Hey MFP. I've noticed when adding a cardio entry it almost always says I burned more calories than what the machine displayed. ie; elliptical machine 35mins burned 348 calories, MFP 35 mins burned 445 calories. So my ? To you guys is which one is right I don't want to cheat myself nor do I want to add more calories than I actually did. Thanks for reading and I KNW if anybody can help you guys can. (well I'm sure google can but I rather hear it from you guys lol)


  • Gargwin82
    Gargwin82 Posts: 152 Member
    It depends how far out it is. I tend to go with the lower one. That way I don't end up eating far more calories which I may not be entitled to.
  • zasiiniya
    zasiiniya Posts: 100 Member
    I go with the machine, because that at least knows how hard you worked.
    For me, MFP is always much lower than the machine - perhaps my machine estimates high, or maybe I work harder at it than MFP thinks I will? I even set my weight lower on the machine since I've heard they can sometimes overestimate calories burned. Today in 38 minutes it said I burned 402 calories and MFP estimated something like 360 for that time period. Huh. (I was also pushing myself quite hard during that time period, however.) I put my weight at 120, or about 20 lb less than I actually weigh.

    So I'm curious and will be watching this thread!
  • drisner
    drisner Posts: 13 Member
    If you're still losing weight following what MFP shows, don't worry about it. If you aren't losing weight, then you might want to think about adjusting stuff. For example, only eating back half of the exercise calories instead of all of them.
  • Make sure that you are entering your weight and age into the machine. If not, then they usually take an average adult (30 yrs old, 150 lbs). I try to use what the machine says every time.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    The only way to really know is to wear a heart rate monitor. And actually when I put in my elliptical time it always says LESS on MFP. One thing to keep in mind is MFP is using your weight to calculate the calories burned. It doesn't take into account resistance. I trust my elliptical machine number because it's taking into account my weight, age, resistance level, speed and time. MFP only looks at age, weight and time.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Hey MFP. I've noticed when adding a cardio entry it almost always says I burned more calories than what the machine displayed. ie; elliptical machine 35mins burned 348 calories, MFP 35 mins burned 445 calories. So my ? To you guys is which one is right I don't want to cheat myself nor do I want to add more calories than I actually did. Thanks for reading and I KNW if anybody can help you guys can. (well I'm sure google can but I rather hear it from you guys lol)
    You just need to experiment, because everybody is different.
    I always go with the higher number first - hehe

    For me MFP burn rates were a bit too high, and I needed to tweak it to find my zone.
  • I have noticed the same thing! I go by what the machine says just to be on the safe side. That way I know if I am rounding down I am not going over my calorie goal. Let me know what you find out about this...
  • ditto
  • I'm more inclined to trust the machine itself. The machine knows how much actual "distance" you covered according to how hard you actually worked, whereas MFP is estimating it on the assumption that you worked at X level while doing it.

    The machine is always way higher than MFP estimates for me, for what it's worth. MFP doesn't take into account things like the resistance setting of the machine.
  • wolfey24
    wolfey24 Posts: 28 Member
    i always go by the machine, and for me it also is lower than mfp. The machine reads my heart rate and calculates it with my weight so i am pretty sure that is more accurate
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    There's always a lot of debate about this. If you don't have a HRM, it's difficult to know for sure. I know some machines have a HRM built into them and you can input your weight and age, but if you don't do that, it's set to 150 lbs by default. The numbers on MFP move with your weight, which I know because my friend is on here too, and when we do the same exercise, she burns less calories because she weighs less than I do. What I do is just go by MFP. If you want to make sure you're not going over by too much by using MFP, you can cut off a few minutes but that's totally up to you.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Don't believe everything you read ... even if it's on the Internet.

    MFP and machines are less than accurate when calculating calories burned. Your best bet is to invest in a chest strap HRM. That will give you a more accurate estimation. Nothing is exact.

    If you can't afford a HRM, I'd take the lower of the two given the fact that most people over estimate how many calories they burn while exercising and under estimate how many calories they consume.

    Tracking calories burned is another example of "less is best."
  • I actually checked this out! The ellipticals base their calories on speed, time and distance only. The do not base it on weight and age. So regardless if you are 500 pound person or 125 pound person...if you both did an elliptical at the same speed/time/distance...it will show the same calories burned. But in reality a 500 pound person is going burn more calores and exert much more energy in that same amount of time as a skinny fit person.

    I personally go by what MFP tells me......it has my weight and age factored in! I even went on a web site that said to get a "true" accurate calories burned you have to factor in the weight and age! I hope this helps!
  • zasiiniya
    zasiiniya Posts: 100 Member
    I actually checked this out! The ellipticals base their calories on speed, time and distance only. The do not base it on weight and age.
    What about the ellipticals that have you enter your weight and age? Some do at my gym, and I always put less than I actually weigh so I don't overestimate calories burnt.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I can add into MFP walking up the stairs on my hands for 3 mins burning 576 calories.
    The next time you put in walking up the stairs youll probably get my numbers.
    So...make your own numbers!
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I always go with the machine - just make sure that you enter your age and weight into it... it is always way lower than MFP but I can deal with that.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The elliptical entry is probably the worst one on here. It has no variables. Someone going 8mph at high resistance is going to burn more than someone with the resistance all the way down going 3mph. MFP will be right about as often as a broken clock. :wink:

    I typically go by the machine, but treadmill and bike are usually pretty close to MFP anyway.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    i wouldn't trust either one
  • sundaysurf
    sundaysurf Posts: 72 Member
    I wore a bodymedia arm band and a heart rate monitor for a month and averaged the two sources. They were always way lower than MFP. Now I know what I burn so I manually change the calories burned to what I believe is correct. For my size and fitness level there is no way I burn what MFP says I do.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I don't go by either, I have a Polar FT60 HRM and only go by it........ May not be exact either but I trust it more than the other two..