Stubborn weight loss (or lack thereof)

ducky110807 Posts: 4
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello! My name is Michelle, I'm a 40 year old mom that's been trying hard to lose weight since 3/21. I've had some success (love the site) and have lost 22lbs so far, but I've had a couple of rough months. In the last 30 days I've lost 2.6 lbs. I have burned 13,216 exercise calories and have been under my calorie goal for every one of those days. In the 30 days prior to that, I lost 4 lbs. I am completely dedicated to this and have been at or under calorie goal everyday. I'm honest with my diary, haven't missed a day, watch portion sizes, and log everything (good or bad). I've kicked up the exercise in the past month hoping for better scale results as well. I've added strength training three times a week. I use a heart rate monitor for my exercises so that I get an accurate calorie burn.

I don't think I've ever been so determined to lose weight in all my life. I'm not giving up, but I would like to fix it before I get too discouraged. I'd appreciate any input or suggestions. I still have a significant amount of weight to lose, so it's really important for me to keep making progress. Thanks in advance for your help! :smile:


  • Babybran
    Babybran Posts: 4
    I'm with ya! If you fgure it out let me know too.
  • CBKMom
    CBKMom Posts: 59 Member
    In checking your menu for the other day there is a lot of fat in your diet. I would adjust my settings to get less fat each day and only eat a small amount of healthy fats. Make sure that you get protein and some veggie or fruit with each meal or snack and stop strachy carbs after 3pm. I also do not eat after 8pm (3 hours before bed)
    I have had good success on this along with exercise. My diary is open so see what I have been eating.
    Hope this helps
  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    Hi Michelle, I have found that what I eat even if I stay at our under my calorie goal makes a difference for me. Lots of fruit and raw vegetables will always keep me at or under my goal and it will jump start me again if I have stopped losing. 22 pounds since March is great! Be careful being under your calorie goal too often that always seems to stop the weight loss for me. I hope this helps and I wish you lots of will power and determination.
  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    My personal trainer warned me this week not to expect weight loss at the start of strength training. She said it may happen quickly - it may not - but it WILL happen, just be patient while my body adjusts. I've yet to weigh in since beginning strength training but am enjoying some great NSVs :wink:
  • fanullona
    fanullona Posts: 82 Member
    you should be very proud of yourself. 22lbs is a HUGE accomplishment!! don't get discouraged. look at what you've done so far!
    are you taking measurements of your body? sometimes the pounds dont budge but the body's shape completely transforms. even though i haven't lost as many pounds on the scale as i'd like, my body is completely different now than it was 12 months ago. sometimes when i feel discouraged i try on clothes that i was wearing a few months prior. it's shocking and a real ego boost to see how some stuff just falls off. look for the NSVs and it'll encourage you to keep trudging forward! you can do it! :)
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    I was at a lul for a couple of days, and took a closer look at nutrients. Found my sodium was way high. I'm finding that if something says low fat, check the sodium... they have to put something in there to make it taste rich! I cut way back on my sodium, kept up on protein, fiber and water, and it has worked. I only eat back burned calories if my body tells me I need them. If I'm full enough, I don't need them, but if I'm hungry, tired, weak, etc. I eat them.
  • tannaleigh
    tannaleigh Posts: 188 Member
    I found when I had my calorie goal low that I had a hard time losing weight. Now that I am eating more (1400 calorie goal) I find its much easier to lose weight. I also do not eat after 7pm and I drink a lot of water to get through to bedtime without snacking! I often will allow myself to go up and over my goal one day, and down nice a low another which allows me to eat larger meals or more calorie dense foods some days, and very fresh and raw the next.

    You may need to try a few things to see what works for you, and always remember to get lots and lots of water... drink water like you are getting paid to! :)
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? I have the feeling you need to up your intake due to this fact: the previous month you lost 4 lbs, last month you increased what you burned and only lost 2.6 lbs. For example, at the beginning of the year I was eating 1700 calories plus exercise and losing 1 lb a week. I had a "bad" weekend and lost 4 lbs that week! I then upped my calories to 2000 and lost 2 lbs a week.
  • I am eating back some of my exercise calories, but not all. My BMR is 1,832, my net calorie goal is 1,290. I guess looking back at the report it shows that out of the past 30 days, I had 6 days where my net calories were 1,200. The other days I was well under 1,200 net calories. As for eating late, I never eat after 6:30, and I do drink tons of water. Water and maybe 3 cups of coffee w/milk a week are the only things I drink. I did not take measurements, but I do see NSV. My clothes are loose or too big, I can tell my muscles are firming up and I have more endurance. I do appreciate those things, but with so much weight still left to lose, I can't get past the fact that I want to see the scale moving as well. I *try* not to obsess over the scale and only weigh myself on days that I feel like I've had a loss...unfortunately, most days there's no loss to be had. :ohwell:

    I appreciate all the responses! This is such a great site!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I am eating back some of my exercise calories, but not all. My BMR is 1,832, my net calorie goal is 1,290. I guess looking back at the report it shows that out of the past 30 days, I had 6 days where my net calories were 1,200. The other days I was well under 1,200 net calories. As for eating late, I never eat after 6:30, and I do drink tons of water. Water and maybe 3 cups of coffee w/milk a week are the only things I drink.

    I appreciate all the responses! This is such a great site!

    Definitely sounds like you need to be eating more to up your net calories. Give that a try for a couple weeks.
  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    I say increase your calories sounds like your body is going in to starvation mode. Don't get discouraged, and never go hungry...grab an apple or something healthy and keep your calories up!! Good Luck!!
  • Based on what you're saying, I think you also need to up your calories a bit. About 6 weeks ago now, I was at a standstill and moved my daily goal from 1200 to 1300..not a big difference but it totally changed things for me. You really need to feed the body if you're exercising a lot.

    Also, I agree with taking a closer look at WHAT you're eating. Where can you make some improvements? Start by removing one or two processed foods and replacing them with more whole natural foods. Drink MORE than the recommended water, especially as you're doing a lot of exercising.

    Some other things to try....cut sodium, switch your macros to up the protein some and lower the carbs some and see if meeting those goals help!
  • Thanks everyone :) I thought I was trying to zig zag my calories a bit, but realize that probably wasn't working because my exercise was offseting the zig and zag if I was below my net calorie goal.
  • Great job on the weight loss thus far. =) Just remember, even if we're under our calories per day, we also have to keep in mind the type of calories we're taking in. Carbs are something we definitely need to look out for. I'm the same way. I stay close to or near my daily calorie goal and I'm trying to be more conscious about my carb intake because I sure am a sucker for them.
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