Lose fat or tone up, which comes first?

JamieDaniel84 Posts: 5
edited November 2024 in Health and Weight Loss

I am new here and apologize if this question has been asked a zillion times already, but I need some help. Im 5'3 128 lbs and my goal weight is 110. I would also like to be really really toned (muscles can be seen), so my goal weight might change depending on how much I gain in muscle. I have had two kids and got a little extra fat on my belly and thighs. What do I do first, cardio to lose the weight and then once the weight is gone, tone up? Or do I do them at the same time? I got sucked into the P90X commercial and attempted to do that, but I thought I read somewhere that I need to lose the fat first or else my muscles will just hide behind it. Should I start with JM 30 day Shred and then go to P90X? Neither? Both? HELP!!!

Also, I have been eating very well and watching my calorie intake. I am starting to get discouraged by the lack of visual progress with my appearance and I don't want to waste anymore time on doing things that won't get the best result.

Thanks in advance for you help!!



  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    If you want to lose weight, burn the fat off! If fitness is your goal, tone up! It depends on your goals and what you want to achieve.
    I'm a huge fan of Jillian, so I'd start there. But that's just me!
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    Eating a small deficit while doing both cardio and weight training would be best, I think, but I'm not an expert. If' you try to "lose fat" just by doing cardio and eating a deficit, you'll probably end up losing some muscle as well (happened to me). And, since you don't have a lot to lose, you want to keep your deficit small as well, maybe only shoot to lose about a pound a week, at the most, maybe even a half pound. Combine that with strength training (more emphasis on strength than cardio, I think), and you'll be on your way to a lower body fat % in no time :wink:
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,432 MFP Moderator
    Well you can't really tone up until you burn the fat but that doesn't mean weight loss. I would actually not worry about your weight goal and just work on cutting body fat. P90X is an excellent program but if you do it, you really need to eat a bunch of calories. It's suggested woman don't eat less than 1800, and more times often than not, woman are eating 2000 + calories. These programs are designed to help increase lean muscle mass and cut body fat which will give you that look you want. Whether you do it at 110 or maintain your weight, you will look better. But I would suggest not worry about losing weight because I bet you would look better at 130 with more lean muscle mass than you would at 110

    PS- I have done P90X and currently doing X2.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Tone up, as you tone your body will metabolize fat faster.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member

    Having a small calorie deficit "alongside" a good strength training program will help you maintain your muscle as you lose weight, rather than lose a combination of both muscle and fat (what usually happens when you lose weight through diet only) This ends up with a more toned look when you reach your goal weight :smile:
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    I just do cardio everyday and strength training 3 days a week....mix it all together and I think it should balance out!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member

    Eat right to lose the fat, lift to maintain muscle. Do cardio to give yourself some caloric leeway if you want.
  • MayaNelson
    MayaNelson Posts: 62 Member
    A trainer told me once to always focus on building muscle and toning over cardio.
    More muscle burns more fat.

    Naturally, I'm now focused on cardio more than anything else.

    Whatever works for you.

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Both. Muscle burns fats. Especially if your looking to SEE your results. Strength training may not reflect in changes on the scale, but will show up in changes to your body composition. Make sure your tracking your measurements!

    P90x is awesome. Yes, it is designed for strength training, but you can easily lose weight while following that program, you may just need to alter it to fit your own needs. Worked for me.

  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    www.bodybuilding.com <---- check out their 12 week programs which incorporate both cardio and strength training according to your goal.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member

    You eat to lose weight, you exercise for good health
  • mikellsmom
    mikellsmom Posts: 51 Member
    I do both. I do cardio and weight training. My doctor told me that by doing both you increase muscle mass which burns more calories. Think of you muscles as burners on a stove. Small burners take less energy to heat up than large ones. So if you increase your muscle mass your "burners" get larger and take more energy to use burning more calories. I hope this helps. Also, doing pilates tones you up nicely. I did them for four months and lost 22" head to toe.

    my doctor also told me that it will take about four weeks for you to see results in your self, 8 weeks for friends and family to see results, and about 12 weeks for everyone else to see... Good luck
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Do both.
  • mattkellett
    mattkellett Posts: 82 Member
    it's the same thing! "tone up" is a sugared coated way to say "lose wieght" in my opinion. muscle are there you need to lose fat to appear more "toned" we all have a different description of what toned looks like to them.
  • jonetpwhite
    jonetpwhite Posts: 4 Member
    Ideally you want to burn the fat off. But as we all know muscle burns more fat. To get the most bang for your buck, do some weight training before you do your cardio every day. As you burn off the fat, you'll start to see more tone. Increase your endurance and you reps and you'll begin to take more shape. If you plateau, chnage up your routine, increase your weights, or cut back calories. Always do both. Good luck!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    You don't really have much to lose (I'm also about 5'3" and currently around 125, so I have an idea of your shape) so I'd suggest just doing them at the same time. Honestly, you could probably just start the strength work and not even worry about the calorie deficit too much. Adding muscle is going to help you burn more fat on a daily basis. Keep in mind that it's also going to add weight to your frame without adding more inches since muscle weighs more than fat by volume.

    At my most fit I weighed about 117 with a slight 6 pack and femininely muscular biceps, thighs and calves. This was a couple of years after the birth of my son. At that weight, I wore a size 2, and this was in 1991-93 when a size 2 was smaller than it is now. I also competed in karate and worked out 6 days per week to maintain that. My point is, that unless you are very small boned, I think you're going to have trouble reaching 110 with muscle definition. Your best bet is to go for the muscle tone you want and damn the scale. If you get the body you want, the number on the scale doesn't matter anyway.
  • Thank you all so much. You all are such a big help :)
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