I really dislike Mondays!

I was all psyched to go to the gym this morning, only to arrive there and realize I had forgotten my sneakers. Considered keeping my winter boots on and giving a whole new meaning to the term 'boot camp' while clunking around the gym in them, then decided not to.
Got all flustered and locked my keys in my locker, which required getting an employee to cut off my lock. By that point I was thoroughly disgusted and clomped off to work.
Not gonna let it stop me though. Got a new lock here (combination code type) and will go to the gym on the way home.
Monday...I defy you! Bring it on! *waving fists in the air*


  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member

    monday is dead-lift day, i like starting the week out right (:
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    Last week, I begged my husband to drop me off for a quick, 40 minute workout while he took the kids to Grandma.

    I worked up until the last minute, dodging the giant crowd of children.

    Somewhere in the midst of changing machines 50 times, I dropped my locker key. All the keys are furnished by the gym ( you put your membership card in the back of the lock, which frees the key ). I went up to the super hot, giantly buff gym employee and explained my plight.

    I'm now 10 minutes late.

    Of course, Hunky Guy can't come into the locker room... so we go off in search of a female employee. Hunky male employee explains the situation to everyone he comes across.

    I am now 20 minutes late.

    HG finds very young, very fit employee who is more than happy to unlock my locker.... except that we try four lockers before finding mine.

    I know it's mine because my underwear and bra are hanging from the hook.

    I hate friday, now.
  • Driving_Miss_Daisy
    Isn't Monday the worst way to spend 1/7 of your life.

    I like my exercise on Mondays. Sunday is a rest day, lazy day, so I can push myself extra hard.
  • BrandyontheRun
    BrandyontheRun Posts: 204 Member
    lol Cheers to taking on Mondays head on UrbanLamb!!!
    and @ PinkEarthMama- omgosh! lol.. I don't even know what to say, but thanks for sharing, I got a good chuckle.. :wink:
  • vmwmvb
    vmwmvb Posts: 23 Member
    I know exactly what you mean!

    I woke up at 4:00 to do my normal early morning P90X only to walk to my fitness room and find it locked up and closed for renovation. I got an e-mail about this at noon today and as I read it I spilled my salad all over my pants only to have to sit in class til 20:00 with a pair of totally stained pants...once I get home I am going to work that damn work out and than try the normal gym in the morning (Though it will be hard to get the entire work out in and make it to class on time since this gym is not open 24 hours a day...Mondays I tell you
  • Urbanlamb
    Ah Gawd, I'm laughing so hard over here!