Weekend Self Sabotage



  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I do workout . . . I do a variety of workouts split with the gym (weights/cardio/classes), running/jog intervals, and now doing Insanity Asylum workouts (day 14).

    If I have a cheat meal the scale is up no matter what! It takes me about a week or 2 to see the scale to go back to close to where I was.
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    MMMMMMM New York style pizza!
  • NeshBeMe
    NeshBeMe Posts: 148 Member
    I am the same way on weekends. I do workout and I take a cheat day. But sometimes my cheat day turns into a cheat weekend. I don't beat myself up about it either because I'm no longer 'scale' driven. I can see a huge difference in my body since I started this journey and I know I've gained lots of muscle, which is heavier than fat. I'm not encouraging you to pig out every weekend but to not beat yourself up when you enjoy a few unhealthy items. We are human and it happens. As long as you don't give up, you will be fine.
  • Pir8Rav
    Pir8Rav Posts: 36 Member
    Portion control is key as is knowing there are no absolutes in life.
    I dig whoppers - not every week or month - but i dig whoppers. Ill get around to having another soon enough.
    I also like scotch - straight up or on the rocks. But i dont like to get drunk every night....

    If you think of this as a previous message board poster had mentioned - its not a diet but rather a healthier way of eating with physical activity. Keep with that mantra and it will all eventually work out.

    Ive been trying to limit animal proteins durng the week and plan a major 'meat' meal on the weekends. Lemme tell you that meat meal has been glorious as its planned but the rest of the day i tend to be on track. and I still dig the scotch - but more like once or twice per week
  • ImaSongbird
    ImaSongbird Posts: 126 Member
    Weekends are so tough! I struggle with them too. I found if I plan out my food for the entire weekend, I do a lot better. I even used to always weigh in on Mondays, because it kept me honest over the weekend! Eat at home, but get out of the house the rest of the day! Keep yourself busy, even add another workout. Whatever it takes to get away from the horrible snacky stuff that's everywhere!

    How about on weekends, log it BEFORE you eat it? That way it gives you a minute to think if you really want it or not? No cheating! Adjust your amounts for how much you actually eat afterwards, if you don't stick to the serving you planned.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Great tips I love the pre-planning idea your meals idea. I always do that during the work week but I am so relaxed on the weekends!