I didn't know where to post this.. can you ever really move



  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    Alright, look. *kitten* this Mark fellow and everything he stands for. He's a f*cking assh*le and an emotional abuser. He's only even entertaining the idea of "getting back together" with you because he is an abuser, and he already knows you're an easy target; he doesn't even have to *kitten* around getting you to trust him again, like he did the first time, because he knows you'll come crawling back to him like the scum he wants you to think you are.

    Stay with me, here. You're NOT pathetic, you're NOT scum, you're NOT ugly and you're NOT worthless. You are BETTER than him, and you ABSOLUTELY do not deserve to be stuck under his thumb. Listen to me. You are a MOTHERF*CKING CHAMPION. You're going to beat your anorexia, you're going to get better, and you're going to find a man who is worth your time. Get over Mark; it's never going to happen. He isn't the man you fell in love with and, in truth, he never was; he lied to you. He F*CKING LIED to you! What kind of man does that? Hardly a man at all, because that's not how MEN act.

    Right now, all your energy should be focused on you. Stop talking to Mark; you're only encouraging him, and as we've already established, he doesn't even deserve to breathe the same air as you. Cut him out of your life completely. Block his number, delete him on Facebook, enlist the help of family and friends to keep him the *kitten* away from you. Focus on your treatment and feeling good about yourself. Mark does not merit another second of your time, so put him out of your mind. Get rid of anything he ever gave you, any pictures of you that may exist. Burn it all.

    Heartbreak sucks, but nothing will ever hurt this much again, and when you come out of this you will be a stronger person for it. And you will do this, because YOU ARE A MOTHER F*CKING CHAMPION.
  • chameleon73
    chameleon73 Posts: 119 Member
    ^^^. This. Now THAT'S the way to tell it like it is!! :)
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    don't mess wit da tehzephyrsong, she right