
Just wanted to say a big hello. Im new to this site and desperate to lose weight (approximately 8lbs.) May not sound like a lot to some people but it is to me!! Two years ago I joined slimming world and lost 21lb to reach my target weight. Went back in november and I had put 10lb back on. Up to christmas I'd lost 7lb but since then I've really struggled and it was making me really miserable. So I've decided to opt for good old fashion calorie counting and exercise. I've recently become a single parent and therefore need some support to reach my goal! Thanks.


  • nwiley90
    Stay strong! You can do it I believe in you! :happy:
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    Good luck! balancing out is just as hard as loosing a ton of weight sometimes.
  • TJLL22
    Calorie counting is the way - you can do it!