Vitamin d deficient?



  • jenslife82
    50,000 a week is the routine with daily supplementation afterwards. Once your level is greater than 30 the body is able to store it, that's why you need the big dose, anybody in the northeast should be on vit d. I use a light therapy lamp, big square thing you sit in front of for ten minutes a day, amazing how your mood changes and you get energized after that. With vitamin d, especially ergocalciferol, make sure to drink plenty of water or kidney stones are in your future! This is an acceptable risk, as you will feel so much better with a therapeutic d level. Good luck!
    I live in Maine so I know a number of people who use these with seasonal effective disorders. I can't be near one for more than a few minutes at a time, gives me a severe headache, nausea and sometimes vomiting. I know tmi but makes me wonder if I could survive a tanning booth. I am 3 days into my 50k and don't really feel much different yet. But hopefully will come soon so I don't have to worry about being under the lights!
  • jenslife82
    question for you all - do you feel like you were in a worse mood or depressed before you got on the supplements? how long until you saw an effect from them? i've been pretty irritable and wondered if this had something to do with it.
    I would like to know this too. When I take vit b I feel better almost immediately every time. It's been a few days now since my 50k dose of d and I don't think I feel any different?
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Vitamin d deficient? So my vit d is at 12 units or something like that. Under 100 is considered Deficient. From what I've found and heard It can contribute to all kinds of serious issues like cancers and bone and organ abnormalities. Also causes serious issues when trying to lose weight. My doc has me on 50000 units once a week for 6 weeks. Then 2000 daily after that. Any one else gone thru it? Or going thru it?
    That's good you are addressing this.
    Neanderthal man lacked Vitamin D which caused rickets, and that's why they're extinct today except for in South Philly where I hang out...

    Seriously, lack of D can cause a world of issues.
    Spread the word!
  • fj211
    fj211 Posts: 95
    I take 4000 IU every day as a supplement because mine had gotten so low. I have it checked every 6 months by my rheumatologist.
  • aulove
    aulove Posts: 34
    I'm currently taking 50,000 IU twice a week. When my Vit D level was originally checked over a year ago I was at 7.3. I managed to get my level up to 19 this past summer, only to have it fall back to 15 this winter. To be fair, I wasn't taking my Rx as prescribed. I am now, though, so I'm hoping to see improvement when I get blood work done in April.
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    I had it last year & it makes a huge difference. I lost 25 pounds in nothing flat once I had it in line!
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    After reading about vitamin d deficiency and immunity and looking at my own health history, I put myself on 5,000 IU of D daily about four years ago. I haven't had so much as a sniffle since then.
  • jenslife82
    Vitamin d deficient? So my vit d is at 12 units or something like that. Under 100 is considered Deficient. From what I've found and heard It can contribute to all kinds of serious issues like cancers and bone and organ abnormalities. Also causes serious issues when trying to lose weight. My doc has me on 50000 units once a week for 6 weeks. Then 2000 daily after that. Any one else gone thru it? Or going thru it?
    That's good you are addressing this.
    Neanderthal man lacked Vitamin D which caused rickets, and that's why they're extinct today except for in South Philly where I hang out...

    Seriously, lack of D can cause a world of issues.
    Spread the word!
    Lol.. Extinct except in South Philly lmao :)
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    Yup! My vitamin D was at 4 in March last year. After months of taking supplements I got rechecked and it was only at 32. So I got put on 50,000 IU for 6 weeks. I still need to go back and get re-checked but I take vitamin D every day (probably need to be taking a lot more). I was also low on magnesium and calcium. Developed osteoarthritis, a heart arrhythmia and high BP (among many other things which may or may not be related). Light therapy sounds like something I'd like to try. I definitely love the heat. My bones can't handle the cold.

    Edit: I saw some posters talking about immunity ... I'd like to add that I have been tested over and over for autoimmune diseases in the past year. My doctor even suggested that I might have HIV and then had me tested (again) just in case!!! I was even sent to a cancer center to see if they could shed light on my immune system but the doc was a total jerk and not much came of it. My white cell count is consistently very high.
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    My levels have been deficient for about 2 years and am hoping levels will be up this month at my physical. I take prescription D weekly plus a multi-vit with D daily. My levels went down for unknown reasons about 6 months after my low levels were discovered even when taking suppliments so I've been on this higher-dose regimine. I've read that deficiencies can be linked to many health problems or many people have low levels. According to my physician, the standards for "normal" levels has been raised in the past few years so more people are appearing low than in the past. My doctor, however, does not think the studies show enough evidence that a D deficiency is a causative factor with the many diseases it has been linked. I do get plenty of sunshine-rick D with outside time, especially in the summer, so not sure of the culprit. No harm in taking the suppliment if it may be helpful.
  • Shawnjay75
    Shawnjay75 Posts: 81 Member
    My 15 yr old son is Vitamin D deficient and takes 5000 IU Daily...
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I take D every day as long as I remember too. It's pretty much a requirement in Seattle. The liquid drops are really easy to deal with.

    Bonus: it's likely to improve your mood as well.
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I had low Vit D and my hair started to fall out. My doctor put me on a high dosage for 3 months, and that corrected the problem. I now take a vitamin every week to keep my level normal.

    I could not believe how important Vitamin D is. So many things can go wrong if you have too low of a level.
  • peacemongernc
    peacemongernc Posts: 253 Member
    A few years ago mine was under 10, and so was my iron. I took a few 1000 daily for a while and now I try to remember to take 2000 a day. Last time it was checked it was okay, but it took me a couple of years to get it back up.
  • luvmybaby333
    I was diagnosed as vitamin D deficient last year. I was put on 50,000 IUs every week. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, those 50,000 IUs were in the form of D2, rather than the better absorbed d3. The prescription wasn't marked, so I just assumed they were giving me something that would actually work. Not so. After a few months on that regimen, another doctor had my levels tested because she was concerned that I had been taking such a high dosage for so long. Lo and behold-- I was still vitamin D deficient.

    So this doctor tells me to just take 2000 IU of regular (OTC) vitamin D3 every day. I decided to take 3000, because I was desperate to see some improvements by this point. That was getting kind of expensive and I still wasn't noticing any dramatic benefits. Then one day I happened across a big bottle of 5000 IU at Sam's. This thing had 400 pills and was only $10. STEAL! Even if I took one every day, this thing would last me over a year. So I bought it and started taking one per day. Thank goodness I did. I finally started feeling human again. A month before starting the 5000 IU (D3) per day, there is no way I could have even thought about exercising on a regular basis. But now I am exercising every day. I have energy. I sleep well. I just feel so much better.

    I had my blood drawn last week. I'll be checking tomorrow to see if they have my results back yet. With any luck, my levels will have finally risen and I will be able to cut back to one pill every other day or something. LOL. Ideally I would get my vitamin D from more natural sources, but I have a couple things working against me. I'm very sensitive to sunlight and I'm lactose intolerant. This means that I will probably need to take a supplement even once my levels do reach a normal range. I'm okay with that, though. Anything beats living my days out in deficiency. That stuff is for the birds!
  • luvmybaby333
    50,000 UI impossible. After 10,000 vit D is toxic. 5000 UI/day for sure. I've been vit D deficient and now after 1 y on supplementation with 2000-3000/day I'am back in business. Hard to evaluate the benefits though.

    What are you saying?
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    I was diagnosed as vitamin D deficient last year. I was put on 50,000 IUs every week. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, those 50,000 IUs were in the form of D2, rather than the better absorbed d3. The prescription wasn't marked, so I just assumed they were giving me something that would actually work. Not so. After a few months on that regimen, another doctor had my levels tested because she was concerned that I had been taking such a high dosage for so long. Lo and behold-- I was still vitamin D deficient.

    So this doctor tells me to just take 2000 IU of regular (OTC) vitamin D3 every day. I decided to take 3000, because I was desperate to see some improvements by this point. That was getting kind of expensive and I still wasn't noticing any dramatic benefits. Then one day I happened across a big bottle of 5000 IU at Sam's. This thing had 400 pills and was only $10. STEAL! Even if I took one every day, this thing would last me over a year. So I bought it and started taking one per day. Thank goodness I did. I finally started feeling human again. A month before starting the 5000 IU (D3) per day, there is no way I could have even thought about exercising on a regular basis. But now I am exercising every day. I have energy. I sleep well. I just feel so much better.

    I had my blood drawn last week. I'll be checking tomorrow to see if they have my results back yet. With any luck, my levels will have finally risen and I will be able to cut back to one pill every other day or something. LOL. Ideally I would get my vitamin D from more natural sources, but I have a couple things working against me. I'm very sensitive to sunlight and I'm lactose intolerant. This means that I will probably need to take a supplement even once my levels do reach a normal range. I'm okay with that, though. Anything beats living my days out in deficiency. That stuff is for the birds!

    I hope your levels are up once you find out your results!!! Thank you for sharing your story.
  • Survivor1997
    Survivor1997 Posts: 59 Member
    Bump to read later.
  • jenslife82
    I was diagnosed as vitamin D deficient last year. I was put on 50,000 IUs every week. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, those 50,000 IUs were in the form of D2, rather than the better absorbed d3. The prescription wasn't marked, so I just assumed they were giving me something that would actually work. Not so. After a few months on that regimen, another doctor had my levels tested because she was concerned that I had been taking such a high dosage for so long. Lo and behold-- I was still vitamin D deficient.

    So this doctor tells me to just take 2000 IU of regular (OTC) vitamin D3 every day. I decided to take 3000, because I was desperate to see some improvements by this point. That was getting kind of expensive and I still wasn't noticing any dramatic benefits. Then one day I happened across a big bottle of 5000 IU at Sam's. This thing had 400 pills and was only $10. STEAL! Even if I took one every day, this thing would last me over a year. So I bought it and started taking one per day. Thank goodness I did. I finally started feeling human again. A month before starting the 5000 IU (D3) per day, there is no way I could have even thought about exercising on a regular basis. But now I am exercising every day. I have energy. I sleep well. I just feel so much better.

    I had my blood drawn last week. I'll be checking tomorrow to see if they have my results back yet. With any luck, my levels will have finally risen and I will be able to cut back to one pill every other day or something. LOL. Ideally I would get my vitamin D from more natural sources, but I have a couple things working against me. I'm very sensitive to sunlight and I'm lactose intolerant. This means that I will probably need to take a supplement even once my levels do reach a normal range. I'm okay with that, though. Anything beats living my days out in deficiency. That stuff is for the birds!
    Thank you for sharing. I need to be retested in the next couple of weeks to see if I'm up any. I hope it starts giving me energy soon! I'm having a hard time forcing myself to exercise the past couple of weeks.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    50,000 UI impossible. After 10,000 vit D is toxic. 5000 UI/day for sure. I've been vit D deficient and now after 1 y on supplementation with 2000-3000/day I'am back in business. Hard to evaluate the benefits though.

    What are you saying?

    Basically that there's a lot of dead people posting in this thread. :laugh: