P90X-has anyone used it?



  • kit548emt
    You get really good results!!
    I am currently on my second round.
    Click on the link to see my pics from Insanity and p90x.

    You should be dang proud of yourself!! Good job!!
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    I have 4 children 6, 4, 3 and 2 and I get the workouts done! I have done the program once after we put the kids to bed for the night, this time I'm doing it in the morning before my oldest has to get up for school! It's tough but it can be done! On days I need extra sleep, I will do it at nap time and let my 4 year old who doesn't nap watch a movie on the laptop! ~Jessica :happy:
  • kit548emt
    Awesome! If you can fit it in, I'm sure I can lol! Thanks!
  • belinda_b
    belinda_b Posts: 70 Member
    With buying this program, does it include weights or resistant bands or is that something I am going to need to buy separately?
  • streetglideblake
    You might watch your local craigslist ads, I have seen quite a few of them come up for sale with weights and extras fairly cheap, seems like people buy them with good intentions and then up selling them fairly cheap. Another alternative is Supreme 90 day work out, do a search of it and you will find it is very similar to p90x and you can pick it up for around 10 to 20 buck, my wife and I are doing it now she just completed day 30 and you definetly can see results. We will probably do the p90x dvd after completing this one to change things up though.
  • spartacus69
    With buying this program, does it include weights or resistant bands or is that something I am going to need to buy separately?

    You'll need to buy them separately. Optionally, but highly recommended, you'll also want a chin-up bar and a yoga mat.