Very bad weekend

I completely went off track this weekend and it showed on the scales this morning. I ate more chocolate and treats this weekend than in any other week. When I got on the scales I could have cried. Could it really show up that quickly! My first thought was to give up, this isn't worth it. As the morning goes on Im realising how stupid that sounds but its just so hard to always be good. i know I can make better decisions bout my food choices but some days I just don't want to. I need to feel motivated again, I need to want this really badly like last week.


  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    You need to start looking at weight loss long term. Eating treats and gaining a couple of pounds is very very short term. Why think of it as "being good"? Start thinking in terms of numbers... Calories in, calories out. It's not about how good you are or whether you ate a few too many chocolates. It's more about... Are you in this for the long haul? Name some specific goals and keep them in the forefront of your mind. You can easily recover this week by being in a calorie deficit next week. Why give up? It's just as easy to eat in calorie deficit as it would be to stuff your face... Just a matter of sticking to the macros and allotted calories. You CAN do it!
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    omg I have been a pig too this weekend and have gone up 4 pounds today but it should go down again in a day or two if you drink tonnes of water and have a really healthy day. I feel soooo guilty too lol but then I tell myself you have to treat yourself once in a while right?!! :ohwell:
  • TJLL22
    Don't give up. No one should expect to stay perfect through a weight-loss journey. The aim is for the bad days to be the exceptions.

    What's done is done - look forward to the challenge of sticking to your goals this week and seeing the results next week (don't weight yourself too much either!).

    Hang in there girl.
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Get back on that horse, girl!! I fall off for about 2-3 days each month (I bet you can guess which days), but then bounce right back in the saddle once it's passed. Shake it off. Move on. Forward, that is.

    Julie :)
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    You have to allow yourself to cheat every now and then. It's perfectly ok. You have to draw the line and keep it to a one day minimum. I call it my Faturday, and its usually saturday of sunday, but never both. You will in time train your brain to think the way you want to think.

    So you fell off of your bike. Dust off your britches and get back on. It's that simple.
  • sarajo16
    sarajo16 Posts: 142 Member
    Thanks :)
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I also had a bad weekend... two meals of hot head burrito (kinda like chipotle) AND taco bell and minimal workouts. We just gotta get back to it. Its going to happen. Thats life. Just make sure we refocus and don't keep doing it.
  • RachNRoll
    RachNRoll Posts: 192 Member
    Another one here that had a terrible weekend...(you can read about it on my blog)

    But the most important is, do not loose the motivation and work on damage control: water, water, water and clean eating . It's the only way now, girls.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    DO NOT PANIC! It is water weight! Drink a lot of water and you will lose it in a few days...2 bad days ins't going to make you gain all that weight...

    Get back on track today, stay off the scale for a few will be ok!
  • ronellevan
    That's not "fat" you picked up in two days, it's water retention (from eating badly and probably not drinking enough water) and, not to bee too delicate here, you probably still have quite a bit of that food in you - it's not the type of food that makes you regular...

    So don't bee too hard on yourself, but do get back on the wagon NOW.

    When you see yourself going off track, that's when you are supposed to bring yourself back to your path.
  • gailashton
    Today is a new day. It's OK to fall off the wagon for a day or 2, don't be so hard on yourself. Get back on track - take the good with the bad. Don't go there today too. You can do it!
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    It doesn't seem fair, does it? It takes so long to lose one pound and it can be easily put back on with a weekend of indulgence. Been there, still trying to get back to my weight before Christmas. Don't kick yourself too hard just get back to the basics.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    DO NOT PANIC! It is water weight! Drink a lot of water and you will lose it in a few days...2 bad days ins't going to make you gain all that weight...

    Get back on track today, stay off the scale for a few will be ok!

    Perfect answer IMHO.
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 543 Member
    I also had a bad weekend, I weigh in on Friday's and last week I lost 2lb but this morn I'm
    up 3lb. I would have thrown the towel in before but as said up above I'm downing the water
    and have my meals planned for the next 5 days, them 3lb will be gone and another 1 or 2
    will accompany them as well. Just take 5 mins and write down exercise and meals for the
    week and you'll feel back on track and in control and try to give yourself 5 days before you
    weigh again. Good Luck....
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    It doesn't seem fair, does it? It takes so long to lose one pound and it can be easily put back on with a weekend of indulgence. Been there, still trying to get back to my weight before Christmas. Don't kick yourself too hard just get back to the basics.
    Did you read the other replies? It's next to impossible to put a pound of fat on in two days.
  • manasunshine
    i feel bad after every weekend , sometimes i feel weekends should just be marked off the calender till im done with my weightloss coz they completely derail me off my tracks. after the WI today i felt the same,. n everytime this happens i feel so let down i just want to give up then =(
  • timeformetofly
    timeformetofly Posts: 64 Member
    In't in you, not on you.. it is not on your hips, leg, belly or anywhere.. it is when you stay at that weight for a while that it shows.. so just be good and it will be gone.. I have a day FAt day every Sunday and still lose weight every week.. I never weigh on Monday because I know it will be up.. I weight Sunday mornings and if I'm down from the week before, I indulge on Sunday.
  • zebedee44
    Never weigh in on a Friday! I always do Saturday morning, then if you do fall over on the weekend, you've got a whole week to get it back!! :laugh:
  • mlybrn
    mlybrn Posts: 31 Member
    Life is too short to get stressed about a day or two of indulgence. We are all human and sometimes you have to listen to the devil on your shoulder; denying yourself your favourite junk food for the rest of your life with no exceptions is next to impossible, and boring too!

    Just don't let it de-rail you, or become a regular habit. As other people have said, you're probably retaining water from salty foods, and the stodgy food still in your belly still hasn't left your system. Get back to your clean eating, drink lots of water and move on.

    I had a terrible weekend too, literally from Friday to Sunday I ate bad foods and drank alcohol. But it was an occasion, and it's not something I do regularly. I was good all last week and I plan to compensate this week before my weigh-in. I didn't weigh in this week because I knew the scales would be up, and it would only make me lose heart.

    Stay off the scales until next week, get back into your good habits and remember that we're all entitled to treats every now and again if we're good most of the time :)
  • stormtrooper73
    cheat days are not the devils work.. they are very good to keep your body in check..even bodybuilders have cheat all comes down to cant eat that pizza then sit on your *kitten* all day..... we are only human after all, so dont panic about having a candy bar, just plan it into your daily diary............... all the best STORMY