I may need some help....



  • cacrat
    cacrat Posts: 336 Member
    Ride the newbie gains wave as long as you can.
  • Ride the newbie gains wave as long as you can.

    Haha, thanks...it's frustrating when people don't believe the 4-5 pound muscle gain. It's been 6 weeks so yeah, if I have as much protein as I do and I strength&cardio train as much as I do then I will gain muscle. I know it will slow down soon enough.
  • xcrushx28
    xcrushx28 Posts: 182 Member
    Ride the newbie gains wave as long as you can.

    Haha, thanks...it's frustrating when people don't believe the 4-5 pound muscle gain. It's been 6 weeks so yeah, if I have as much protein as I do and I strength&cardio train as much as I do then I will gain muscle. I know it will slow down soon enough.

    Well its not that we don't believe your trainer thinks that, but we are quite skeptical. Gains like that a very uncommon. Whenever you post in a public forum just be prepared for all sorts of answers.

    Jen brought up some good points about making sure you are accurate with your diary. If you are not weighing everything out via a food scale and then accurately imputing it in MFP, then it's going to be extremely difficult to really know if you are eating too much or to little etc.

    The bio impedance BF monitors that personal trainers frequently use have a wide window of error. Mostly based on fluctuating fluid levels. It can also be less accurate if taken after a workout.
  • If you're losing fat and gaining muscle, why do you care what the scale says? It's about body composition, not body weight. Perhaps you are weighing too often. Weigh once a week at the same time-early in the morning. I weigh every Sunday morning before breakfast. My girlfriend is experiencing the same thing. She works hard. She eats very clean and counts everything and hasn't lost much. However, she has certainly toned up and gained muscle mass. Stop worrying about the darn scale!