Looking for new friends to accompany me on my weight loss jo

Hello everybody! I recently joined MFP in order to get myself healthier and back at a lower weight. A little about myself, I am an undergraduate student at the University of South Florida (go bulls!). During my freshman year, I was very depressed about being 1,100mi away from home and put on about 20-25lbs. Considering I'm only 5'1", it really showed! Within the past couple of months, I was able to pick myself back up and I am loving life again... well, except for the extra weight.

My starting weight was 135lbs, and my current weight is 130.4lbs... so I've lost five pounds in two weeks. I am looking to get down to about 110-115lbs, which is where I was before.

My goal for doing this is that I am planning on eating no more than 1,200 calories a day and to at least exercise for 40minutes every day. I did Hip Hop Abs for about 2 weeks, but it just wasn't giving me a good workout, I stopped. Yesterday I started the 30 Day Shred, so hopefully that will give me some results :) In addition, on Monday and Wednesdays I attend an hour long workout at the gym called Cardio Funk (basically hip hop dancing).

I have no time limit for losing this weight, but I'm hoping to be back to the way I was during 2012! I'm giving myself plenty of time and I would love some friends along the way!


Just for fun, here is a picture of what I used to look like! I miss it so much!


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Awww, you're such a tiny thing! :bigsmile: Just teasing!

    Having help along this journey really makes a huge difference. That freshman 15 is rarely 15 anymore, right? I gained 30 during my undergraduate career. Only as a graduate student did I learn I needed to put myself first. So you're ahead of me there!

    Sending a friend request your way!

    Anyone else needing a friend, feel free to add me too!
  • gravyb0at
    Hi there,

    I just joined today and am also looking for motivating friends during this weightloss journey. I am also a student and can totally to relate. Ive gained around 30 lbs in the past couple years while in school. The stress of trying to balance everything leaves little time to take care of yourself. The weight feels like it creeps up on you instantly!

    Get in touch, id love motivation as well!