What drives you to be in shape?

Hi guys

i just wondered what drives you to get into shape?

I am what many would consider in good shape etc, but I can't appreciate it.

I just want to know what drives you and what extra life would bring to you guys if you got your dream body.


  • beyg
    beyg Posts: 212 Member
    1 health
    2 I realized I got way out of shape
    3 mi familia
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    My health! I just plain feel better when I'm in shape.
  • tierneymichele
    I have this one pair of jeans. I have had them since middle school and they always fit..until here lately. And I live in the south and the beach is home to me. And i want to feel as comfortable as possible when I go there.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Im vain! I want to go to the lake and not be afraid to take my shirt off! Im divorced and i have my little girl with me full time and she would like me to swim with her at the rec center.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    The way I feel when I am in shape. Life is more enjoyable when people are in shape. I remember skydiving and being concerned about how I looked in the jump suit. Now that I am firmed up I don't think I'd have that concern. Last summer on vacation I completed a military-style aerial obstacle course that took nearly 4 hours, and it was am amazing feeling of accomplishment. I was never a runner...and when I finished running my first 5k (I'd done many, but actually ran the entire time) the feeling was overwhelming. I just feel life is better.

    And, to be honest, watching my father die of cancer (nothing to do with weight, he was slender) made me realize that each day we get to wake up should be treated as a gift. That we should be thankful for the strength of our lungs and hearts and our bodies, and we shouldn't let it go to waste. I'm not talking on a religious level, just in general. I found a lot of appreciation for life during his final 7 months. So in a way, I guess I choose to honor my father everytime I challenge myself. He was always up for anything, and I guess in a way me choosing to live life keeps him alive too.
  • Hayesgang
    <<<Seeing my body change, and realizing I can sculpt it to MY ideal.

    Yes, I love being able to wear anything I want and being comfortable BUT I love being strong more. Just a few months ago I couldn't do a push up, now I can.

    I appreciate the fact that my body hasn't given up on me after years of abuse, I have decided that I owe it to myself to treat my body with love, kindness and compassion.
  • beautyreaps
    The first is my career choice, you gotta practice what you preach, right? The second would be because I'm grateful to be alive, not just by saying that I am, but through action (being physically active). I think every day is worth appreciating, even those tough ones, but I digress. The third is my perfectionism, haha. I just want to be at my best, intellectually and physically.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    Trying to better my health. I had arthroscopic hip surgery a year ago. Was told that due to Osteoarthritis I will eventually need a new hip. My grandpa had hip replacement. My dad has had both hips replaced in the last year. My mom had her knee replaced 2 years ago.

    I already know I have Osteoarthritis in both hips. I am pretty certain I have it in my knees as well. I want to get into shape to avoid more surgery as long as possible and also to make my recovery easier when the time comes. It would also be nice to feel comfortable in my clothes & bathing suit.
  • BoxingCoachMo
    hey guys this is some good stuff here.

    Its making me realize that the time i do spend working out and eating right is wroth something.

    But let me ask you a blunt question, does it make you feel hot?
  • smileybooliz
    smileybooliz Posts: 193 Member
    The way I feel when I am in shape. Life is more enjoyable when people are in shape. I remember skydiving and being concerned about how I looked in the jump suit. Now that I am firmed up I don't think I'd have that concern. Last summer on vacation I completed a military-style aerial obstacle course that took nearly 4 hours, and it was am amazing feeling of accomplishment. I was never a runner...and when I finished running my first 5k (I'd done many, but actually ran the entire time) the feeling was overwhelming. I just feel life is better.

    And, to be honest, watching my father die of cancer (nothing to do with weight, he was slender) made me realize that each day we get to wake up should be treated as a gift. That we should be thankful for the strength of our lungs and hearts and our bodies, and we shouldn't let it go to waste. I'm not talking on a religious level, just in general. I found a lot of appreciation for life during his final 7 months. So in a way, I guess I choose to honor my father everytime I challenge myself. He was always up for anything, and I guess in a way me choosing to live life keeps him alive too.

    I also had someone close to me die from cancer. It was my brother. He was young and healthy before he got cancer so every moment I take care of my body and honor all it can do....I honor him. My grandmother suffered from diabetes starting in her 40's (my age now) her diabetes started because of her obesity. Her last 20 years of her life she struggled with all kinds of health issues due mostly to her weight. When going through her things after she passed away we found all sorts of books on diets and weight loss. She never achieved her weight loss goals in life and she died way too young because of it. I know she's up there in heaven cheering me on with every step I make toward losing weight and getting healthy. Our bodies are a blessing that we need to take care of. :happy:
  • brindlechewy
    brindlechewy Posts: 84 Member
    hey guys this is some good stuff here.

    Its making me realize that the time i do spend working out and eating right is wroth something.

    But let me ask you a blunt question, does it make you feel hot?

    Bahahaha, absolutely NOT. I feel like, even if I get my body to look the way I like, I'll still be stuck with my same gross face and eyebrows and hair and....well, as others have said before, there's a reason that my profile pic is a funny picture I found online. Even though I'll always hate the way that I look, it's gratifying to see less fat and more "cuts," or muscle definition, as I increase my training and improve the way that I eat. Now if only I could be undressed around my husband without wanting to cry, apologize, and curl into the fetal position...

    Hm, that last line makes it sound like I'm in a bad relationship or something, but let me assure everyone that the only person in my home who is unkind to myself is me. :frown:
  • Vanilladays
    Vanilladays Posts: 155 Member
    :flowerforyou: My journey began with the absolute need to get healthy ~ my life was at risk ~ I'd developed diabetes. After a year of changes, better eating habits and more exercise, with 20 -30kgs lost ~ good but too late ~ I then had a heart attack.
    I have three daughters and wanted to be around to see them grow into women themselves so I knew I had to make even more changes. I didn't really know how huge the task that lay before me was and it has been an incredibly eye opening journey for me, one of discovery of my self. I am only now really understanding that I never really believed I could be where I am now.
    I have slowly lost well over 60kgs in this time and am nearing my latest weight goal.
    I now have the new challenge of toning up a body severely devastated by carrying such an excess load for so many years. Lots and lots of excess skin unfortunately.
    The most wonderful thing is I can actually see a difference. I have found MFP a great tool that keeps me on track and in combination with the gym ~ Curves ~ I am powering along. I have amazed myself and so many around me.
    I still have to remind myself I am not 'big'. Someone I've only recently met described me a 'just a little bird' of a thing the other day....oh my what that did for my soul!
    So I sum this ramble up with a thought....it's the belief in one self that is the most powerful force we have to meet life's challenges. We can achieve whatever we want if we actually believe it's possible. Not an original thought of course but one that hits home for me.
    So happy to meet you all and hope that you believe your dreams and hopes are within your grasp. :flowerforyou:

    Jen :smile:
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    i want to be in shape because i'm not satisfied with being "average". i want to be strong, fit, and beautiful.
  • Hayesgang
    But let me ask you a blunt question, does it make you feel hot?

    Damn Skippy!!!!!!!
    There is nothing better then sliding up my jeans, gliding them over my behind, buttoning them with ease, putting on a tight T and not having a muffin top.

    EDIT: I love that my husband says I have a "shelf *kitten*" and asks me to flex sometimes!!
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I'm in recovery from anorexia and I'm quite open with the fact I know I suffer with it.
    The only reason I have for recovering is the thought that one day I will have a child. I have been through three pregnancies and lost all three babies, my doctor said it was because my body couldn't cope under the strain of it. This was the most painful thing I have ever been through, having my very own little family is all I have ever wanted and I felt it was all my fault, I denied myself that food, therefore I killed those babies, it was me.
    After I lost my last baby I started looking into getting my tubes tied, just the thought of going through this pain again, which felt inevitable was too much but I turned to god instead.
    I always knew anorexia was an illness and it was not the sufferers fault but I did not think it was the same for me, I felt I brought it on myself, I chose not to eat, no one forced me, but I have realised it does apply to me too, this is not my fault, which I understand some people may disagree with.
    I have never gotten regular periods and I haven't had one since last september, which is my longest time without, but I'm trying to not let that stop me. I tend to feel discouraged easily and I worry about everything, so I just try and block it out even though I'm really scared. I'm scared I won't ever have that family I want, I need.
    I understand all the needs and necessities of baby growing in your womb needs and also when brought into the world, and I know my body needs to be better before I have a baby again. I know I'm only nineteen but I know what I want. This baby has to be planned though and I want to be married before we plan our baby with my ex lol:(
    So I'm trying to recover for my baby. I can't bring back the babies I lost but I can bring into the world a happy and healthy baby as long as my body is fully recovered and functioning.
  • katswearingen
    1. Graduation Dress :)
    2. Beach week with my friends after Graduation
    4. Tired of feeling like the "fat friend"
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    One look in the mirror... I get so disgusted I have to go to the gym
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Staying healthy and attractive. Being comfortable in my own body. Having a better love life with my husband. ;) That last one is definitely a big motivator to stay fit. Lol.
  • Thechiplover
    1. My Family
    2. Health
    3. Recognition, nothing better than someone saying you look good after you have worked hard to get there.
  • FinerthanB433
    hey guys this is some good stuff here.

    Its making me realize that the time i do spend working out and eating right is wroth something.

    But let me ask you a blunt question, does it make you feel hot?

    Yes, a thousand times, yes!!!! My fiancee saw me yesterday for the first time in months, and he could not believe how FINE I had become!!! All of his friends are now jealous of him because I have been working so hard to get the weight off, and they said I look like a movie star! The best compliment EVER! This pushes me to not give up, even on the days it is so hard to stick with!!!!!