new today

hi thanks to chaz2010 i have joined today so any tips will be grateful have a cruise in april need to loss some weight
thanks x


  • gravyb0at
    Welcome! I'm new today as well. Best of luck girl

  • kolkol
    kolkol Posts: 300 Member
    Welcome to both of you!!! I love this site especially for the food and exercise journal. I also like the littl part at the bottom of the food journal that says something like if you continue with days like this you can be a specific amount of weight in 5 weeks. It gives me encouragement I think. I have lost 15 lbs since January 4th. I have been eating veggies & fruits (not sure if this is a myth) but I do not eat fruits late at night actually after 4pm or so. I eat tons of beans. I have only ate fast food maybe 6 times this years, I bring my food to work, I eat lots of greek yogurt (has lots of protein) usually one a day. I exercise probably more than needed but Im in a biggest loser competition so like you Im trying to lose it fast (the competition ends March 27th) I workout Mon., in a boot camp then cycle class, Tues. cycle then go to my BL weigh in, Wed. I do elliptical, weights, treadmill (mix it up for about 2 hrs) Thurs. cycle class, Fri., same as Wed, and if not much homework I do elliptical for an hour on Sat. I normally take off Sun due to homework. I hope my information can help you!!! Good luck! Just think you have approx 7 weeks til April you can at least lose 15lbs. im sure! (& I feel a difference losing my 15!) I now weigh 187.