Please HELP!!

Ok I'm losing my motivation big time. I keep telling myself I'm gonna get back to it.. but I never do fully...

It all started months ago.. when my fiancee was between jobs.. and then my oldest son is a handful. We have major behavior problems with him... he is in therapy ect. Then a month ago my cars trans decided to go... Which sucks because that car really holding besides that. We don't have the money to fix it. So i've been stuck home all week.. my fiancee takes me grocery shopping on the weekends and thats about it.

so I think boredom is setting in.. plus all the stress..

Last I checked I've gained 7lbs of what I lost back.. I was still down 13lbs..which is good.. I haven't checked lately.. I'm sure I gained more.. but not all back... but I don't want to weigh myself again until I get back into the habit of counting calories.. and then gradually get back into the wii fit..

I need someone who will stay on me daily!!! I really need to get back to this!! Please help!


  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    I will be here with you!...I need to get back on 9 year old asked me last night if I was still counting calories. I just gave my two week notice at I have a lot of adjusting to do the way workout..and make meals...I am about to become a SAHM. I have really no idea what to expect...but I told my hubbie that I refuse to gain back what I have lost...I have come to far!

    Good Luck!

  • sofbal14
    sofbal14 Posts: 6 Member
    Momoftwins0 ~ hang in there. The stresses of everyday life are pretty overwhelming. But look at how far you have come ~ seems to me you are doing a great job. I know that having the kiddos is very stressful ~ I have 4 of my own. And trust me, the youngest one (just turned 10) is about to drive us crazy. But we can do this ~ we are so worth this and we will get it done. Hang in there. Drop me an email if you like ~ I will chat with you daily and we can work through this together. (
  • sofbal14
    sofbal14 Posts: 6 Member
    erzille ~ good luck getting your schedule sorted out once you are a SAHM ~ I am sure you will do great!
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    don't give up please I've been through that myself and I kept looking back on every pound lost and told myself I'm strong and I can do this. Stress has a lot to do with it but little by little we can beat stress. Please hang in there, take baby steps. I'm here if you want to add my as a buddy :flowerforyou:
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    You can do this! It's a tough journey, especially with kids in tow, but you can do it!

    About your eldest - Have you tried looking for a food allergy? I know several children who have major behavioral issues due to sensitivities to wheat gluten, or sugar, or high saturated fat foods. It's amazing how much of a difference a few grams can make to a child with a food allergy/sensitivity.

    Use the children! Play with them, run around outside or play inside. This way you get exercise, and they get their energy tapped!

    Boredom is a major weight loss killer. Find things you like to do. Alternatively, clean the house! You wouldn't believe the workout you could get from that. Again, tap the kids, set them simple small chores to keep them out from underfoot, and is something that you don't have to worry about. Like make a game of picking up toys, cleaning bedrooms, etc.

    Hope some of this help you out!
  • ineedhelp18
    ineedhelp18 Posts: 37 Member
    You sound like me. WE CAN DO THIS!
  • jsmjboertlein
    I'm sorta in the same boat. Lost my motivation for 6 months while my child was on chemo. I'm working on getting it back now. I do wii dance dance revolution. I'd be happy to try and help
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    So first things first - YOU WILL GET THRU THIS. I don;t think anything you've said is foreign. Lots of people go through it. You just need to re-focus and think about the ultimate prize - taking back your life and getting healthy. When boredom sets in, fight through it. Get out and go take a walk with or without the family. Incorporate exercise of any kind into your day and watch the boredom go away. I think you should start making a list of things you enjoy doing so that you have something to refer back to when you get bored. Incorporate family fun time into your activities, but whatever you do, DON'T GIVE UP! We are here for you!
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    As others have said, hang in there and don't give up. I think we all hit those times when we just don't feel up to it. And then it becomes easier each day to not do it until we fall back into our old, comfortable, easier, etc habits. Just know that you aren't the only one this happens too. When I feel like I can't (or just don't want to) work out I tell my self "Ok, your just going to do 5 minutes today and then you can be done." Then when I hit 5 min it doesn't seem so bad so I bump it to 10 min. I usually end up bumping it up a few times until I've worked out 30-45 min. And I always feel so much better afterwards. I hope this helps. Feel free to add me as a friend or message me anytime if you want. :)
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    The motivation factor is probably (in my experience, at least) the hardest to overcome. Who knows what will motivate you? I know how frustrating it is to know you want to do something and feel like you're being fought at every turn to get there. Everyone is different, but after I finally found the motivation 8 years ago (and losing it and finding it again for the second time, now), I know myself pretty well, so here's what works for me more than anything else:

    #1 Don't talk so much about how you want to lose weight/exercise/get in shape. Instead of talking about it, take action. Otherwise you get caught up in that vicious, defeating emotional cycle. And try to get up at the first thought of "maybe I could go for a walk/wii fit/etc". Don't consider it-- just do it! It's very easy for me to talk myself out of it if I give myself the time.

    #2 Work out early and often. For me, early is KEY. Early in the day, and early in the week. I almost always work out in the morning, for several reasons, but the #1 reason is to accomplish something I want to honor throughout the rest of that day. (Pizza for lunch? Almost never. Why? Because I worked really hard this morning and I'm proud of it-- and I want it to show. On a day when I didn't work out in the AM, I'm very likely to eat pizza with the thought of "oh I'll work it off later" --which I probably don't need to tell you rarely happens.) I also always work out on Monday mornings. For me, Monday is the start of the week. And I need my week to start off right... it just sets me up well for Tues-Sat. I am a creature of habit, so I need to begin on the good foot.

    #3 Take it easy on yourself. Don't berate yourself for failing to work out or for eating a cookie. Don't even berate yourself for gaining a few pounds. It's just not worth it. The time you spend feeling like a failure and a piece of crap is time you could've spent exercising, making a delicious healthy meal, feeling good about yourself and enjoying life.

    I know this all sounds easy, and I also know that it's not. But these are the things that have been invaluable to me in my own weight loss. I was, at one point, frighteningly near 300 lbs and completely sedentary; a size 20 and climbing. A year ago, I was a size 10 (and I will be again by summer!). It can be done. YOU can do it.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    When I feel like I can't (or just don't want to) work out I tell my self "Ok, your just going to do 5 minutes today and then you can be done." Then when I hit 5 min it doesn't seem so bad so I bump it to 10 min. I usually end up bumping it up a few times until I've worked out 30-45 min. And I always feel so much better afterwards.

    I think this is great advice, too! I was (uncharacteristically) running late this morning. But I knew I had to get to the gym, even though I felt frazzled and rushed and like it wasn't really worth it. I only ended up having time for 30 mins on the elliptical, but I know I wouldn't feel great now (like I do!) if I hadn't done at least that. You don't always have to go for gold. Sometimes just moving at all is winning the emotional battle, and that counts more than anything else some days.
  • tamgrl78
    Motivation is hard to keep up when you feel like the world is crumbling at your fingertips!!! But everyone else is have already come so far, don't let stress be what breaks you! I lost my job back in August unexpectedly and shortly after that it seemed like every appliance in our house starting puking. We didn't know what we were going to do. I have a 6 and 4 year old and becoming an at home mom was not what I was ready for! I was so unhappy with where I was at in life. My weight just kept climbing and I became more and more unhappy. I was tired all the time and very ornary. I finally had a friend introduce me to Herbalife and I haven't looked back since. I have energy, I have lost 30 pounds and I can keep up with my kids. More than that, I am now a distributor helping other people get healthy! You talk about a great motivator! I have to keep up with my progress to show others that it does work and believe me it does!

    I finally just had to say, "It is time to take care of me!" And that is what I did. Now I teach Zumba 3 times a week and I am getting ready to open my club to continue to help others change their lives! I think I have finally found my calling. So......DON'T GIVE UP! You deserve to be healthy!

    Try to set small goals for yourself, looking at the big picture right away will only lead to disappointment. You can do this. Get up and move! And remember....even if you are moving slow, you are still lapping everyone that is still sitting on their couch!!