rest day?

Howdy Shredders...

so my knee is quite sore

injuring my knee is what ruined my performing career and paved the way to the 50lbs I needed to loose...
I am down to 200lbs - need to loos another 15-20...

but I think my knee is just toast

5 mile walk yesterday

2 hours of yoga and another 2 miles today
I think I need to rest the knee....
but I am bummed to miss a day....

do most folks take a rest day now and again?
I was shooting for 30days continuous...



  • cacrat
    cacrat Posts: 336 Member
    Most people need rest days. If your body says it needs rest, like now, then rest.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I have one day off a week where all I usually do is go for a walk. I too have a sore knee (from running), which sucks and I hate the thought of having to slow down - I've lived most of my life too slowly dammit! :)

    The reality is though, everyone needs to take breaks from training. Ignoring a minor injory may lead to it becoming a more severe one, and that will keep you from training a lot longer.

    Take a day off, recover, and come out swingin'! :drinker:
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    At the gym the trainer said i am to work arms one day legs the next day. Never both in the same day. That was the advice i was given and passing on. Hope things feel better real soon. Great Job by the way!
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    i have injured my knee several times due to pushing exercise too hard.

    listen to your body; change exercise or modify your existing routine. i lowered the tension on my bike to help my problem.

    and if you need to take days off to heal, do it.
  • dancerman
    dancerman Posts: 46 Member
    ya - thanks



    but better not to be broken again...