Itchy when I run?!?!?

So I really want to train for a 5k but I can't seem to run for more than 20 mins without my skin becoming very itchy. It feels like when you're outside in the cold for too long and than go into some place warm and your legs get itchy. I have tried lotion and have even taken antihistamines before hand and nothing works. I've even asked people at my gym and everyone just looks at me like I'm crazy. So please! if there's anyone that has a cure or an answer please let me know!! Thanks!


  • Lolamako
    Lolamako Posts: 89 Member
    I read somewhere it has to do with increased blood circulation, and that if you stick with it it will go away. If you take a break from cardio, days weeks? I dunno. Then it comes back.

    I've had it in the past, not really anymore though.

    You can also get the skin tingling itchy-ness if you take a larger dose of Niacin...
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    its very common. if you say you've taking anti histamines then its probably not allergic in nature. it has something to do with your blood vessels..but over time it goes away. beginners and those who've been away from running for a while experience this after starting running. if its so uncomfortable, try lowering the intensity. after a few days it should go away. just keep running
  • red_jess
    red_jess Posts: 15 Member
    Hey there

    I also get this. Apparently it's linked to blood circulation in the skin. You can walk/run until it starts, then slow a little so it doesn't get out of control. I found that once I was in the habit of exercising regularly, it went away entirely. However, if I take more than about a week off, I get the itches all over again. So there you go - yet another incentive to exercise regularly :-)
  • louisau
    louisau Posts: 159 Member
    This is interesting. Thought I was going mad. My arms itch like I was sacrificed to mosquitos.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    My stomach gets really itchy when I run. I always assumed it was from sweating....
  • TeeferTiger
    TeeferTiger Posts: 136 Member
    I believe (although I may be wrong) it's to do with the nerves around the capillaries in your skin sending out false messages when your blood vessels expand.
  • I used to get this too. at the time i was training alot, i spent a fair bt of money on pair of proper compression running tights and it seemed to go away. not sure if thats because of the tighs or just because my body got used to it.

    however, im training again now not running that much yet but i havent had it and im still in the tights :) and ohhhh yes, they dont look nearly as good as some of these runners but who cares!
  • I must say its quite normal for some especially if you are not so used with that activity. I get this whenever im so flushed. I could really feel that vasodilation in my skin. A way of your skin to loose that excess heat.
  • yep, also got it after a break from running. it does lessen the more regularily you run
  • michellemaeb
    michellemaeb Posts: 81 Member
    I have this problem too, someone told me once that it was from my body burning and purging sugars ...idk I know I've been back at this for over a month and it's not an issue anymore :)
  • rdpixie
    rdpixie Posts: 93 Member
    Once your circulation improves it will go away :)
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    This is also common when you use the vibro fit machines. Its due to an increase in circulation. stick with it and it will pass :)
  • spazwgeo
    spazwgeo Posts: 70 Member
    Thank you everyone!! I do hope it goes away. When I first started working out back in Jan of 2010 it wasn't an issue for me. I stopped working out for a few months and then when I started again is when the itching began and hasn't let up. I have been steadily going to the gym now for 3 months and have had no relief yet! I'll keep at it and hope for the best! :)
  • ashurz
    ashurz Posts: 1
    Hey everyone. I am new on here but I found your topic when I searched my problem in Google just tonight after coming in from my run.
    I am driven crazy with itch and I have recently started going back out training again and I've noticed it more this time.
    The strangest thing noticed is that my circulation has become very poor over the last 6months before I started back excercising again, the extremities being very cold most of the time... hands, feet, nose. And I am guessing it must have something got to do with the blood starting to pump right around the body all of a sudden when I started running. Hopefully it will go. But I just thought it was strange I don't remember it being this bad the last time I used to run about 2yrs ago.
    It doesn't happen my friend though and he never went running before.. ???
  • FlynnMacCallister
    FlynnMacCallister Posts: 172 Member
    Me too; when I get sweating, I start to itch. My wrists, inner elbows, backs of knees and face are the worst. >.<
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    It's because your blood vessels are dilating from increased heart rate/blood flow.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i'm going to suggest you check for food allergies also. i had similar issues with hives when i worked out outside. several months ago i found out from my doctor that i have gluten allergies. i got rid out of the gluten and no longer have those hives
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I'm so glad I saw this. I get itchy legs too and thought I was losing it! I don't have anything to add. Just wanted to say I'm glad I'm not alone. :)
  • Me and my wife experience this. I feel it in lower and upper part of my body. My wife feel it only in her lower part. I thought it is because of my clothes, I changed my clothes and still itchy when I run. After reading this post I see it is because the blood circulation. I want to try run frequently and see if this go away.
  • cats847
    cats847 Posts: 131
    My legs would get really itchy if I was wearing baggy track pants. Then I tried wearing tight compression pants underneath, and the problem went away!