How do you know if you have reached your weight plateau?

Since September I have been hovering from 67kg to 68kg and when I weighed this morning still no change. At 46 years old, I am varying my calorie intake from minimum 1200 if I don't train to anything to the maximum of 1500cals in any one day if I do train. I would normally vary my training as well to shock my body to include cardiovascular and weight endurance but I am training for a 10K race at the moments so I am concentrating more on running and doing some core work therefore not burning as many calories as I would normally. I am careful what I eat and drink during the week but I do have a glass or two of wine of a weekend otherwise I will go crazy. My target is 63kg but I must admit I am getting a bit frustrated that I seem to have stalled. I need some ideas please.


  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    How tall are you? depending on your height, you may be getting close to your "healthy BMI" range, and once you're in that its more about toning than necessarily dropping kg.

    I had issues with a plateau and was advised to focus on toning up rather than weight loss itself because I was already in my ideal BMI range.

    Also, once you hit the "healthy" range, its recommended that you drop down to losing 1lb/week (0.5kg), as its more manageable for the body because you have less excess fat to lose compared to a heavier BMI.

    Finally: Don't forget that muscle weighs as well, so depending on what you've been doing, you may have lost fat but gained muscle - you will be slimmer in measurements, if not necessarily in weight.

    Hope that helps - I was in the same position a few months ago :smile:
  • rustypust
    rustypust Posts: 19 Member
    I am 5ft 4in (1.65mtrs) according to my BMI I am still over weight by around Seven pounds and that is the high end range. My scales measure body fat which is saying 23% but I don't understand why I should not lose anything other than the 1kg fluctuation especially since I have started running and although I have lost inches, they have also stayed the same the last couple of months.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    How many cals do you burn when you run? Running is usually a high burner, so you may not be eating enough to fuel your workouts.

    Usually when you hit a plateau, you need to switch things around. This could be eat more, or exercise less, or do something different. Your body has got used to the 1200 and 1500 regime and running. Its clever. It will adjust itself to whatever you give it after a while.

    I had a good link on overcoming plateau's but I can't find it right now. Will look further and get back to you.........

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    excellent blog, thanks for posting!!! i hot my plateau, 3.5 weeks no budge. i did up my calories and have seen no change at lal yet but i will keep it up and see what happens.
  • rustypust
    rustypust Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the link it is very interesting reading...
  • Yori1
    Yori1 Posts: 142