Do you pre plan weekly?

Like a weekly dinner menu? I love the idea, but get stuck in ruts of the same meals. If you have a weekly dinner menu to share, I'd love to read it!


  • hkulbacki
    hkulbacki Posts: 187 Member
    I do lunch and dinner. I make my own little 'lean cuisine' type lunches on the weekend and enter them into my diary as I make them. This week it's 2 days of tuna, with balsamic or red wine vinegar, italian or original Mrs. Dash, 2 Wasa crackers, and grapes with cheese. And 3 days of some type of pasta (I used 3 different types) with sauce and parmesan with the same grapes and cheese.

    Dinners I put together a menu and usually enter them either the night before or in the morning so I know what my day looks like as far as calories consumed and I can plan what the workouts need to look like to match that.
    I do get in a bit of a rut in that my base dinner is usually a salad. But I'll toss together my own fresh salad dressings as I make dinner and can use whatever vinegar and spices I feel like having to keep it interesting. I make sure I have a variety of vinegars on hand for this. Then I usually do a small piece of chicken or fish, once in a while beef or pork and I'll bake that with different spice and either toss veggies in to bake with it or microwave frozen veggies, tossing whatever spices on the meat and veggies that I feel like having.

    So the base stuff stays the same pretty much all the time (and makes shopping easier) but the spices are what keep it interesting. I'm also cooking for 1 so I've become a pro at cooking small meals even though most of the grocery stores don't package many foods for 1. And those that are packaged for 1 tend to be full of chemicals and preservatives.
  • malachor
    My wife has a cute weekly food planner/ shopping list sheet she uses. Writing down dinners for the week, along with how many calories it is. This allows us to estimate our lunches, which she writes down how many calories she has left for the day.
  • positivelylisa
    positivelylisa Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you both for the replies! And thank you for the link! Off to check it out!
  • RillSoji
    RillSoji Posts: 376 Member
    I do a weekly dinner menu. I love to experiment with food and try new things but I only developed that liking after discovering that I love to cook! I was always in a rut with food before but now it's fun and different every week. I've heard of lots of meal/menu planning ideas and I've tried many of them myself. You just gotta be willing to keep trying until you find something that works for you.

    You can try writing down what's in your fridge and doing searches for those ingredients and recipes to go with them on sites like

    You can try themed nights like Meatless Monday, Taco (mexican) Tuesday, Water (fish) Wednesday ect.

    You can just pull out cookbooks or open all kinds of recipe sites and just pick whatever looks good to fill in the calendar.

    I usually use the third method hehe! But I post my menus and recipes every week on my blog. You're welcome to take a gander and use it yourself:
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    I do a weekly dinner menu. I love to experiment with food and try new things but I only developed that liking after discovering that I love to cook! I was always in a rut with food before but now it's fun and different every week. I've heard of lots of meal/menu planning ideas and I've tried many of them myself. You just gotta be willing to keep trying until you find something that works for you.

    I plan my dinners for the week (I have a neat pad that has spaces to write down each meal for each day, and then a space for my list). I usually enter in my dinners so then I can work my breakfast, lunches and snacks around it. That way I'm staying under my calories and if I have a higher sodium dinner I can take it easy on the sodium for lunch or vice versa.

    I have really found that I am having fun trying new recipes. I gave found so many on here,, and my new favorite (once I start looking I can go for hours if I'm not careful) I have taken quite a few recipes and tweaked them to make them fit in my calories. You should check it out!
  • positivelylisa
    positivelylisa Posts: 32 Member
    THank you!!!!
  • dsmonteith
    I do plan what I'm going to eat for the week. I have to, otherwise my weight will yo-yo. I go to the grocery store on Sunday then cook whatever meals I'm going to eat for the week. I then package them in single serving containers and freeze them until whatever day I'm going to eat them. It works great for keeping you on your nutrition plan!
  • bpurc22
    bpurc22 Posts: 180 Member
    I pre-plan the night before my breakfast, morning snacks, usually lunch, and afternoon snacks.

    My dinner is whatever my loving sister makes and my night snacks is whatever in the freezer/cupboard i wonder into :)
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 600 Member
    I plan the week out when I hit the protein cold case at the market, see what is on sale and really just do that in my head unless I have received a special request from the home front that I must fulfill. Then I hit the veggies & fruits and round out the meals depending on what proteins I got. I then hit the dairy case, canned tomatos and beans and then whatever other incidentals we need. At home I plan out the full meals for the next day the night before. So, gotta go now and plan out what we are having tomorrow!!
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
    i do "batch cooking"

    usually on sundays I will cook a big batch of food.....this week was spaghetti squash with homemade spaghetti sauce with ground sausage. Last week was pot roast. I'll freeze the meals already portioned after cooking the batch.

    I'll hard boil a few eggs for a quick snack, and premake salads in a jar. pre-portion snacks of nuts, fruits, etc......for the week

    i love the batch cooking because i can add all the ingredients into the recipe function on this site and divide by number of servings.....lets me know how many calories in a serving. it's great

    i don't mind eating the same thing for a week.
  • chaitrex
    chaitrex Posts: 94 Member
    Since a lot of cutting back is just about portions, I'll go to the market and think, "okay. organic chicken breast. lemon rosemary chicken." That's meal #1. At that point, I'll take the leftover chicken and grill it with veggies the next day. The lemons and rosemary season rice the day after that, plus some spices and maybe kidney beans.

    The boyfriend abhors leftovers, so I've gotten really good at this.
    Other than that, I make a kale salad that lasts two or three days!
    IAnd 'd say the best thing I've done for my health this season is finally got on the ball with soups. I make an enormous pot of low-fat, low-sodium, vegetable soup. It usually comes out to about 12 servings. I'm barely finishing off a pot I made two weeks ago...that may sound weird, but honestly, as long as it's all vegan, nothing goes bad and the flavors just get stronger and yummier.
    You can add a different little bit of spice to your bowl every night (or if you pack it for lunch), leftover chicken, etc. My favorite thing to do with veggie soup is take some of that stuff Gimme Lean Sausage (processed, I know, but vegetarian and 7 grams or protein in 60 calories) and grill it for a minute with some curry powder. Then I throw that into a bowl of soup. Eat a big peice of whole wheat toast with good. I have good recipes if you'd like!
  • chaitrex
    chaitrex Posts: 94 Member
    I plan the week out when I hit the protein cold case at the market, see what is on sale and really just do that in my head unless I have received a special request from the home front that I must fulfill. Then I hit the veggies & fruits and round out the meals depending on what proteins I got. I then hit the dairy case, canned tomatos and beans and then whatever other incidentals we need. At home I plan out the full meals for the next day the night before. So, gotta go now and plan out what we are having tomorrow!!

    Yes, exactly! It all begins with the protein case!
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    I definitely try to. I work PT and work some weeknights so I have found it hard to keep up with recently but I try to encourage my husband to follow the schedule.

    Pretty much do the same as others mentioned...pick out protein for each meal and go from there.

    There are many sites where you can enter a food you may have and it'll pull up recipes for it. Also, I love the sites that let you enter in all your recipes and plan your meals on a calendar...and then it will make a shopping list for you depending on your meals.

    My favorite site is It takes some time to get all your info in but once you get that far, I have found it to be absolutely wonderful and helpful.