
I've gained and lost 20 pounds (give or take and most recently it's been GIVE...40 I've gained in the past couple of years) since I was 16 years old

Each time I lose weight (mind you, I'm ONLY 5'3" and I've NEVER been below 124 lbs) I get soooo much feedback (from females specifically) telling me that I am too skinny

It hurts me so much so then I try to eat a little more and then I get out of control and I overdo it and go right back into my old habits

I'm hoping with myfitnesspal.com, once I get down to my goal weight, I can maintain a HEALTHY weight and I'll try my hardest not to care what others think of me. I'm 30 years old now...you'd think that I'd be confident within myself after working so hard to get down to my goal weight, I'd not care what others think of me, but not so.

I've got 15-30 more pounds to go before I'm to my goal weight ONCE AGAIN. Let's hope I can stay there this time and not have to go through this yo yo again.


  • Just ignore them.

    124lbs is 9 stone. I'm 5ft 2" and the doctors charts say I should be between 8.5 stone (119lbs) and 9 stone (124lbs) that's not going to happen but I can try my best :)

    As long as your not underweight you'll be ok.

    Chin up! :wink:
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    When people tell you that you are too skinny, tell them :

    I can run XYZ far. Can you?

    I can bench 293847397 pounds. Can you?

    I can blast through an hour of cardio like no one's business. Can you?

    Or, you can do what I do...

    Look them right in the eye and say " Haters gonna hate. "
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    I'm 5'2 1/2 and when I was last down to 128lbs --too long ago lol-- I got the same thing. Try to look at who is telling you this and why. If it's someone who is genuinely worried, thank them for their concern and assure them that your doctor is very happy with where you are. If it's someone who's jealous, I'd say the same thing and quickly change the subject.
    It might take people close to you time to get used to seeing the "new you.". And if they don't? Limit the amount of exposure you have to the person as best you can. You're well within healthy parameters according to your height.
  • liscain
    liscain Posts: 24 Member
    wow...you women are amazing. Thank you for taking the time to hear me out :) Let's be confident and healthy together! whoo hoooo
  • Andrewcpimpin
    Andrewcpimpin Posts: 124 Member
    haters gonna hate so keep your pimp hand strong. lol. sticks and stones may brake your bones, but im that guy who takes revenge too far. try that line. lol
    When people tell you that you are too skinny, tell them :

    I can run XYZ far. Can you?

    I can bench 293847397 pounds. Can you?

    I can blast through an hour of cardio like no one's business. Can you?

    Or, you can do what I do...

    Look them right in the eye and say " Haters gonna hate. "
  • I hear ya! I am 5'3 1/2 (but I always round up, lol) and my lowest weight was 137. People were always telling me that my face looked sunken in and that I looked sick. Now that I am big again I get comments about my huge *kitten*. So either way, haters are gonna hate. Most people have nothing better to do with their lives then talk and worry about other people. I'm sure you have heard it before but LET THE HATERS BE YOUR MOTIVATORS!
  • Haters suck. Unfortunately they are an unavoidable evil. Just realize that every time they feel the need to spew their venom, you are doing something right!
  • Janice032557
    Janice032557 Posts: 163 Member
    You need to figure what is a healthy weight for you and makes you comfortable. You should worry about how YOU feel and not put any thought about what others THINK is best for you. You are the one you have to make happy. Good luck
  • Remember sweetie, misery loves company! That saying has gotten me through tough spots. It reminds me that the only reason someone would try and bring me down is because they are down themselves. That and they are big poop heads. :0)
  • liscain
    liscain Posts: 24 Member
    gosh I LOVE this site! You people are WONDERFUL!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    *****es gonna *****. Do your thing girl and rock it!
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    When people tell you that you are too skinny, tell them :

    I can run XYZ far. Can you?

    I can bench 293847397 pounds. Can you?

    I can blast through an hour of cardio like no one's business. Can you?

    Or, you can do what I do...

    Look them right in the eye and say " Haters gonna hate. "
    I LOVE IT!
  • Janice032557
    Janice032557 Posts: 163 Member
    And, by the way I am 5' 3". My lowest weight was 115 when I went through my divorce (many years ago). One person told me "I think you have met your goal weight and then some." I have since learned it is what makes me happy, not what others think
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    The other day, I had someone at work tell me I look unhealthy. They said I looked better before I lost 20 lbs. Below are before and after pictures. Seriously, I looked healthier before?


  • liscain
    liscain Posts: 24 Member
    wow, you look amazing tmch4006! great job!