
Hi all! I used this site to lose about 20lbs last spring and well...stopped... gained it all back plus some. Was feeling horrible, so Im starting up again and really determined to stick to it. I am 24 years old, mother of 2 (2 yr old son and 10 month old daughter). I am a full time student and feel overwhelmed with how busy I am. Trying to balance kids, school and now weightloss, but this time I am going to stick to it! I am 238 and right now just trying to get to 199 then hopfully 180 and then 160. I will be rewarding myself with new tattoo work every 10lbs, hoping to reach that first 10lb soon!

Would love to make some new friends on here to help keep eachother motavated!


  • aconcreteguy1
    aconcreteguy1 Posts: 8 Member
    welcome back! get ready to spend lots of time in the tat chair!
  • Kelly0121
    Kelly0121 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey. I'm in your same boat as far as age and weight to lose. I'll add you!
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    welcome back! get ready to spend lots of time in the tat chair!

    Thanks! I sure hope so... I have soo much half done stuff, my husband never wants to finish anything, but I think if it is motivating me to loss he will keep up his end of the deal!
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    :happy: I would love to be friends with you - I keep falling off the wagon, but I am determined to make it work this time!! I am a 29 yo mother of two, ages 7 and almost 1 year. I work full time in the U.S. Navy and I just received my Associates Degree and getting ready to start on my Bachelor' I definitely understand when you say you are busy!!

    Motivate me and I will definitely try to help motivate you!!!
  • beyersar40
    beyersar40 Posts: 12 Member
    I totally understand the school part! I am the same age, currently in school, and looking to lose around the same you are! Feel Free to add me :)