how long should it take to lose 10lbs if...?

If I am only trying to lose about 20? and I already drink only water, and my eating habits already arent too bad.
But I'm wondering how long its taken people in my similar situation?

I've already tried to check some forums but a lot of people can lose 10lbs in a week if they have more to lose.

Alls I'm really going to change is start working out and trying to actually stay in my calorie budget (I'm supposed to eat 1200 and thats really hard for me, but I know thats what I'll have to do to lose. I got over by 400 or 500 usually, sometimes more if I have a bad eating day)

Just hoping someone whos been through it knows approximately?


  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Well, you should be aiming for only 0.5lb loss per week, so 20 weeks. I know it seems like a long time, but it really does seem to be the best way, it is working for me.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    The last 10 are the hardest, the last 5 even harder. The less we weigh, the harder it is to burn lots of calories.

    But in saying that, I came here with 4 lbs to lose because I could not fit into any of my clothes. After 5 weeks of working out and eating very well, I still weigh exactly the same, but can fit into those clothes.

    Take measurements, trust me, its going to get real frustrating when you get down to those last few lbs and think you are working your *kitten* off and are not losing. :)
  • HotKanye
    HotKanye Posts: 103 Member
    I'd say you could probably do about a pound a week. That would require you to cut 3500 calories between diet and exercise.
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    I've lost about 9 in 4.5 weeks.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    it took me about 3 months since i did it the slow way. if you expect about 0.5-1 lb a week that would be about 10-20 weeks.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Well, you should be aiming for only 0.5lb loss per week, so 20 weeks. I know it seems like a long time, but it really does seem to be the best way, it is working for me.
    20 weeks does sound like a long time, but it's about healthy weight loss not a race.
    The failures all are looking for the fast route while those who succeed are the slow, steady workers.

    You must decide what's best for you.
    Good Luck......:drinker:
  • amyrobynne
    amyrobynne Posts: 64 Member
    I started going to the gym and counting calories on Dec 1st with the hope of dropping from 155 to 135 by spring. I set MFP to lose 1 lb/wk, but I aim to hit between a net of 1200 cal and MFP's suggestion of about 1500 net. So theoretically I should be dropping 1-1.5 lb/wk. For whatever reason, I've averaged closer to just under 2 lb/wk. I hit 10 lb lost in 5 weeks and I hit 19 lbs lost at 10 weeks. I've eaten a lot this weekend, so I'm up a pound ot two water weight at the moment. I moved my goal down another 5 lbs now that I see what my body fat % is when I'm almost at my original goal. The weight I'm at now is close to where I've been for most of my adult life, so I think it wasn't hard to shed the extra pounds.

    So long as you don't drop below 1200 net calories, I don't see why it's necessary to only try for 1/2 lb a week. I'm still nursing my toddler, so I get some extra calories that way.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    If your goal is 20 pounds, total, then I wouldn't switch to 0.5 pound a week until closer to the half way mark. So 10 weeks at a pound a week, if all goes well.

    Since you're finding a 1200 calorie budget difficult I recommend eating back all of your exercise calories, at least until you know whether or not you can and still lose weight at the desired rate. IMHO, that make a lot more sense than depriving yourself of those calories, only to hit a suppressed metabolism induced plateau and find out that you could have and should have been eating them all along. At a similar point in my weight loss, I was still eating back about 2/3rds of the calories reported (over reported, I think) by the machines at the gym, and averaging a pound a week. I had to up that to 100% when I switched to running for my cardio.
  • JHB2011
    JHB2011 Posts: 153 Member
    If you start exercising, you may not even end up losing the weight. I've lost about 7.5 pounds and was really frustrated because I couldn't lose more, but my clothes are loose on me now and my body is toning up very nicely. I don't care about the scale any more.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    my goal was 15 and i hoped to loose 10 in 2 months, so 5 a month. I figured i'd be hitting my goal right now. I stared mid Oct and i have only lat 6-7 lbs! that's it! i stay in my calories, i exercise and do eat back my exercise calories and i can't gt over the 6-7 lbs. I have been stuck for 3 week snow and no budge! I upped my calories hoping that was going to help but not so far. so there goes my hope of loosing 10 lbs my march!
  • Patience911
    I lost about 15 pounds in a month, i was just eating healthier and only eating when i was hungry. was 17 then, and i was eating under my calorie, but i was not going to stuff my self and over eat if i wasn't hungry, i jogged almost every night though. Just go within the limit you want to go ! AND drink green tea!
  • lbhaeger
    I've lost 9 pounds in a little over a month. averaged about 2lbs a week. I haven't added in exercise yet, but have stuck strictly to 1200 cals a day. add me and follow my diary if you'd like. i'm 5'7'' and trying to lose 30 pounds (21 more to go)...want to get to 130 lbs.