C25K and my HATRED for running!

Hey! Just wanted to get some input from the community. :)

So, today I am supposed to start the Couch 2 5k program. I'm having a hard time believing I'm even going to make it through the first day. I am 218 pounds and I have ALWAYS hated running. Even through middle school and high school, running that dreaded mile was always my WORST day of school. I was nervous about it the night before and then sometimes I would ditch school just so I didnt have to do it.

I used to play soccer avidly. It was and still is my favorite sport. I have tried to go out and play again, but I realized that soccer is ALL running! I know that running will help me get back in shape but every time I set a goal or say I'm going to start the program I find a way to B!T#H out!

I am also afraid or hurting myself. Anyone know a good stretch workout before I actually start. I get shin splints EVERY TIME I start working out again. I really need to avoid getting shin splints because the pain gets so unbearable it puts me back on the couch for weeks healing.

ANYWAY.... ANYYYY advice would be nice. Thanks guys! <3


  • astras2383
    I understand what your saying! I use to hate running, i'm not 100% in love with it yet. But I started to run when I signed up for my first 5k ever last year. When I signed up for the 5k i was nervous, i was making excuses not to run it and just walk. I completed the 5k run and when i passed the finish line i have to say i was addicted to it. Since last year I ran a total of 6 5k. and now I signed up for a full marathon! I still have a long way to go but I do enjoy it and I also get cravings for a run. My advice to you is try a 5k and bring a friend. run and walk it but make sure you finish. You start wanting to beat your time!! each 5k I was able to beat my time. So hope this helps!! Trust me, it will feel hard but it will get better with practice:)
  • lisaidem
    lisaidem Posts: 194 Member
    The C25K program is designed to start with so little running that even I didnt' get shin splints, and I get shin splints getting out of bed! Before I started I also invested in some good running shoes, fitted by a running shoe person, with proper inserts. Between the slowly increasing duration of the C25K and the good shoes, I totally avoided shin splints!

    I do dynamic stretching before I run (rather than static stretching): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_stretching. I then do static, traditional stretching afterwards.
  • tipsymoth
    tipsymoth Posts: 28 Member
    GOOD LUCK!!!

    I started over the summer and couldn't do the first runs. On my programme they were 60seconds. I stuck at it though and repeated weeks (sometimes several times) and today I ran for 45 mins!!

    What I did notice at one point was I was at the park with the kids trying to fly a kite. We never did get the damn thing flying but I wasn't on my knees from trying.
  • easuess
    easuess Posts: 53 Member
    I hated running too! Dreaded the mile run in gym class. Never could complete one of those without walking.

    Then I did C25K.

    Not only can I run a mile without walking, but I've completed two 5ks and one 8k and ...I'm still running. :)

  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    i am also a former soccer player turned c25k person. i just finished week 7. i did have shin pain at first, but not in a debilitating way. it went away after a couple of weeks. the mental side is the most difficult. physically my body held up every time and i was able to do every single workout without problems. mentally i would talk myself out of it, doubt myself and abilities to do it. don't let your brain win. i write a blog about my c25k experiences after every workout if you want to see how it has gone.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I am starting week 4 today and am 235. If i can do it you can do it! The most important think is your shoes. Pay attention to how you are running, if you are striking your heel that could be the casue of your pain. I have a neutral footbed running shoe and they have eliminated all pain for me. If you don't feel ready to progress, repeat a week, it is all about the baby steps.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I'm restarting it tonight, I hope. Everyone I know who's used it has been able to be a runner after. EVERY SINGLE ONE!

    I hate running. It hurts. I have trouble breathing, I need an insane sports bra (but worth every penny) to even dare, and did I mention I hate running? But I want to be able to run, just for the sake of running! To do it and enjoy playing again.

    One person said to me, no shame in repeating weeks. If it's too hard, repeat it. It's not a race to the end, it's about getting there at all. He's an avid runner, but so supportive! I've only gotten through to week2 workout 1 and had to stop due to illness and a wrist injury (believe it or not, I can't get the dumb sports bra on!). But I'm going to do my best to go for it tonight!
  • Stompp
    Stompp Posts: 216
    I did it when I was 20 pounds heavier than you and having never run before... You can do it.. When you think you can't, just keep going.. it sounds SO stupid, but your mind gives out LONG before you body ACTUALLY does... I was doing 10 minute miles by 220, and running/jogging for 30 minutes without stopping... You CAN do it!
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 446 Member
    Y'know, if you really hate running so much there's loads of other exercise you can do instead? Power walking burns a lot of calories and there are a lot of great workout DVDs on the market so its not like you even need to join a gym! Having said that the beginning of the C25K programme is basically walking with a tiny bit of running, it breaks you in gently so you can see how it goes. Good luck with whatever you decide :smile:
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    C25K really works you up to running, it doesn't just throw you into running for 10 minutes straight!

    Remember to breathe when you are running.. I know, sounds silly, but get a good rhythm on breathing. Also make sure you are wearing a running sneaker and not cross trainers.. You want the best support possible for your joints when you start running, so it's best to invest in a good pair of running sneakers!
  • jnorr993
    jnorr993 Posts: 18 Member
    C25K is a GREAT program for beginning runners... and for people like me who feel like we are perpetual "beginning runners." :-) I LOVE that program! I can't tell you how many times C25K has reinvigorated my desire to run. Week 1 is so do-able that you won't get discouraged. You will come out of it thinking how EASY it was! Best of luck to you, and I hope you find it enjoyable. :wink:
  • mander1621
    I'm starting C25K too! Feel free to friend me, we can do this together! I was the same as you; I HATED running in gym class but, I really want to do this. :D
  • Jenhal71
    The first time I started C25k I ended up with shin splints at about wk3. What I came to realize is that I was striking with my heel when I landed my foot. Since I've adjusted to landing in the middle of my foot I've been able to complete c25k, run a 5k, and now I'm training for my first half marathon...no more shin splints. Be aware of your form...don't hunch your shoulders (it used extra energy) and keep your arm from crossing the front of your body (they should stay along side your body, swinging forward and back), and don't heel strike. Take your time getting into the program, repeat weeks if you need to...train to race, not race to train...good luck!!!
  • ckdub428
    ckdub428 Posts: 453 Member
    Tomorrow I start week 2 and I hate running, but I had some success this past week so I am a tiny bit looking forward to it. You can do it! Just take it slow.

    Oh and go to a running store and get fitted for shoes. The wrong shoes can make your life a nightmare. I tried c25k in May 2011 and had the wrong shoes. Everything hurt and I hated it! Quit on week 2. New shoes, new try and I know I will get past week 2 this time!

    Also, find the right playlist on your ipod. Nothing is worse than feeling like you can't continue and then having a slow song come on. Fast paced and peppy. Something you really love and gets your heart and mind going!

    As far as being scared of getting hurt, I am completely with you here! Terrified of being injured again. Take it slow, stretch before and after, and if anything hurts then listen to your body and slow down. Now there is a huge difference between "uncomfortable" and "hurt". Lots of things are going to be "uncomfortable" during this journey, keep going. Listen to the "hurt" though!

    Good luck! Feel free to "friend" me and we'll get through this together!!!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    The only running I ever did (expect when I had to in gym classe) was running bases playing softball..

    I started C25K in early January at 260lbs. I'm on some forums for C25K and there are people that started it that were nearly twice my size.
    That first week.. that first run it was tough, I wont kid you. I was so out of shape I couldnt beleive I was going to make it. The "Week 1" me was looking through the program (I use an app on my phone to tell me when to start and stop running) and when I saw Week 5, I kept saying 'there's no way... no way in h-e-double hockey sticks I can run 20 min straight!'

    Well.. that was the "week 1" me. Now that I'm further along in the program, the "Week 5" me says, 'yeah, I can do this.. I ran two 9.5 min intervals a couple days ago with only a 2 min walk between them... I CAN do this'!!

    This program was designed specifically for out of shape, non-runners. If I can do this program and succeed, I KNOW you can. You were in sports, you played Soccer for cryin out loud - I did nothing.. LOL

    The BEST advice I will give you and anyone else that is thinking about using this program - GO SLOOOOWWWWW!

    - if you are getting shin splints, you are running too fast
    - if you get a "stitch" in your side, you are running too fast
    - if you are having trouble catching your breath, you are running too fast
    - if you cant finish a run interval, you are probably running too fast.

    Your run should actually be a slow jog. Don't worry about speed, that will come later. Focus on Finishing each run interval. I walk at 2.5 and run between 3.8 and 4.0 on the treadmill. There are people that WALK faster than my run on the treadmill but I really dont care. I am accomplishing something that I never beleived possible!!!!!

    You CAN do this!
    If you would like to read more and join a forum specifically for your C25K (and beyond) experience, visit : http://c25k.cze.dk/
    LOTS of people that have completed C25K that give great support and advice. Many that have gone on to run 1/2 and full marathons!
    You'll also find ALL kinds of people just starting that can empathize with where you are now.

    Good luck! I hope you do start today!! You will grow to LOVE IT! I know I did ! :smile:
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    I started C25K in November last year, I haven't run for over 35 years and then it was nothing meaningful. I started out at 315lb and suffered with shin splints eventually i had my gait analysis done and purchased a new pair of running shoes check out you tube for stretches and massages for shin splints

    Ive done 7k so far and was about to go and try 10 k today, but unfortunately last night I injured my crucial ligament in my knee so im laid up for I don't know how long but if I can do it anyone can :bigsmile:
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    Do not enter into the excerise routine with a negative mind set. You are just setting yourself up to fail. Tell yourself I CAN DO THIS & I WILL DO IT!!!

    Today is my W2 D1 workout. I do my workouts at night ~ I can't wait for tonight. I look forward to my workout now. It allows me to clear my head & after I feel GREAT.

    Good Luck & remember just go at your own pace :smile:
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    Regarding stretching, save it for post-exercise. You can't stretch a cold rubberband...only snap it! Walk briskly for at least 5 minutes and make sure you muscles are warmed up and that should be good. Also, look into starting a routine with a foam roller. It will help you out tremendously. Lastly, take is slow. If you go out and try to run run run, you may just fail. It's a process. Creep, crawl, walk, run! Best of luck.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    C25K hasn't really made me love running (I still find it boring), but it has helped me become a much better runner. I couldn't run more than a couple of minutes at a time before I began it, and I just did a 20 minute straight run at the end of Week 5.
  • christina_c_marks
    christina_c_marks Posts: 101 Member
    I hated running also..now I am halfway through the program and I look forward to my run days. I suggest some good music to keep you pumped..download pandora and go to exercise then pop/hip hop cardio..always great running music!