Do I need to drink water?



  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I drink alot of skin looks very smooth and few wrinkles ( I am 62). My husband only drinks coffee, tea......very little water........his skin looks...well........old........DRINK WATER, You will look so much younger and feel better! Whenever you feel tired, drink some helps enormously.........ok done with my 2 cents :bigsmile:
  • I have this same issue and I know it's important to work on it. Suggestions?
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I have this same issue and I know it's important to work on it. Suggestions?

    Carry a waterbottle with you. I drink way more when I have it and miss it when I don't. If you are dehydrated and begin hydrating, you may hit the 'potty' a lot for the first few days, but it will level out and feel normal to you soon. Good luck!
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I'm finding that I just don't drink much water in any given day. I have two cups of black coffee (no cream/sugar) in the morning, and then barley any liquid throughout the day. I'm not sure why...just not terribly thirsty. Any thoughts about if drinking my 8 glasses of water a day will increase my weight loss?

    I'd love to read a medically sourced document on this. The only medically sourced information I've found about this is here:

    Yes, there are many sites that directly address the "8x8" and call it a myth but it lives on.

    Thirst is an excellent guide to water consumption. To the point where the International Association of Marathon Medical Directors changed their advice in 2001. Prior to that time, they advised runners to "pre-hydrate" and had guidelines about how much water to drink. In 2001, they changed their guidance due to "overwhelming evidence" that thirst was the best means of gauging water needs.

    Like you, I don't get very thirsty but I do watch my water consumption because when I run I lose about 1 pound every 3 miles. I've been eating a lot of salad up until a few weeks ago and, when I started running again after a two week layoff, I noticed that I was more thirsty than usual. When I looked at what I'd eaten, I realized that I'd been eating less salad so I had to consume more liquids to compensate for that. This stuff ain't rocket science…

    My liquids of choice - coffee, iced tea, Coke Zero, home made recovery drink, and, from time to time, water.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    Yes. Half your body weight in ounces per day.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I carry a water bottle with me every day, everywhere I go. I drink probably 100 oz a day. I love water!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Lol most of your body is made of water!
    Want results?
    You gotta drink the water!
    Take any supplements?
    They dont work without proper hydration!
    Instead send me the money so I can buy my supplements!
    Whey is expensive!
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    Try drinking the water when you're hungry (your stomach rumbles)... Alot of times it's your body telling you that you are "hungry" for water, rather than food.

    Not only is that another way to get your water in, but it could make you eat less.

    Exactly what I was going to write. Sometimes your brain gives you a confusing signal -- you think you are hungry, when you are in fact starting to dehydrate.
    And yes, drinking plain NATURAL water (or whichever food/fruit/veggie containing water) is much better than drinking pop crap or coffee with artificial sugars and creamers!!

    Your body is made of about 60% of water. Water is essential to the most important biological fuctions. Crappy additives in soda and so on are NOT.

    No one is denying drinking water is better in terms of nutrition. But you cant say that soda doesnt help hydrate, as it does. And drinking water will not make fat magically burn off faster at any notable rate, and there isnt isnt essential to weight loss, which was the point of the thread originally.

    Thank you HMonsterX. :smile:
    Just wanted to let you now that I appreciate your postings on this subject as I can't even start b/c it drives me nuts.
    There was a similar post the other day, but didn't see your post. Kept thinking when is Monster gong to post the real truth about hydration.
  • :noway:
    I read alot of what you all are saying.
    You need water .... WATER
    Not coffee or Tea or Soda . That **** has other things added to it.
    Not even flavored water.
    I have lost alot lbs and all I drink is water. over 6 glasses a day. I eat healthy and I dont rely on water from my food at all. Thats just plan dumb. You need water.
    I see people talking about all they drink is coffee and tea and soda and yet they arent loosing as much weight. Sure your gonna retain water. And the scale is gonna go up and down. Arent we here to loose weight in the first place and be healthy?

    Water is a must. I dont care. I know from my personl experience I have lost alot. And Water is the first and last thing I have in the day. Also it helps with any cravings u might get too.

    To each they own. But if you can get down Pure Water in your body atleast 4 cups then u should be good. But if you think about it. A 20oz pepsi bottle full of water is 2 cups of water. Do that 2x or more a day and night. You will see and feel alot better.:flowerforyou:
  • dburdi02
    dburdi02 Posts: 16 Member
    True, there is water in most things we drink; as well as sugars, caffeine, additives our bodies don't know what to do with etc. "Caffeine is also a diuretic and causes a loss of fluid, which then leads to a dehydrating effect. This is obviously not conductive to fitness activities such as resistance training, as fluid is needed for the transfer of nutrients to facilitate muscular growth". " Fifty percent or more of a normal adult's body weight is water, which serves a host of vital functions. Water has been called the 'cradle of life' because all living organisms require water to survive. Each body (and cell body) is bathed in fluid and it is only in this precisely regulated and homeostatically controlled environment that cells can function...water chemistry forms the basis for the chemistry of life". Direct from my MEDICAL text books; this one specifically Anatomy & Physiology 7th edition Patton & Thibodeau. I can pull out more if you'd like/require additional proof.
    There is water in most foods as well however not enough to sustain the needs of our body's demands. Caffeine in the form of soda is highly detrimental to the body; coffee and tea however have far more pure water and pure ingredients. We need to feed our bodies adequately if we wish to stay healthy; especially when we are losing weight and working out which increase demands on all body systems.
  • I lost 5 pounds in one day when I drank a ton of water.
    I hadn't drank pretty much ANY straight water for years. (Water at school here and there but only a few gulps)
    Then one day, I decided I would see if it helped me with not being so hungry and drank the recommended 8 cups.
    I seriously weighed myself over and over that day and I lost 5 pounds and it stayed gone.
    Water does A LOT with weight loss.

    So you think that 5lbs was fat? All it did was flush out water weight, that no one is denying. However, the fact is was pure water made no difference. If you really think it was, then carry on drinking it, and lost all your weight in a week or two.

    I never said that it was fat that I lost.
    I'm just saying pounds came off.
    My point is that if you don't drink enough water, the scale will probably tell you a weight that is higher than what your real weight is.
  • dburdi02
    dburdi02 Posts: 16 Member
    True, there is water in most things we drink; as well as sugars, caffeine, additives our bodies don't know what to do with etc. "Caffeine is also a diuretic and causes a loss of fluid, which then leads to a dehydrating effect. This is obviously not conductive to fitness activities such as resistance training, as fluid is needed for the transfer of nutrients to facilitate muscular growth". " Fifty percent or more of a normal adult's body weight is water, which serves a host of vital functions. Water has been called the 'cradle of life' because all living organisms require water to survive. Each body (and cell body) is bathed in fluid and it is only in this precisely regulated and homeostatically controlled environment that cells can function...water chemistry forms the basis for the chemistry of life". Direct from my MEDICAL text books; this one specifically Anatomy & Physiology 7th edition Patton & Thibodeau. I can pull out more if you'd like/require additional proof.
    There is water in most foods as well however not enough to sustain the needs of our body's demands. Caffeine in the form of soda is highly detrimental to the body; coffee and tea however have far more pure water and pure ingredients. We need to feed our bodies adequately if we wish to stay healthy; especially when we are losing weight and working out which increase demands on all body systems.
    And Yes Monsterx I do know exactly what Diuretic means.