 Member

    You are exactly right but the difference between my Wii weight (at end of workout, same time each day) is about 13 pounds lighter than my spring scale on the bathroom floor. I figure as long as I only use ONE to project my weight loss I'm good to go.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Thats some good info there guys. I will only use the wii then
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