5 random things about yourself..

xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
thought id start a new topic of random facts about yourself; and see what kind of these we have :smile:

1 - i can burp the alphabet :blushing:

2 - i am naturally right handed, but im just soo talented i can write with both hands and both have extremely neat writing.. most of my friends are jealous, cos there non writing hand looks like a load of squibbles :laugh:

3 - I HATE spiders, but i LOVE big fat snakes :laugh: .. makes no sense?! i scream if i see a spider! but i would love to have a pet snake in my bedroom - mum wont let me =(

4 - I love to jump out my bedroom window into my back garden :bigsmile: if i had a choice between safely walking out the front door to go out, or risk my life by jumping out my bedroom window on the grass in the garden - i would much prefer to jump out my window! Its great! Im a bit of a 'tom boy' when it comes to stuff like that, im not afraid of heights, jumping, or anything like that.. My friend think im off my head!! hahaha, i call it 'adventerous' :laugh:

5 - not really a random fact - but i survived a big house fire when i was 9 years old. (my brothers evil dad set the house a light really early in the morning when me, mum, and brother who was 4 months old at the time were all fast asleep) - We were all extremely lucky to be out the house alive and safe! Im lucky to be here today, and words cant even describe how much i thank those fire men.. nearly 11 years have passed, and i still have nightmares about it to this day. i remember it like it was yesterday, i wake up alot during the night, and i have to go in to my mums and brothers bedroom just to check they are both ok. i do it all the time, its a habbit i spose? My brother oviously doesnt remember anything - 4 months old! and mum has to try her best to forget about it as she has alot on her plate as it is.. soo i remember it the most, and i hardly sleep at night as worry too much about it.. We lived in England when this happend, and we moved to Wales about 1 month after it happpend, we had to get away from England as quickly as possible. And to this day - my brothers dad doesnt have a clue where we live!

What are your random facts about yourself?:smile:


  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    OMG, I can't believe he set your house on fire! I'm sorry you still have nightmare about it, although I can see why you would

    1. I am the only one of 4 siblings who doesn't have brown eyes (mine are green).
    2. I grew up on a farm and can shuck corn, hull peas, and steal eggs from underneath a chicken.
    3. My family is so big I have cousins I've never even met.
    4. I'm left-handed.
    5. I hate coffee.
  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    1. Have a PhD
    2. Am ambi-dexterous
    3. Dislike coffee
    4. Married to an attorney
    5. Army Brat
  • 1) I never think about being proud of my nationality until im abroad ( Scottish)

    2) I'd rather read than watch the telly etc

    3) My music taste ranges from Rock like Guns and Roses , greenday , aerosmith etc to Keith Urban and mainstream pop

    4)I have an unhealthy amount of contempt for a large part of society these days, and in my heart I know its generally undeserved but i tend to group people together without the full details.

    5) I would rather go out for a meal than go out for a night drinking
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    1- I hide from all cameras, unless im taking the picture myself lol
    2- HATE coffee but LOVE teeeaaaa
    3- I probably love animals more than humans
    4- My favourite bands are Stereophonics, The strokes etc
    5- I ADORE PEANUT BUTTER CUPS nomnomnomnom
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 718 Member
    1. I could eat chocolate for every meal
    2. I eat my McDonald's cheeseburgers absolutely plain and always have
    3. My dream job is to be a travelling food and wine critic
    4. I'd love to be in a movie
    5. I love reality TV
  • 1) I'm double jointed all over.
    2) All my kids have to begin with K
    3) I'm terrified of broken glass and come over all hot and flustered if I have to pick it up
    4) I bite my nails
    5) I want to live by the coast before I am 40 x
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    1) I'm left handed, but when it comes to sports (holding racquets/bats etc etc I use my right hand)

    2) I'm an only child

    3) There are several films that "everyone" has seen that I haven't...Bambi, Grease, The Lion King...

    4) I hate both tea and coffee.

    5) I'm English but have family that are from Germany (one of my Grandad's german)
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    I have another one:

    I've never eaten a cheeseburger/hamburger or whatever lol
  • LisaLashesxx
    LisaLashesxx Posts: 133 Member
    1. I see dead people

    2. I eat ritz crackers dipped in tomato ketchup.....gross i know but its yummm..nom nom

    3. I have been married for 14years but with my husband for almost 20 years

    4. I can do the splits..............I think I still can (she has a bash...........yip I can)

    5. I have only ever (in my adult life),,,worn a dress on 2 occaisions.............my wedding dress and at christmas gone.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    These are always fun

    1) I am afraid of cats

    2) I prefer winter over summer

    3) I don't like sandy beaches (give me Maine's rocky coast over the Outer Banks any day)

    4) I've been 5'9" since I was 12 years old

    5) I've worked at the same job for 18 years and hope to stay here until I retire in another 15 years
  • emmiexjay
    emmiexjay Posts: 146 Member
    1. i'm left handed and cut paper with my right hand.. but i'm told i have "right handed" handwriting...
    2. I can graphic and web-design .. proffessonally.. yet i taught myself all i know
    3. poetry, writing stories and drawing comes naturally to me.. but i refused to be published at 15...
    4. i'm short but have long legs
    5. i was told i'd amount to nothing at the age of 5 and have 2 level 2s, and 2 level 1s in adminstration (level 2) health and social care (level 2) safe guarding (level 1) && health and safety (level 1)
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    1.- I don't like oysters.
    2.- I've traveled to more than 13 countries.
    3.- I don't own a tv.
    4.- I haven't listened to the local radio stations in years. [I listen to NPR through my phone and listen to my music through other means]
    5.- I play video games.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    1. I see dead people

    2. I eat ritz crackers dipped in tomato ketchup.....gross i know but its yummm..nom nom

    3. I have been married for 14years but with my husband for almost 20 years

    4. I can do the splits..............I think I still can (she has a bash...........yip I can)

    5. I have only ever (in my adult life),,,worn a dress on 2 occaisions.............my wedding dress and at christmas gone.

    youd love it in my house then! its haunted here! used to be an old folks home back in the 1700's! the amount of things that happen in my house are scarey man! please come and scare them away for me?

    mmmmmm i looooove ritz and tomato sauce!!!!

    woah, the splits! thats cracking! :bigsmile: i wish i could do that!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    These are always fun

    1) I am afraid of cats

    2) I prefer winter over summer

    3) I don't like sandy beaches (give me Maine's rocky coast over the Outer Banks any day)

    4) I've been 5'9" since I was 12 years old

    5) I've worked at the same job for 18 years and hope to stay here until I retire in another 15 years

    im allergic to cats! :laugh:
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    OMG, I can't believe he set your house on fire! I'm sorry you still have nightmare about it, although I can see why you would

    1. I am the only one of 4 siblings who doesn't have brown eyes (mine are green).
    2. I grew up on a farm and can shuck corn, hull peas, and steal eggs from underneath a chicken.
    3. My family is so big I have cousins I've never even met.
    4. I'm left-handed.
    5. I hate coffee.

    yup, i cant believe it either! was a bit of a rocky relationship between brothers dad and my mum, but didnt think he was capable of that! and considering he had his 4 month old son in the house aswell, you would of though he wouldnt dare to do anything like that!!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    1.- I don't like oysters.
    2.- I've traveled to more than 13 countries.
    3.- I don't own a tv.
    4.- I haven't listened to the local radio stations in years. [I listen to NPR through my phone and listen to my music through other means]
    5.- I play video games.

    woah youve travelled more than 13 countries?! Ive never stepped foot on an aeroplane!:laugh:

    i never listen to the local radio stations either - bores me
  • mrsrice86
    mrsrice86 Posts: 79 Member
    1) I love, love , love sweetcorn sandwiches :) yummy!
    2) I'm getting married in just under 72 weeks (22nd June 2013)
    3) I love baking (and making my dad eat my creations!)
    4) I was a vegetarian for over 10 years, then i had an amazing bacon cheese burger in Las vegas and went back to eating meat!
    5) I'm terrified of moths, and the though of a big hairy moth near me makes me feel sick :/ lol
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    1) I'm double jointed all over.
    2) All my kids have to begin with K
    3) I'm terrified of broken glass and come over all hot and flustered if I have to pick it up
    4) I bite my nails
    5) I want to live by the coast before I am 40 x

    i bite my nails too! this must stop! haha
  • sofbal14
    sofbal14 Posts: 6 Member
    1) I love ice cream ~ could eat it all day long, everyday.

    2) I am afraid of spiders.

    3) I love punchbuggies! ~ have owned 4 of them and want a new one badly!

    4) I love to read

    5) I love to play softball and volleyball
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Ooooooh i also have another one!!

    I consider myself as a really good cartoon drawer! When im bored - i like to draw cartoons - simpsons, phineas and ferb, winnie the pooh etc etc!

    Everyone says im awsome at drawing tooo =D I guess its just talent:wink:

    Here are some of my drawings:





    I have got quite a lot more, I also draw Anime too =)